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Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn
No Monkey Biz - Domain name registration, hosting

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi all!  I'm back from Vegas where I spent a bit of time at IDEX on Saturday afternoon, before the TOBY banquet.  I met Judi Paul, one of our Advisors here at TT and a supremely talented, funny & sweet artist.  I am the cherubic midget on the right (she's really tall and reed thin!), holding her gloriously beautiful MUSA.  Lucky me!  Honestly, that lion is just killer cute and impeccably made.


I was also completely jazzed to finally meet Mindy Kinsey, Editor of Teddy Bear & Friends magazine, who is as cute as a button while being completely credible and competent, and she's just so, so nice (and funny) to boot.  I hope she posts her photo of "the hair lady" when she gets back to the east coast and unpacks.  She knows who I mean!


It was so fun and wonderful to meet these women both, finally, after so much correspondence with them online or via eMail!  I also got a chance to meet up with members of the Bruin Sisterhood at their booth -- Donna Mettling, Scott Mackenzie, and Diana Ussery... some of my favorite bear people on this earth. 


I would have spent more time at the IDEX show & events, but my husband Tim and I booked our trip late, and couldn't get a room at the Rio, where it was being held.  The area considered the "Vegas Strip" is surprisingly big -- huge, actually -- and sprawled out, and it was waaaaaaay harder than I imagined it would be, to get from one resort to another; this was my first trip to Sin City!  Even though you might just be travelling "two hotels down" the strip, each hotel/casino/resort is, like, two GIGANTIC city blocks long.  The Rio isn't even technically on the strip; it cost us about $15, including tip, to get there from the Luxor (see map link, below.)  Just FYI, for those who plan to attend IDEX next year (assuming it will be held in the same hotel.)  For more on Vegas, if you're interested, check out these sites:

Map of Las Vegas "Strip" --->
Information about Las Vegas --->

I'll also be posting photos of hotels and sights on my blog.  Click below my avatar to see them if you want to see more of Sin City.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I spaced out and didn't set my camera correctly for a few of these shots, you'll probably notice; I was experimenting with its "scene" feature for the first time, and shifting between "museum" and "portrait" and "landscape" settings from shot to shot.  I messed up a few of my pictures as a result, because I didn't always remember to switch back for the next photo.  Whoops!  That's what happens when you're too busy being engrossed in conversation with cool, talented people.  Live and learn.  In any case, for those shots that were really funky colors (like orange skin, or just completely grainy and out of focus), I just desaturated the images (made them black and white) because I think crummy photos look better that way than in color.  My apologies to the lovely folks featured in thsoe pictures, who deserve to be fully colored in!

My photographic incompetencies aside, I hope you enjoy the eye candy of IDEX!  It was a lovely show, full of pretty dolls and amazingly realistic reborn babies.  The Gallery had some amazing doll pieces. 


The bear artists in attendance were in great spirits and for sure were the friendliest, funniest folk there, although of course I'm biased, and know a few of them so that might explain things a bit.   Here's a group shot.


I really enjoyed meeting several members of the Thread Artist Guild.  Check them out at if you haven't done so already.  These ladies had some really wonderful work on their table, including an itsy bitsy crochet bear by Jan that was maybe an inch tall, if that, but whose picture just didn't at all turn out.  I need to remember to use my macro setting for those super closeups next time!


So did Wendy Brent, who I also met for the first time, and whose bears and buns really impress!  She uses a lot of awesome fur -- long locks, but I'm not sure what it was, actually -- and it just feels like heaven to the touch.  I should know what kind of fur that is.  Shame on me!  Judi brought home one of Wendy's pink poodles for herself.


The IDEX auction bears were displayed on their own table and were so pretty, each one with a nicely framed write-up to its side.  I really was not at my best, photographically speaking, on Saturday, so my apologies for the few out-of-focus shots.  Every one of these bears was superb.  It's my understanding that these pieces are donated by each artist, so praises and compliments to the artists behind the donations not just for their talent, but their heartfelt contribution.


There were a number of doll artists represented; some I recognized and some I did not.  The name Nancy Latham is familiar to me but the work at her booth was not; she wasn't at her table when I walked by so I couldn't ask her about the beautiful prim sweeties she was showing off, but I had to snap a shot of one because that wide eyed thing just gets me every time.


Among the oddest and most wonderful things that happened to me the whole IDEX weekend was this.  I was walking through the Rio casino with my husband, after the IDEX show, and who should I LITERALLY bump shoulders with on my stroll, but my good friend Denise from Chico, and her daughter Katie!  I didn't realize they'd be in town for the show.  They were both holding ball jointed dolls, one of which Katie won at an IDEX event; it was a centerpiece.  Denise will be carrying them at her shop; she came to IDEX as a buyer and store owner.

Denise is well known in doll circles as an expert doll collector and is a published author/appraiser … 8G9DDW.ACA .  She's also THE guide for dolls ( and owns a brick and mortar doll shop here in Chico, called Katherine's Cottage

You probably think I know Denise because of her proximity to me in Chico, or because of our association with the doll/bear niche markets.  But actually, I met and grew to know her because she's "mom" to one of my son's very best and closest friends! 

I love coincidences like this.  It reminds me the world is a smaller place than it sometimes seems.  Here's a pic of me, Denise, and Katie, taken in a VERY dark casino where we probably weren't even supposed to be taking photos at all. 


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

wow, I'm enjoying reading...........thanks .

