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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128


My last auction  which was on Bid4Bears has yet to be paid closed on April 15.  I clearly stated (I just checked to be sure) that payment was to be made within 24 hours but to contact me if other arrangements needed to be made as I was flexible.  The person who won the auction asked for the following problem...I'm easy to work with.   I've response.  Do I email again...or just email them and say that I'm making the bear available to other buyers and go on...not that I have anyone currently interested but at this point I don't feel as though they will be paying.  I realize life happens...I would just like to be communicated with even if it's a line of B.S.

Now today I get an email from Singapore via Bearpile and I'm feeling a bit....nervous...totally NOT like me.  I'm usually the person who says "oh you should be trusting...not everyone in the world is a scam artist."   :crackup:   :crackup:


Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

Oh, that's awful: I've only been a buyer so far and I usually pay within the hour: I think you need to e-mail them and say that you've given them more than enough time, and if they fail to reply again you will have to relist the bear... no point in being too nice about it if they've already ignored you once.

Good luck selling again! (If necessary, obviously XD)

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

They asked you for the following Friday, probably a payday thing, but now you're seeing no funds and no replies. Yes life happens, but this is a business too. We make fluffy lovely bears, but it doesn't mean we have to be fluffy doormats in order to be customer caring.  You were flexible, you were professional and you agreed to accommodate their needs. You even took the time to email once more.  Now you're seeing nothing in return. I'd relist the bear, you're looking at nearly 3 weeks since your auciton ended.  Send them an email to let them know, keeping you as a very decent business person in the end.  They can't claim you were unfair.

What's bid4bears policy on buyers like this? (I'm wondering outloud) Are they blocked so they can't re-register under a new name and do this again?? Or will this just be a negative feedback type thing for this buyer?? Now I'm curious...gonna go look out there.


valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

I would definitely re-list now Shantell, I haven't used Bid4Bears yet but on Ebay you get some people change their minds after bidding and then try to play the system for more time and more time and if the communication has given up now I would be suspicious. 

I have had this happen to me just lately on Ebay, in fact I have a little bear on Ebay right now, that I  re-listed last Sunday whom was originaly won by a lady but I didn't hear from her for a while and after a couple of weeks she eventually got in touch with me and said she needed more time for personal reasons. I agreed but she did not communicate with me and eventually I opened an unpaid item dispute and after about 2 months with no replies to communication I have just closed it and got my fees back and a free re-list as after 60 days, Ebay would have closed it anyway and I would have lost my fees and free re-list and she would have gotten away without getting an unpaid item strike and I think that was her plan.  I feel awful about re-listing him too, I was worried it might make people be suspicious about me too.

It is a shame when this happens as you do lose trust in people but I don't think it happens too often and I would try not to be too worried about the possible Bearpile customer, you don't want to lose a possible collector.  It may genuine.

Warm wishes

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Shantell Do you still have Snickerdoodle? Jenn

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Aww...Jenn, of course... bear_wub

kallie214 Friends "Fur" Life Bears
Gig Harbor, WA.
Posts: 1,534

Hello Shantell. Im sorry to hear about your buyer not paying promptly. If I was you, I would make a final attempt to contact her and let her know it is your final attempt before the item is no longer available to her and appropriate feedback left. If that doesn't get her attention, nothing will unfortunately.
I think we have all had situations like this before and I am just thankful they dont happen often!
I wish you the best of luck on resolving this.

Lemon Wolf

(sorry I dont know your name)...can I ask why you left her positive feedback on B4B if she didnt pay??
I would NEVER leave feedback for someone who hasn't send payment so Im just curious as to why you would do that and then relist on ebay saying she is a non paying bidder.
Inquiring minds wanna know.....

Bear Hugs,


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Shantell, you still have your bear, she renigged on her agreement I would relist.  There is no harm in allowing some slack and no foul if she doesn't pay.  Personally I think she is an goof for not buying your bear, you make adorably wonderful and HAPPY bears bear_wub  bear_wub

Dear "Lemonwolf"
You stated;

I don't think they take the bids as seriously on B4B as on Ebay.

I know Nancy T. quite well, as do many of our fellow TT's,  and I can assure you and everyone else here at TT that she does indeed take everything about B4B extremely seriously.  It is her business, her name, her reputation.  I personally have sold many gollies through B4B and had no problems whatsoever!

When we change the "rules" for payment on e-bay or B4B privately between seller and buyer, it is not the responsibility of the management at e-bay or BiB.  It then becomes our own mistake and we cannot expect e-bay or B4B to foot the costs for our mistakes.  We must be responsible sellers prior to making private arrangements.  And if we have to pay selling fees twice we will think twice prior to making private arrangements.

I have made private arrangements in the past and have yet to be stung.  But I am aware that it is my responsibility if the buyer then doesn't pay.  I am sorry you were stung but  this happens when we change the rules.

Please think about these things before making blanket statements that could potentially cause problems.  I am hoping you only have the best interests at heart, not only of this situation but the industry in general.

Sincerely and with best wishes and gollyhugs,


SillyBear Posts: 15
Lemon Wolf Bear 1 wrote:

Hi,  My first bear on Ebay sold to a lady who I agreed to let make payments on with a $100 down payment, but the same thing excuse after excuse, why she hadn't sent the $100, so I asked her if I should just relist, and she said yes, which of course costs me more money, so I have relisted on Ebay and it worked out for the better, I am already above her bid by $375.  I don't think they take the bids as seriously on B4B as on Ebay. I don't think there is as much of a threat to them as far as feedback goes, thus they think they can bid if if tey don't know if they can even afford it.

?????????????????????? am I missing something, you say on B4B they don't take bids as seriously as on ebay because you say "there isn't as much of a threat to them as far as feedback goes, thus they bid if they don't know if they can afford it", but yet you gave instant feedback, that isn't Bid4Bears fault is it????????????

I like that there is more places to  buy then just ebay, Bid4bears is a welcome addition.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Silly Bear,
what an adorable it by any chance a baby blanket-my first thought, "What a lucky baby"  too too cute, well done!


SillyBear Posts: 15

Thanks Dilu, Yes it is, I made it for my future grandson.

Are there anymore quilters on here?????????????

SillyBear Posts: 15

Do you appliqué quilt or patchwork quilt?
I like both, I belong to a quilting club that seems like we get more talking done then quilting.

SillyBear Posts: 15

I know what you mean, we always joke that if we didn't talk so much we would get twice as many quilts made.

But it wouldn't be half as much fun.

SillyBear Posts: 15

Hey why do you think we took up quilting in the first place, Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

I'm a quilter, too, Silly Bear...also a beader and right now into chain maille as well.  I'm afraid I haven't done much quilting lately and my daughter constantly reminds me her quilt sits nearly done, but not quite. I have to be in the proper frame of mind, though.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

I think I've tried nearly every needle art there is with the exception of needlefelting and quilting!  I have like 12 quilting books though... I just keep buying them everytime I see one that catches my eye... just SO beautiful!  Why haven't I given it a go?  I'm afraid that the addiction would comsume me!  Same with needlefelting!  The owner of my favorite little, local fiber/yarn store told me that needlefelting was the "crack cocaine" of needle arts!   :crackup:  So, I've avoided that one, worried that I'd start sticking everything I own with that little barbed needle!  bear_grin  I love looking at quilts so much that I am afraid that quilting would be the same way for me! 

Kim Basta

SillyBear Posts: 15

My addiction is buying fabric, I can't seem to get enough of it.
What is chain Maille????????????????????
I have seen some bears on here that are needle felted and they are wonderful, I don't think I could do it, with quilting I am following a pattern.
Lemon wolf bear 1 , Happy quilting to you too

Dilu that golly on your picture that is displayed is so cute, I have to show her to a friend of mine she collects gollys.

