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Hey...I just noticed that it now says Help Advisor by Dilu's name...Congrats to you again, Sweetiekins!!!
Shantell :hug:
Dilu is a master encourager, and she has a lot of talent, more than she will own up to. She's humble in spirit and kind in nature. (Who else would actually post that pigbearmonkey thing again just to encourage someone?) But I laugh every time I see it, and sometimes a laugh is what I need to muster up the energy to do that one seam or whatever that I have time for between work/dinner/dishes/laundry and bed. I just love that.
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Yahoo, Dilu!!! :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance:
Well gollygeewhizzikins you guys- I just barely found out myself. it means I have to be extra sure about my more making them up on the fly...huh?
Ahhhh, Pigmonkeybear-gotta love him. He's the only quiet one in the house-I do believe the moral is be careful what critters you give mouths to!
Thanks guys...
Dilu...don't you change a thing about how you dole out your "help"...on the fly is the way we expect get to precise on us and we'll know the Gollies have taken over.
Wonderful..WONDERFUL...we now have an official Golly Help Adviser! This board just keeps getting better and better!
Well done Dilu! xx :clap:
That is wonderful Dianne - Congratulations on your new title!
Dilu that's fabulous...congrats...well done hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for Dilu :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
big hugs,
Good for you Dilu! :dance:
Yeah for Dilu,you deserve all the wonderful things that are coming your way and you certianly make this board worth coming to. I always read with great interest and admiration,all the wonderful,uplifting,supportive and zany comments and advice you give.Biggest hugs to you Dilu, :hug: :hug: ,Way to go
:hug: and blessings galore,Shari.
Way to go Hon! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :clap:
Hugs Louise
Thank you Dilu for be in .....
Golly Help Advisor !!!
:hug: Marie
Is there going to be mandatory Gollies 101? <hehe>
Well done Dilu :clap: :dance: :clap:
Well Done Dilu,
We could not ask for someone nicer and better , you will make a great Help Advisor I,m sure of that. Big Hugs across the pond. Rita xxxx
CONGRATS GIRL!!! I am so proud of you, you have accomplished a lot in these last couple days, your own golly seminar and now a help advisor! Well deserved! :hug: :clap:
I know you have helped me on many occasions!
Congratulations, Dilu!! You're all ours, now!! A well-deserved honor :hug:
Yay, Dilu! Welcome!
:thumbsup:Mandatory Gollies 101......yeah.....we like of us here..... :dance:
OK enough of this-get the rest of this silly body stuffed....sigh
There Di I knew your little gollys would make you famous you clever gollwollydoodle you!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are already a great advisor and super cheerleader on the forum -- I'm so glad they made it official. Great going!!
Hugs, Donna
Go Dilu, Go Dilu, go, go, go Dilu!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thanks everyone......
A belated congrats from me too, Dilu and her gollies