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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Were any of you at Kohl's at 4am? Circuit City or Sears at 5am?
How long did you stand in line to pay for your bargains? Were there really great savings?

I went to a few local art shops that were having open houses today..... after sleeping in and having a late lunch.
I avoid the malls with every ounce of my being on the day after Thanksgiving. There is nothing I want THAT badly to fight over parking spaces, listen to screaming kids and stand in long lines. But there IS something about the atmosphere and excitement of it all.

So... tell me about your shopping adventures!?

Or perhaps you stayed home and put up Christmas decorations???

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well Daphne, I'm not a scrouge-I was up at 3 am, only because thats normal for me.  Shopping?

Well I paid my DirectTV bill online......does that count?

I thought not.

Well, I have some things on e-bay but to tell you the truth, except for supplies, there isn't really anything I want or are always necessayry, thats like food, right?  Like chocolate? and chocolate  the staples of life..... bear_grin



chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

I did the 4am Kohl's thing last year and vowed to never do it again.  It was an "experience" that's for sure!!  bear_rolleyes  :crackup:  :crackup: 
Today was my first lazy day in nearly.....well forever!  I stayed in PJs, ate leftovers, rented an on demand movie and even took a nap (can't even recall the last time I took a nap).  Now I'm browsing ebay and etsy for gift ideas....... and trying to figure out if I'm up to making this over the next few months for my niece's first b-day .....what da yah think?? 

Tomorrow I venture out to a few local shops......wishing everyone a happy shopping weekend bear_flower


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I can't believe the shops in the U.S. open that early on a sale day.  I don't think I've ever heard of a shop opening earlier than 8:00 a.m. in Ontario and that's soon enough.  There is absolutely nothing that would make me go shopping at that ungodly hour, especially where there were going to be hoards of people!  bear_wacko
    I  did go shopping today to try and get shopping done for our son.  He will be home for Xmas and he's very particular - he emails me his Christmas list from overseas, complete with ISBN numbers for the books he wants and coloured pictures of every item on the list, including playstation games!  I have to admit it DOES make it easier to find things when you know what you are looking for AND he has been complemented several times by sales people on what a wonderfully precise list he makes.  :crackup:  I got everything on his list in one try - a first for
me! Three people down and two to go bear_thumb



Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

No, I don't do the day after Thanksgiving shopping thing, ever.  We're having our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow (Saturday), so I cooked all day today anyway.  I'll be doing most of my shopping online this year too.

Chrissi, that playhouse is adorable.  Your niece will be a very lucky girl if you manage it.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

2 or 3 years ago I did the early shopping thing.  Got in line at Walmart at 4:30am to get a DVD player for Jen.  It certainly WAS an exerpience... and NEVER again!  I was a little tempted though when I heard our local mall was opening at 2am.... I thought it may not be quite as crowded LOL!

But the Friday after Thanksgiving we always put up the Christmas decorations!  I'm just sitting down now - and need to finish up tomorrow.  Normally Jen helps Bob put up the outside lights.  But she's got a cold and so slept till 1:15 PM today  bear_wacko   So I had to help... and so couldn't finish.

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

You couldn't pay me enough to go out in that mess! bear_laugh

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

i would shop at the local hardware store for gifts ( and have!) before i would go into that nightmare! thats NOT Christmas to me! im with Daphne..local craft fairs..smaller shops etc..i do occassionally shop late on those days..when all the "shoppers" have gone home to bed! Patty ..cut avatar !  deb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jennskains wrote:

You couldn't pay me enough to go out in that mess! :D

Absolutely!  I haven't gone shopping right after Thanksgiving since the 1980s and haven't missed it at all.  Every year I seem to buy more and more over the internet . . . no lines, no parking problems, no crowds, no stress.  Sounds like a plan to me.