Looks like fun

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Thanks for the lovely photos.

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Thanks Shelli!  bear_thumb
I really enjoyed reading your report, and seeing your photos.  I have also just read your report on your blog, which was also great fun to read.  You really do have a way with words, which makes me feel like I was actually at these places!!!!! bear_happy

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

Wow! Shelli, sounds like you all had such a great time! Thanks for sharing not only pictures but those joyfull and happy moments of your bear life!

So great you guys met! I'm happy for you! I wish I was there  bear_laugh  :hug:

Hugs, Julia  :hug:  bear_flower

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Thank you for the pictures! I would have loved to be there too!

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

Great Pics!  Thanks for sharing shelli and oh so glad you made it there.  I was beginning to wonder if you would when you were talking about your flight!!!

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

thanks for sharing the great photos Shelli  :hug:

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Loved every word and picture of your story and your blog, too. Thanks.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Super great photos and fantastic narrative to go with them, Shelli!  Looks like a fantasy adventure.  Your airport art pic is incredible . . . what keeps those suitcases from hurtling down on top of the unsuspecting people below?
Sooooooo glad you went and enjoyed the experience!  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

Great Pictures!!!  Thanks!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Here are a few more shots from IDEX, now that I've gotten a bit of rest and could work on them and post.  Enjoy!






WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Wow!!!!  Fabulous pictures Shelli!!!! 

Oh... I am like 98% sure that the fancy kitty is the work of Greg Ortiz.....  Isn't he great!?  THE nicest person too!  He organized the charity auction for the Florida IDEX a while back.  If I'm not mistaken, he does a bear from time to time as well.

Kim Basta

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694

Yup defintely Gregg Ortiz there hehe his work is so distinctive.
   Lovely to see the Wendy Brents there too- I looove her work, I have two bears and  bunny by her, from Toy Fair and IDEX ages ago, boy she's been a long lived artist.
   I love the first doll in your pics, I wonder who did that, shes adorable.  Sigh, wish I could have gone to Vegas IDEX ( I havent even shipped any of my orders from Toy Fair yet lol) , your pics have got me thinking about trying Florida IDEX again now lol....

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Yes, that is Gregg's work! I would know that anywhere.
I gave him one of my patterns (or did he buy it?)  I wonder if he ever made it up???.

Cat Gabriel Cat Gabriel Crafts
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 923

Great photos!  Thanks so much for posting them  bear_original

sheilaleigh Sheila Leigh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posts: 299

Hi Shelli,

Thanks for sharing your photos with us.  It is so nice to see my Elijah on the auction table.  I'm excited to know who much he went for and who took him home.

I love the doll with hat and the lavender dress. She is so pretty!  Was NIADA there?  I have a few friends who are members of NIADA.  I wish I lived closer to all the doll & bear events, but we don't have anything here in Nebraska.

bear hugs,

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Awww Shel,

You're a [each to do this for those of us who souldn't go.  Wonderful presentation, wonderful piccys and I especially love the ones of you and our own Judikins and Mindy,  The works that you highlighted are incredible.  I can't decide if they are inspiring or depressing so I am going with inspiring.  wow-the talent out there!  Thanks for giving us a peek into the bigger picture....



Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Shelli,  bear_flower
Fabulous pictures!!!!!!  I wish I could have been two people on Friday night.  I would have loved to have been at the TT party!!  I missed you at the banquet!!  What's up with that?  I was hoping to catch up with you!!  I'm going to scroll back up and take another look at those fabulous pictures!!

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Thankyou Shelli, I just loved the photos and the writeup.  bear_thumb  :dance:  :dance:

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

wow!!  I would love to have been there to look properly, looks amazing!!!  Thanks for the photos shel  bear_flower

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Thanks so much for sharing, Shelli - a bit strange to see my bears on the auction table - ho hum - I guess that's the nearest I'll get to Vegas!
Sounds like you had a great time - makes up for all the hassles at the airport?
big huggies

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Thanks do much Shelli for sharing your wonderful photos with us.
What fun and glad that you had a good time there.


Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Thanks so much for sharing !! The pictures and art work are just wonderful. Some people are soooooo creative !! I would have loved to have seen it !! And this way I was able to take a a small lookie see !!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well we finally got back very late last night and what a great time we had in Las Vegas! WOW WOW WOW !!!  The lights are dazzling and the melting pot of interesting people are a constant source of entertainment.

It was so great to meet our Shelli.  She is nicer and sweeter in person...if that is even possible.  I barely made the TT party as the Rio is so large it seems it took me forever to find my way around.  I was thrilled to meet Mindy, and other TTer's ( I'm so sorry I cannot even think of everyone's names my head is still spinning form this whilrwind trip).  Scott, if you are reading this, you are a sweetheart.  Donna and Diane and Scott, I just love your work and display at IDEX.  I wish I could have taken more things home...hhhmmm maybe if I only played some Roulette.... bear_whistle

The banquet was very exciting and fun. I was honored to meet Terrie and Aleta...everything went by so fast I wish we had more time to "hang out".  Mark and I tought  line dancing including the Samba line dance.  Mindy was great!  We have photos and will post them just as soon as possible.  She also did a Swing Huslte with my soon.  I lost my camera on Sunday and did some serious searching and it finally turned up at a resturaunt at Ceasars Palace so it is being shipped back to me :dance:

Vegas is a Great place and I would go back in a heart beat.

Now I have to upack bear_wacko


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