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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

My friend that passed away, she used to have a pillow that she always took with her to chemo, I think a big fluffy bear that has like a pillow feel, would be really cool,  Something that feels real snuggly, in a soft pink plush, that can also be thrown in the washer. Is that going to be impossible?????? Maybe something out of a soft fleece?????? Something kind of simple.

Katrina's Miniatures Katrina's Miniatures
Posts: 358

I'm sure that can be done.  I love that idea!  I just had a thought, maybe each bear could come with a brochure that has info about breast cancer, what can be done to prevent/detect it, how people can make additional donations...some educational thing like that.  Does that sound like a good idea to anyone?

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Um... the Mission Fish thing... wasn't there something about that and the seller having to be a US resident? I seem to recall listing a number of bears for international artists who weren't able to register with Mission Fish. I have BWS (Busy Woman's Syndrome) so don't remember the details but there was some catch. We got around it... a bunch of us US residents listed bears on eBay for the 'out of country' artists. Just am not sure if it was because of Mission Fish or something else. That was what, two years ago, Shelli? No wonder we don't remember!!!

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

"I just had a thought, maybe each bear could come with a brochure that has info about breast cancer, what can be done to prevent/detect it, how people can make additional donations...some educational thing like that.  Does that sound like a good idea to anyone?"

This is a GREAT idea!!!!!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Daphne wrote:

Um... the Mission Fish thing... wasn't there something about that and the seller having to be a US resident? I seem to recall listing a number of bears for international artists who weren't able to register with Mission Fish. I have BWS (Busy Woman's Syndrome) so don't remember the details but there was some catch. We got around it... a bunch of us US residents listed bears on eBay for the 'out of country' artists. Just am not sure if it was because of Mission Fish or something else. That was what, two years ago, Shelli? No wonder we don't remember!!!

Ack, you're right, Daph!  That was precisely the problem we encountered.  I wonder if it still applies.  Anybody know?  I'm pretty sure "charity" auctions, advertised as such, still require processing thru/with Mission Fish.

Maybe we should use another venue????  Or a combination of venues???

It's up to Jodi but Daphne is right, Jodi; this was a complication in the auctions we ran.

Thanks for remembering that, Daphne.  I didn't list for any international artists so I completely brain farted on this one!   :wacko:

PS  I'd be happy to design a brochure on breast cancer for this effort if there isn't one available for us to download and print out individually.  I could post it to my website and you could download it from there when the time for the auctions rolls around.  Let me know!

boohbears Booh Bears
Glendale, Arizona
Posts: 1,833
Jodi Moisan wrote:

Kim thanks so much!

Janice I knew you had , I was one of the people that made a little note, I can't for the life of me remember who organized that for you, but I thought that was the coolest idea ever. I am sooooo happy for you, and you go girl, I'll do a little dance for you too here at my house.  I would love it if you helped with this.

Chrissi Catherwood has said she would help  too.

Shelli, I did see that on ebay and I am getting the process started, Great Tips! I am thinking Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research looks like a great organization. Unless someone has a better suggestion lets go with that one. I will contact them to make sure they are OK with this idea before we make it official.

I have got a few calls in to some plush manufacturing companies, I know it would be too soon to have this bear in production but maybe the design can be announced during the kickoff. 


*Update..... I talked to someone at the Susan G. Komen organization and they gave me the name of the person that would give us a yes or a no, but the woman I talked to said she didn't feel there would be a problem at all, I'll keep everyone posted.

Hi Jodi - it was Alison McKee that made the little prayer bear!    It was such a wonderful idea.   She raised over $4,000 for breast cancer research last year - she walked the Susan G. Komen 3 Day as well - she's a real treasure!    Let me know how I can help -  Janice

kallie214 Friends "Fur" Life Bears
Gig Harbor, WA.
Posts: 1,534

You can count me in too and if you need any help Jodi, you know where to find me! I would be happy to help you organize this wonderful cause!

Bear Hugs,


Katrina's Miniatures Katrina's Miniatures
Posts: 358
Jodi Moisan wrote:

My friend that passed away, she used to have a pillow that she always took with her to chemo, I think a big fluffy bear that has like a pillow feel, would be really cool,  Something that feels real snuggly, in a soft pink plush, that can also be thrown in the washer. Is that going to be impossible?????? Maybe something out of a soft fleece?????? Something kind of simple.