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

I didn't get up to go shopping, but my sister-in-law did call me at 5:00AM from the Toys R US store to see what my sons might want for Christmas!!! bear_shocked From the sound of it there were a lot of people there! bear_wacko

I stayed in my P.J.s until about noon then went to the salon to get my hair done. I came home and was treated to my eight year old Brendan teaching me how to sculpt puppies with polymer clay. bear_wub  I went out then to Jo Ann Fabrics and there was not a crowd at 5:00pm. I bought some polar fleece to make "Quillows" for the kids and Sean, and a cute gift box to send my exchange ornament in. I guess you could say that I still have a lot of shopping to do!

What is a Quillow? … uillow.pdf

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Chrissi, I love that playhouse!! And I love to give handmade gifts. I wish I could make something for everyone on my list but time seems to be in shorter supply than money!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Tami - were you cohearant enough at 5am to give your sister the right answers or will your boys be getting Barbies? LOL!

Jenn - you said it!

Sue Ann - I'm with you.... I do a lot of online shopping. Not living near any real stores gives me good reason to stay in my jammies, click away and have the UPS man bring it right to my door.

Chrissi - that play house is so cute!

Patty - Have a wonderful dinner tomorrow!

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Daphne, you know, those early morning bargain shoppers won't be around on the PC to share their adventures--they've got to be sound asleep now!

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

Our outlet mall opened at 12 midnight (150 stores). I shopped until 3:45am and then went home to sleep.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Well I've never heard of going shopping so early, although some of our major food shops are open 24 hours most days, but Christmas shopping at 5am Phooey, no thanks. I hate Christmas shopping, no I'm not mean or anything I just can't get to the things I need whilst riding my mobility scooter as all the aisle in the shops are so crowded with people or have boxes or displays stopping me reaching my target. Online shopping has become the best thing for me at least I don't get prodded by people leaning over the top of me to reach whatever they want.  bear_grin

Hugs, Jane.  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Spiracy Hvalsø
Posts: 38

Never heard of this bear_original but then again we don't celebrate Thanksgiving so that might be the reason why, ugh I hate christmas shopping..
I love giving people things and see a smile on their face, but the shopping part is horrible. (and I do usually love shopping :P)

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

My Christmas shopping is almost complete and I did it with a few simple clicks from home.   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:

I absolutely refuse to put myself through someone elses stress to save 25% -50% in a frenzy and then get home and realize I've spent 25% more on other crap I wouldn't have if I'd been in my right mind.  bear_wacko   I'll pay full price and be reasonable while enjoying my leftovers and napping all day and feeling guilty for eating too much and having just ONE more piece of whatever...pie, icecream, turkey get the picture.  :P

I did contemplate getting my Christmas tree today...but it might be a wee bit too early for that yet...maybe NEXT weekend.  How about...I know...maybe the outside lights...I almost forgot about those.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

okay i just saw ome people who know how to spend the weekend! its  9 am (or was!) and i put snickers out,,he strted barking like  maniac..went to see what vicious blad eof grass was bothering hin ethis time..and there was hot air balloon right over my head! it was so cool to see it so close ( and it must have been COOL its only 40 something here..) and yes my brave doggy had a good reason for barking! who wants to be i a crowd of cranky people arguing about parking spaces when you can be fkying?!  deb

pma2003 Seamore Collectibles
Posts: 451

After a couple of years ago in a Target store..when stereo systems were literally flying over my head...I decided to play it safer and ventured out at 6.30 am and went to Joanne's Fabric store and was greeted with sweet ladies and everyone stacking up bolts of fabric., calmly.

I venture to say we were out today and it wasn't bad either!!  And my Xmas shopping is almost done.

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

All online and have been for years. Couldn't even say what the decor in our major malls & shops are like...

Fortunately, we're at the stage of mostly grown Grandies, who appreciate the Folding Stuff very much, along with A Little Something To Unwrap that's special to their interests, but those are bought through the year.