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Just my 2 cents but I don't bid on may bears I would love to have because I simply can not afford them.  If you love a bear but cant affod it dont bid it is unfair to the artist.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
SillyBear wrote:

What is chain Maille????????????????????

Hi !  And please Marlys, do correct me if I am wrong.... Chain Maille, as I am familiar with, is the linking of a zillion tiny jump rings into a type of "fabric."   Like the knights used to wear chain maille shirts and sometimes headcoverings so that a rival swordsman would have less of a chance of penetrating their skin with a sword/knife.... Neat stuff! 

Kim Basta

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

As for folks who bid more than they can reasonably afford... I recently had a run-in with someone like that on eBay.  She won one of my bears, then didn't contact me for over a week, despite repeated attempts to contact her in a friendly way.  When I did finally hear back from her she insisted that she was going to send me CASH!  Not even US cash, but Austrialian cash, and she didn't want to air mail me... surface only.  It would have taken a year for me to get paid, and what am I going to do with Austrialian cash!   bear_ermm  bear_wacko

I had to file an unpaid item report, and when I went to leave feedback for her, she had already been kicked off eBay for buying a bunch of jewlery that she hadn't paid for either.   bear_angry   So, because she was "no longer a registered user,"  I couldn't even leave her the negative feedback that was warranted. 

I ended up doing a Secong Chance Offer to the next highest bidder, everything worked out fine. 

I do feel badly for people who bid more than they can afford, but there IS such thing as restraint... right?  My eyes are are bigger than my wallet in many case too, and you know what, I save up or just go without!   bear_thumb

Kim Basta

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Yes, Kim, you're correct. It is and ancient art and how people created armor vests and other protective clothing centuries ago and some people still do that type of thing, mostly with metal or aluminum rings. You can google chain maille and come up with all kinds of sites.

I'm new at it, but today's craze and what I'm interested in, is for fine jewelry made of jump rings from sterling silver, gold, gold filled, copper...just about anything you want to use. I mostly use sterling silver though I did make a bracelet for my husband in gold filled. Currently I am loving the Byzantine weave, the first one I learned. I've also made bracelets using the Parallel Chain weave and Conundrum weave.

If you're interested to see what people can do with jump rings, I love these sites:      

Thank you for asking...

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I sent Nancy an email regarding Bid4Bears policy on nonpaying bidders but I haven't heard back from her yet.  I couldn't find anything on the site (it's probably a snake and would bite if someone else found it...please point me in the right direction... bear_original )

I've sent my nonpayer a final email requesting that she get back to me with her intent no later than Tuesday...and if I haven't heard from her then I will assume (that nasty word) that she is no longer interested and I will be making my little dumpling available to other hungry buyers.   :crackup:

We'll see what happens.  I'll either get paid...get ignored...but I better not get negative feedback...I'll be PISSED!!!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Well...I guess that answers that email just came back to me as "undeliverable...permanent fatal errors"...she has blocked my email as SPAM!!!

I'll be contacting Nancy...right away!!! How rude...I've emailed her TWICE!!!

Cat Gabriel Cat Gabriel Crafts
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 923

I recently had trouble with a commission piece can you believe it.  I'd finished the piece, emailed her photos and the price and I didn't hear from her for 3 weeks!  She didn't respond to emails at all.  I sent one last email saying if she doesn't contact me soon I'll be putting it on ebay instead.  She paid within the hour.

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

What a trip that one sorry Shantell.
This is where I'm hoping that blocks might be put on either IP addresses, mailing addresses, names, credit card info, or something so that these gals/guys can't register again under a new name.  I wonder if ebay is playing with some of us....(conspiracy theory bear_whistle )...trying to take out any competion that presents itself.  Why not, they either own everything else or bought everything else to dismantle or shutdown.  OR maybe the antihistamines are still making me wooooozy in the head and I should go to bed bear_grin



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