If someone wants to make a really snuggly bear, the best fabric I can think of is Minkee Blankee by Benartex.  A lot of quilt stores carry it and it is probably the softest fabric ever.  People use it for baby blankets, scarves, cardigans, etc.  I've used it several times for animals and love it.  It washes really well too.  It's short pile, so it won't be really fluffy, but it was made for petting.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122
Rowing Teddy wrote:
Jodi Moisan wrote:

My friend that passed away, she used to have a pillow that she always took with her to chemo, I think a big fluffy bear that has like a pillow feel, would be really cool,  Something that feels real snuggly, in a soft pink plush, that can also be thrown in the washer. Is that going to be impossible?????? Maybe something out of a soft fleece?????? Something kind of simple.

If someone wants to make a really snuggly bear, the best fabric I can think of is Minkee Blankee by Benartex.  A lot of quilt stores carry it and it is probably the softest fabric ever.  People use it for baby blankets, scarves, cardigans, etc.  I've used it several times for animals and love it.  It washes really well too.  It's short pile, so it won't be really fluffy, but it was made for petting.

I am going to check in to this fabric it sounds perfect.

Shelli I would LOVE it if you would want to work on the pamphlet , but I know you are doing so many things, are you sure you would have the time? If you see that you are swamped and can't, it will not upset me if you won't be able to, but Oh my gosh I would love something designed by you, I don't think it would be something that would be too complicated, I think it could be as simple as you wanted to make it.  I should know more by the end of the week.   

Kim and Janice , you guys ROCK!!!!!


I just got off the phone with a company that makes custom plush bears and they are great!!!!!! The cost will not be overwhelming to produce these myself, what it is they would go with my description and then make up a prototype , then could go into production and have the finished product by October for our kick off.  The price to produce this is something I could handle. I still would love to have an established company get involved but if that doesn't happen this is a great option!!!!!!!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Jodi, Jodi, Jodi...your excitement about this project is so much fun to see. In just two days, you've moved this idea in leaps and bounds into a full-fledged undertaking and the growing  excitement in your posts is obvious. It's wonderful that you're doing this and your sis-in-law must be very proud of you. bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Katrina's Miniatures Katrina's Miniatures
Posts: 358

I agree, it is so much fun to see how excited you are.  You're contagious too bear_original  I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm sure you will love the fabric.  I obviously do bear_grin

"I just got off the phone with a company that makes custom plush bears and they are great!!!!!!"

Awesome!  That's exciting!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jodi Moisan wrote:

Shelli I would LOVE it if you would want to work on the pamphlet , but I know you are doing so many things, are you sure you would have the time? If you see that you are swamped and can't, it will not upset me if you won't be able to, but Oh my gosh I would love something designed by you, I don't think it would be something that would be too complicated, I think it could be as simple as you wanted to make it.  I should know more by the end of the week.

It's several months down the road still and I'll MAKE time for a flyer folks can download and print out on their home computers, to include with items sold for this charity event.  I'll just need an idea from you at some point -- later! -- regarding what you'd like included.  I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that there should be some tie-in between serious medical information and the charity event itself?

No need to answer now.  We can discuss as the event approaches.  Happy to help!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Hi Jodie! Way to go Dear Girl. Count me in as well! I lost my Grandma to Breast Cancer and had a scare my self in December! Awesome and I cannot wait! YOU ROCK!

Hugs Louise

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Louis I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother,  I take it, everything came out OK in December, which, if that is the case, I am so happy to hear.

This is such a horrible disease, it effects the area that most of America seems to define us women, our breasts, and it attacks that area and as in my sisters case she has had both breast removed , so not only do you worry about losing your life you have to suffer losing the thing that makes us feel womanly, I promise you if there was a disease that could kill men, but first make them have to lose their "you know what" there would be a cure in no time.

Shelli, I will keep you up to date as we get more worked out. thank you

I did hear from the Susan G Komen people and I will be filling out the info to get this all official, they said it should be no problem at all, so far so good.

My husband is on a business trip and I talked to him tonight on the phone and told him about the idea of us producing this bear ourselves and he gave me the green light on that too.  This would be a non profit venture and if no established company comes forward, I will get going on this, they said we can have them ready by the time the campaign starts, but I will need to let them know soon.