Black Friday is named for being the day that retailers can be over the balance line and 'into black ink', but I prefer to think of it as a Doom & Gloom kind of day to go out there for the bargains. I know there are Friday shoppers here on TT - they're probably afraid to raise their heads now that we're put down shopping on the day after T'gvg.
But really, we don't mind at all if you tell us how much you saved, while we slept and paid full price plus delivery ... (well, LL Bean has had Free Delivery from Oct through Dec....)

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I have an LL Bean credit card so I get free shipping all the time. There is also an outlet store near by so I don't have to pay to ship anything back that doesn't fit! So convenient! Oh, and the reward coupons that come every month! Love those!

I always thought that money from relatives was so thoughtless. I mean, how hard is it to write a check or slip some of the green stuff into a card? Nothing personal about it! But as our neice and nephews get into their late teens I'm finding it impossible to know what to get and their mothers are no help! Visa Gift Cards here I come!

On the shopping front: I did NOT get up early the day after Thanksgiving but I HAVE been Christmas shopping every day this weekend..... 3 days in a row! Even ventured to a Wal-Mart though the rest were small art/crafty type gift shops in the mountains here.

I'm heading to Jo-Anns, Kohls and Target tomorrow after all the 'normal' people are back to work and school! I'll wait until afternoon so they've had a chance to restock their shelves! Maybe I should wait until Tuesday? Hmmm...

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Well, having been in the US for the first time ever on Thanksgiving I was quite intrigued by this early morning shopping stuff and all the flyers in the paper advertising the special sales. Unfortunately we were in Helena, Montana (last stop on our way back home) and being a smaller place it does not have a lot of the big stores - would have loved to be where there was a Best Buy to get the Toshiba lap top computer for $299 that I saw advertised on TV and might even have considered lining up for it at some unearthly hour if there had been a store there AND if it had been warmer! I actually woke up at 4:00 AM and crept out of bed to peek out the window considering leaving my hubby a note and going to check out this shopping phenomenon but one look at the ice fog in the air and the totally frosted up car - it was SOOO COLD there! - and I just crawled back into bed and back to sleep for a few hours. We did finally hit a few stores around 8:00 and I got a couple of things. I had planned to go to Walmart to get an HP printer that was advertised as a Friday morning special sale for $34 but since they were open on Thanksgiving day I went then to see if I could check it out and see if I wanted to go back in the wee hours for it and to my surprise found it not only available that day but it rang up at the register for only $29.99 so I got even more of a bargain without having to wait! I did really get the feeling though that a lot of stuff wasn't a good enough deal to fight crowds for and the things that were really reduced were such limited numbers you would have to pick just one store and go after that one specific item. Reminded me of our Boxing Day sales here in Canada except none of them ever start that early - maybe an hour or two earlier than usual opening time but for sure not that 3 A.M. stuff! Now if we had still been in Yuma, Arizona with the warm weather there, I would have been out shopping all night for sure - just for the experience! bear_grin

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

so far Terry and Ihave avoided all the Christmas shopping rush and still made several short trips into town..we went to Staples and Radio Shack at about 2pm and bought what we wanted and went home! i hadn't ever heard of an Ipod shuffle until my daughter in law asked for one..boy ar e hey CUTE! dear Santa....will haveto venture somewhere bigger at least Church Street in Burlington with all the lights!  but thats usually just for fun..we're back to work today  Daphne ..after 4 whole days off...i dont wanna be a "normal" people today..want to go back to sleep! auugh..deb

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Daphane wrote: I avoid the malls with every ounce of my being on the day after Thanksgiving. There is nothing I want THAT badly to fight over parking spaces, listen to screaming kids and stand in long lines.

Daphne: I'm with you on this one. There is nothing I need that badly to drag my poor little body out of bed. Plus it was in the 20's outside. But the news showed long lines. The stores at the mall in Eden Prairie opened at 1:00 am! The people were out in droves....mental eye roll....

I do all my holiday shopping online....I shop in my jammies in my warm cozy home....

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