For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
A little cupcake bear for my Italian customer (commission) in Milan. She saw my other cupcake bear and HAD to have one for herself.
She saw my other cupcake bear and HAD to have one for herself.
Well, who could blame her?
Just as darling as the first version!
wow! your attention to detail amazes me!! very very adorable!!
I changed the way I sewed the back of the dress. I made it open and like it much better. I am thinking I might need to learn how to make undies.
Helps to add the photo.
Absolutely adorable and such tiny details!!
Warmest bear hugs, :hug:
what a little sweety the lady that commissioned it is a very lucky lady
Snuggles Vicky
What a cutie patootie!!!
She is a sweet as a ....'cupcake' hehe I just love your sweet little bears and the attention to every tiny little detail.
They always make me smile.
cutie pie
She is so sweet.
love your bears.
Man, I swear your bears are just unbelievably cute.... I could just smooch them!
Kimberly W.
I love your cupcakes Jennifer
and Awww, look at the back view
Your bears are so original and so inspiring! I just love them. I love the shot of the back, there isn't much cuter than a bear bootie! :redface:
Great job!
:clap: :clap: You're a fantastic artist Jennifer...I love everything you do...and this piece is especially well done
Your bears are so original and so inspiring! I just love them. I love the shot of the back, there isn't much cuter than a bear bootie! :redface:
Great job!
I was thinking the same thing Aeri, I think it's adorable and especially when you see the back of it and see that little bear butt
(maybe you should needle felt in a little bear butt crack) :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: But seriously it is adorable and I love the cupcake idea very sweet.
big hugs
maybe you should needle felt in a little bear butt crack
that really did cross my mind.
She is very, very sweet. You are so clever.
Warm wishes
ADORABLE!! What a cute little face!!