I went to the fabric store to get some pink practice fabric today so to start designing my artist bear for the auction ( I seem to make 3-4 bears before I get the pattern just right and am willing to make it in more expensive fabric) and I was standing in line and the woman in front of me commented about how pretty the fabric was and asked what I was making , I told her and she began to tell me she had lost her daughter to breast cancer and her daughter  had small children the oldest being 5,  my heart broke for her, but she told me she thought what all us artists were doing was wonderful and wished us success and she grabbed my hand and said, " you tell your friends they are wonderful people and God bless them"   I couldn't have said it to you guys any better!


Oh I also just checked Intercal's choices of pink mohair and they have tons of wonderful choices, I just put the word pink in the search area and it came up with 6 or 7 pages with pink in it.

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Jodi: The last paragraph of your post where you were talking with a lady while standing in just gave me chills. It seems no matter where you are someone has been touched in some way by breast cancer.

I'm just so impressed that you had a little idea, wanted to help in some small way, and in a few days you've really gotten things moving. I think your idea is going to be such a success that it will become an annual event. I'm afraid that I'd  still be stumbling around trying to figure out what to do. I sincerely applaud you.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Jodi, you are astonishingly efficient, organized, and so enthusiastic - I marvel at how quickly you are getting the right things accomplished.  Truly, you are the very opposite of me . . . I'm a total slug . . . and I so admire these qualities that you possess.  What a fantastic idea you've had and have taken off with!  Bravo and kudos to you and the rest of you nice people that have volunteered to help in some way.   bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

I think this has moved so fast because so many people have been touched by this in some way and are so generous in spirit that there is a positive energy I just think is making things happen.

When my sister inlaw told us she had been diagnoised it brought me back to when I lost my friend Jill, I was so devastated, she was so young and such a lovely person, her youngest son almost lived at my house when her illness was at it's worse, he is best friends with my youngest and Jill and I always marveled at how close they were. They seemed to need each other, my son has a mild degree of autism and Hunter had to deal with his mothers illness almost his whole life. They connected in a way I have never seen before. After we lost Jill  I look at her son and I am filled with such a sadness, because his life changed forever, he will hardly remember how fabulous his mother was, but I made a promise to Jill I would do everything I could to help him to remember her, maybe if he sees what good can come out of this event, that his moms spirit is still here, as with all those loved ones we have lost.

Big Hugs

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694

I'd love to participate as well Jodi. Something to keep in mind, from what I remember, ebay charity auctions thru missionfish can only be done by US based accounts, not sure about Canada, I ran into trouble trying to do a charity auction for the Tsunami? So maybe someone would have to list international artists bears for us or something if it was to be on Ebay.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Karen Thank you so much for the info, I do think that is what needs to happen, I just need to figure out how to do it.
I sent in the application to the Susan G. Komen people they said it will take around 30 days to approve, but I put in it we may need it to be approved quicker and they said that most likely will not be a problem.

I saw in another thread where you can create a blogg so I made one for this event, it is not how it will stay, I just wanted to get something going. heres the link

Katrina's Miniatures Katrina's Miniatures
Posts: 358

Cool!  It's so neat to see how far this has come already!  Great job Jodi!  Is there anything I can do to help?

tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

Hi Jodi
If overseas can participate -count me in too. It´s a great idea
I would be more than happy to donate a bear.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know we have shortened the name of our event, we are still "Bear Hugs Against Breast Cancer" but this event will be called

"Bear Hugs for Hope" 

Chrissi and I threw back and forth some names and we liked this one, we almost went with just "Bear Hugs" but when Chrissi googled it, it came up with a weird site, ewwwwww.   bear_shocked

NewelleyBears Newelley.Bears
Harrow, Ontario
Posts: 284


     What a GREAT idea!!!!  If I can get one of my own patterns finally created by then, I will definately participate as well...Two of my aunts are currently struggling with breast cancer, so this really hits close to home.

Thanks SOOOO Much For Creating Such An Amazing Opportunity To Help Those In Need!!!


Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

How's this for a find: … dZViewItem

Pink ribbon material bear_original I'm gonig to get some and make a bear dress i think.... after exams XD

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Wow thats cool fabric !!!

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