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Jennskains Posts: 2,203

I am looking to start gathering supplies.  I am on a budject.  what do you recommend?  I don't want to sacrifice quality.  Any advise?  Jenn

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I think Intercal has great pricing on mohair and you can get little bits, too, if you just need a tiny bit of something.

I use the premium glass eyes from Intercal with the u-shaped loops and find they match up EXACTLY without ever needing to be carefully paired, so that saves me lots of time and re-orders to get pupils, corneal depth, etc., to match. 

I buy my disks here too, in bulk.  I use the hardboard ones with 1/4" center holes.

I grab washers and cotter pins, nuts, and bolts, at the hardware store, and I buy in bulk; again, because it's cheaper per piece, and I know they'll eventually get used.

I get embroidery floss at Michael's, Hancock Fabrics, or JoAnne Fabrics, and I buy bb's and polyfil at Walmart in huge boxes, several boxes at a time.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I agree with Shelli. What can I say.
You can also check ebay though. Sometimes you can get a good 'lot' for cheap, and collect lots of supplies at once. That's how I did it.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Shelli is right on!  Intercal does have great quality mohair for less money and most of the other supplies you will need!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I buy a majority of my mohair from Edinburgh Imports because I love the softness and shine of Schulte mohair which Edinburgh has a huge selection of. They have 'weekly web specials' with some great deals on small cuts. You can get on their email list to receive weekly notices on their specials. I also buy most of my supplies from them but get some mohair from Intercal and have started getting my eyes from them too.... better quality and they almost always match without spending 10 minutes trying to find an identical pair.

eBay is a great place to get some good deals! (Check out my auctions as I've got some mohair and synthetics and patterns listed right now!) That was actually how I started too.  :D

Spare Bear Parts, Beary Cheap, CRs Crafts.... are all great resources. I don't know what country you live in but that will make a difference as to your sources too.

You'll have to shop around for the deals that meet your needs and budget.... none is cheap in bear making! bear_sad bear_grin

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_laugh Hi Jenn,

Ah, one of my favorite topics!

I'm a beginner, but I've tried Edinburgh, Intercal, Beary Cheap, CRSCrafts, and DiscoJoints&Teddies for mohair, synthetics, eyes and growlers--I cut my own discs with a holesaw attached to a power drill.

I order leather cord, artificial sinew and horsehair from and beads, including glass teeth (called daggers) and claws from

I have to agree that Intercal has the best prices on mohair, the best deals on the greatest variety of mohair and definitely the best eyes--unless you want to go all the way and buy eyes from Edinburgh's growlers are nicer and sound a bit deeper than DiscoJoints&Teddies'.

I've scored some good deals on eBay, but only on odd-sized pieces. Otherwise the bids can go too high, and you're better off buying from Intercal.

Schulte is beautiful mohair, but I find that if I wash Hembolt or Norton mohair in warm water and lots of hair conditioner, it's just as silky as Schulte.

As you can no doubt tell, I've got more supplies than finished bears! I have a really, really bad time every Friday when the Intercal newsletter arrives in my inbox, but I promised hubby I'd slow down . . . for a while . . . if I can. ;)


Dilu Posts: 8,574

When I have extra money I can fool arund on e-bay- but you takes your chances...

I started out almost exclusively with Intercal- they had sales, specials, left overs from shows was worth it-  I was able to build up a comfortable stash.  I live around a few bear makers and they are all Schulte Snobs. (Sorry Daphne, I don't think your a snob, but these ladies look down their patrician noses at anything other than.....:) ) But I have made a couple of bears out of Hembold and had them gush about the fab Schulte.....Till I told them.  Now they are grudgingly looking a little more closely at Intercal- however since they aren't computer literate, (like I am?) I have to do the's worth it. 

Have you been perusing the Intercal pages?  So worth it!

And I love that you can buy in bulk, which really saves you money if yu are making golies by the dozens....And don't skimp on eyes.  Get the best, the circular loop ones can break when you crimp them! Ouch!  Not so much the bigger ones but in the begining when I bought the cheaper glass eyes alot of them broke, sizes 5 and down.  So I switched to the really nifty U shaped ones, like Shell mentioned.  I never have a break and they always go in nicely.  And that means less stress.  Always looking for ways to de-stress.

You can do computer searches for Upholstery thread and nose thread if you want, when I started I did do the searches.  I went to everyplace I could think of and used several search engines.  It turned out, for me, that Intercal prices were either the same or extreamly close and since there is that nifty gizmo ' spend $200 and get $10 off ' I stopped goofing around.  The $10.00 off makes my shipment cost.  And then there's Johanna.  You aren't going to get her anyplace else, and she  really tries to make every order perfect, calls when something has to be substituted etc.  So service-wise in my book they are tops. 

My Edinburgh customer service story- I saw some synthetic on their web site, and had some questions so I called.  They gave me to someone named Elke and she got angry at me and said "we don't have synthetics"  Okey dokey.....then why are they on the computer site?  That kind of turned me off on their customer relations.

(nope- I am not on the Intercal payroll bear_grin )

Shelli gets her washers etc. at a hardware store, but for me, cuz we've checked on it, Mr. wWish-I-Could-Live-In-A-Hardware-Store checked on prices.  Intercal is cheaper than either of the local hardware stores. the bolts and nuts and washers come in bulk at Intercal- and I know they will match up.  Can't always say the same at the local hardware stores. :/. 

So I guess it depends on where you live, and what you have available.  Obviously I have less available cuz of the ruralness, but I can aways count on Intercal.

And then there's the Birthday factor.  UPS comes and it is like a birthday or Christmas.  So that's pretty neat too.

4 times a year I "get" to go to Walmart,( its a long drive) they have polyfill in gigantic boxes and we really stock up- they also have silly things, template plastic, water erasable pens, markers, pins, embroidery floss.  45 cents vs 80 cents at the sewing store- which I haven't been in in over a year.  There is always something new and interesting.

What else.....yep to the hair conditioner-  you won't be able to tell them apart.

Edinburgh did have a white sale in January; which tickeled me pink-  all the white fabrics on sale- so I stocked up and yes they have weekly specials.  But mostly I stay here.

Beary Cheap does have some things you can't find here, and the exchange rate about makes up for the shipping. 

Daphne- is this a new bear in your avatar?  Or am I loosing whats left of my mind.  So cute-The Avatar seems brighter, lighter and I don't know, just cuter...What did you do?

It is fun to look at what is available on ebay; for instance Our own Daphne has patterns there- And there is an interesting set of tools, hemstats, tweesers ect there right now.....stuff like that....

Oh well

I ramble

hugs to you Jenn, it can be rough financially getting a stash built up but once you are there it is a lot easier staying there; so don't give up. This is why we joke about beans and rice....pretend you are living on the left bank of Paris in a walk up and sacrificing for your art! bear_tongue


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh, I'm a Schulte Snob and I admit it! (I know there are a few others here but I won't name names and don't expect them to be as vocal about it! But you know who you are!) :lol::lol:

Yes, conditioning and washing helps..... but for me it's time consuming and then I have to SMELL what ever I use for conditioner which after 8-10 hours on a bear is a bit much. Also, when I've done that I get fuzzies or frizzy fibers that I can't brush off so the bear looks fuzzier than I'd like.

There are a couple of bear shows I do that have both Edinburgh & Intercal (Hi Dale!) reps on site with mohair. So, you can really compare side by side the differences. What IS nice is that each has some very unique textures or colors that the other doesn't so in a way the companies compliment eachother nicely.

Hugs from the Snob :P,

Dilu- That bear in my avatar is made of Schulte Kid Mohair bear_laugh and yes, it's a new avatar I just put up a few days ago.

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Us girls in Australia have just been discussing this...we usually buy from Gerry's but are having problems with the new owners..they don't seem to know what customer service is.  The mohair keeps coming to us in tiny packs all crushed.  They tell us to wash it, but I don't think we should have to when we pay for postage.  I even had a piece that shed...I sent it back and can you believe they brushed it to death so that it had bald spots all over and sent it wasn't shedding any dah!!

Anyway, I've been looking at international places...worked out that Edinbourough works out to be around $10 more a piece on large orders with their discount...haven't looked into Intercal thouroughly coz it is a bit daunting with all they have...but will do..It all seems the same tho, too expensive once you add postage.
Beary Cheap is great and I love their service, but their range is just not that great for my type of bears...

And I'm a schulte snob too Daphne lol :rolleyes:

Hugs sarah

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Sarah give Teddy Bits and Bear Essence a try, they are Victorian suppliers, especially if you are not happy with Gerrys.

The links can be found on my website under Links.

Good Luck

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Okay cool...never heard of Bear Essence so will go now and look
Thanks Karen bear_original

Twisted Whiskers Singapore
Posts: 15

For me. beary cheap has lower shipping cost compared to Gerry's.  So if it's Australia shopping, then I'd normally go with beary cheap.  Actually, it's more worthwhile for me to buy from Edinburgh & Intercal compared to Australia.  Though Australia is nearer to Singapore, compared to US on the other side of the world, the postal is almost the same.  Time to delivery is longer for US, but it's worth the wait! 
I love Intercal's prepak specials.  I have a hard time resisting buying them... running out of closet space. 
I've been trying to find steel shots in Singapore, still no luck.  It's way too expensive to ship from overseas due to the weight...

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Daphine, Hi hon!  I don't think you're a snob!:D  it will take me awhile to get everythig.  I have my little crochet bear that I will be working on!!!!  Jenn

Koala Adorable Bears
Posts: 149

I live in Australia and buy from whoever has what I want. I have purchased for both Intercal and Edibururgh Imports for a few years now and find them both very good. The post is not too bad as I am often saving on specials or buying  1 yard pieces . It would be too expensive to buy in 1/4 yard pieces.
I still buy from Beary Cheap and while their range is not as good, they still sell a reasonable range of mohair etc. i am just waiting for a delivery from them for their mohair dyes. They had them especially made for mohair. Again I find it very much cheaper to buy form them in w/sale  quantities.
Glass beads I buy buy the bucket from a roadworks company...they use it to mix with the painted white lines .
Stuffing....I buy new clean wool from a knitting mill and they deliver it free of freight charge.
Hope this helps someone out there.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

I really like was several of the bear supply companies have been doing with the pre-pac specials..... I've bought some that way from Intercal and one through DiscoJoints and Teddies.  Even if I am only really interested in two of the selections theey have chosen, having the other two forces me to be a bit more adventurous with my color choices in the bears themselves.... I've been very pleasantly surprised with the bears I've created using a color, or a pile length that I ordinarily would NOT have chosen but for the great pricing.  I also LOVE the end cuts section on Intercal!!!!! That's where I get most of my fabrics.

Beary truly,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Susan, I would love to know your contact please ;)

Stuffing....I buy new clean wool from a knitting mill and they deliver it free of freight charge.
Hope this helps someone out there.

Koala Adorable Bears
Posts: 149

I purchase wool filling from Bendigo Woollen Mills...Ph. 0354424600. If you buy 3kg. delivery is free. the cost is $36. I find I can pack it hard or soft and the  needle pulls through easily when stitching the nose.
They also sell beautiful knitting yarns and will include a sample card with your filling is you ask.
Susan     bear_original

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Intercal is great and they have wonderful specials on their mohair.
Also eyes and pearl cotton etc and eveything that you need to make a Bear. The package comes in a cardboard box and is always very quick, coming from the other side of the world.


jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I love both Intercal and Edinburgh Imports ...I buy equally from both...I buy lots of my mohair from Intercal....but most of my synthetics from Edinburgh. They are both very efficient and even with the shipping to the UK much cheaper than our UK equivalents for the quantities I buy in.

I'm always on the look-out for a good supplier of faux fur...I have tried a few but as yet ..apart from Edinburgh ...haven't found a good regular supplier...


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


I have only one small piece of Edinburgh's synthetic, but it's outstanding--thick, soft and very nicely tipped. I'm thinking 'squirrel'. I bought it through an eBay auction from a lady who was selling bits of her late mother's mohair stash. She advertised and sold the synthetic as mohair, but I'm not complaining!

I've bookmarked a site that looks good, though I haven't yet ordered from it

the fur looks very nice, and the prices are right--has anyone tried this one?


All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Buying the metal work for your bears from your local hardware supplier is a great idea.  Here in the UK, we have the 'Yellow Pages' which is good for sourcing stuff like that.  Sometimes it works well to think 'outside' the usual teddy bear suppliers for the 'boring bits'.  I have a great supplier ten minutes drive from my door and I buy all my split pins, nuts n' bolts and washers from him. 

Even though I'm in the UK and have to pay for shipping from the States, I can't recommend Intercal's selection of fabric and their pricing too highly.  For me, the dollar rate is great at present (and has been even better in the recent past) so buying from the US isn't a problem.  Bear in mind though, there are some overseas companies which will send goods through to you that might require payment of import duty when they reach customs.

Here in the UK we have a great supplier that concentrates mainly on fillings.  Purchasing in bulk from him is definitely cheaper than buying smaller amounts from 'teddy bear' suppliers.  (Maybe they probably buy direct from him too!)

All in all, it's definitely worth taking some time to work out exactly what your money will buy you and where.  You might get some surprising answers!

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I am pretty new to bear making so this is currently what I order/who I order from

Mohair - on ebay - I want Intercal mohair soooo bad but will wait until I make more profit...
Synthetics - JoAnne Fabrics or ebay
Glass eyes - ebay or Michaels for glass beads for the teeny ones - I will order from Intercal when I make some money (as with Mohair)
Ribbon - I am a Ribbon-o-Holic, I admit it... I buy from everywhere!
Metalware - Home Depot
wire for arms/legs - Home Depot
Pellets and polyfill - Walmart
decorations - anywhere I can find what I want...

I pretty much look for a deal bear_original

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Daphne-you can call yourself all you want.....but it wont do you any god, we'll alll still love ya to bits!



Black Forest Bears Haus of Bears, Inc.
Posts: 311

Since Years I been buying ALL my Supplies from Edinburgh, til I accidently stumbled over this Board here and checked out Intercal
I wish I heard of them before, their prices are incredible lower than Edinburgh`s.


jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

thanks for all the info on mohair i will give intercal a go fran

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