For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Well I got my CO2 tank refilled and have just finished my newest project, Sarabi. She is an 18" leopard.
Here are her before and after photos:
She is completely 100% airbrushed, freehand without any masking. No markers for any detailing. The eeny-weeny details were done extremely close to the surface. I used five color layers and it took me 3 hours to do the airbrushing. All you feel is her mohair. She was a lot of fun to paint.... the most fun project I have airbrushed so far. :)
Oooh Judi, I've been waiting to see this new girl since you mentioned her on your other posts- good job I just refereshed the main page before logging off! As it is i can't even see the aftershot now- I'll have to keep refreshing, typing and copying XD
... and it was worth the pummeling of the F5 button! She's amazing, just like your other big cats! Makes me wish i had an airbrush- more bear junk to clog up my University room!
Love her!
I just love to see these before and after pictures! You are just sooooo good with a needle and airbrush. Just a beautiful creation all round.
Thank you very much guys. I almost hate to show the before pictures but since you are all artists I thought you would like to see them. Pretty darn ugly before airbrushing if you ask me.
Wow, that is what I call real talent
This one has turned out lovely Judi
I don't think hubby thought that she looks ugly before airbrushing as I showed him the first picture and he said "ooh thats lovely" and I had to say hang on it is the before picture you haven't seen the after picture yet
Laurie :hug:
Truly amazingly beautiful. I appreciate the before picture, Judi. I know you always tell us you start with white and do the airbrushing but seeing them both side by side makes the airbrushing you do even more striking She's just a beautiful kitty.
Breathtakingly beautiful Judi. It is just great to see the before shot as it really gives you an idea of the work involved. I still do like your before bear, just like an albino. The blending of shades is just a marvel. Well done.
judi this is amazing work i really must try my hand at airbrushing scary thought though i would have to get my husband to do it he is a panter and decorator so he may be better at it than me really stunning i had no idea that it was airbrushed i thought that was the fur gosh really good
So Beautiful, Judi!
Wonderful detail! It's amazing how different a creation can look after being painted! I really have to dust off my airbrush & learn to use it... you are so inspiring! :clap: :clap: :clap:
An absolutely stunning transformation, Judi! I love seeing your before and after pictures.....even if it does make me feel like a novice with the airbrush. I dub you the Queen of Airbrushing!!
Warmest bear hugs, :hug:
Awe Bless your hearts you guys..... :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface:
You know, it's pretty hard to sit and work on one of these...I have to keep reminding myself ....thinking from the end....of what the end result will look like. It's all work until I get to the airbrushing...then it's all fun!
Anyone who wants t try airbrushing, should. Once you get it there's no looking back
Such brilliant work Judi!
Wonderful! Makes me think about airbrushing but then again 3 hours and so masterful. I think I'd better stick to my techniques.
Judi, she's positively stunning!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: I agree, its so much more striking to see the before and after pics. Its one thing to know she'll start white, but another to actually see it. WOW!!!!
Wow! What a difference!!! I love leopards and their spots. Im working up to airbrushing my bear this weekend - she keeps looking at me to say finish me!! But I am scared I will ruin her lol.
OMG Judi, Sarabi is amazing!!! Your airbrushing is beautiful and the detail is unbelievable!!!
Thank you for showing the before and after photos.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ellen, I think you do a wonderful job with your airbrushing. Sometimes I think I make these animals just so I can do my airbrushing. I used to airbrush the back sides of denim jackets many years ago, but there is just something about having a piece of art that is three dimensional that can be picked up and handles/hugged/adored/loved......
I am still having pain in my right shoulder, even though my surgery was more than five months ago. I knew it would take time to heal Anyway, my right arm did start aching by the end of the airbrush session. I hate to stop once I have started so I keep going.
She's just stunning Judi, I to like seeing the before and after shots it really shows off the amount of work that goes into each piece.
Now as for your arm and shoulder!!!! You better learn how to slow down a bit
, you have to take care of yourself Judi and listen to what your body is telling you. We all want you making these beautiful designs for yrs to come, so learn to take a break. I know it's tough to stop once you get started but you should be stopping and taking breaks, I sit at a desk all day and we have been told we should be getting up and moving around at least once every half hour even it if it's just to stretch a little bit. So perhaps you should do the same, we don't want to see you doing more damage to yourself and then your not able to airbrush anymore or make these beautiful bears and big cats.
big hugs
and thank you so much for the before picture, it shows the difference so beautifully!
I'm just awestruck!!!
Amazing work Judi..
Wow, Judi!!! Oh my goodness, she is amazing!!!!!! It is nice to see the before and after pictures. I think that she is wonderful as a white leopard as well but she is absolutely stunning with her spots!!
Wowza, Judi! Just spectacular. I love seeing the before pictures, too; it's amazing how much character and detail can be added with shading and color. Your leopard is just beautiful, hun.
Absolutely awesome, my friend! What a magnificent work of art! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
AMAZING!! absolutely brilliant Judy, you are soooo talented :clap: :dance: :clap: