For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I thought you all might like to see Blossom, as she's done so much growing. This photo was snapped this morning....with me doing the usual backing away with the camera as fast as I could :photo:
"Where are we going Mummy?"
And for the record, Pink is Blossom's colour choice, not mine. I had purple picked for her stable colour, but she detests purple, and dives for anything pink....and I do mean anything!
She is soooo beautiful! I always loved horses, even as a kid I would have posters up on my wall of horses. I just wish I was able to own one. Anyone that owns a horse I thing is so lucky!!!! i love her name too!!
Give Blossom a big hug for me!!
Will do, she adores hugs n cuddles
How pretty she is in pink, Debbie! I love horses, too. When I was in Girl Scouts, we took riding lessons and learned to bridle, saddle, and clean hooves. It was such fun!
AAh!! shes very pretty in pink!!!
She is a pretty girl, and very pretty in pink
Hi Debbie
My daughter has exactly the same colour for her pony but she picked it and the purple boots and the new blue rug you can see him coming a mile away still he is our gorgeous boy and your little girl is too beautiful !
She is gorgeous and keeping close to you! Very sweet.
She is sooooo pretty! Pink definitely becomes her.
Ha, ha a girl after my own heart, I too love pink. Blossom is a beautiful girl Debbie, I can see why you love her so much.
Hugs, Jane.
OH Debbie and here I was expecting a PINK horse, not a horse in PINK
she is lovely
Oh what a beautiful girl she is. Pretty in pink!!!
Glad she's brought such joy for you all!
I adore my girlie
And as much as I'm not keen on the colour for me, pink really suits her. LOL, and you should see her with BLING!! The girl really is a diva
If it sparkles, she thinks its hers.
She's beautiful!I'll bet she is a lot of fun,she seems set in her ways ...giggle.
Awww, shes so sweet Debbie, and has great taste, pink rocks Lets see her with her bling one day
Debbie, She is really a beauty. I love pink. It contrasts and compliments her own coloring.
Deb, I thought of you and your horses this weekend when that awful tragedy took place at the race track. So very very sad.
:hug: Blossom only blazes about in the pasture for her fun, not for the racing public, and certainly not in training. I feel so so badly for Eight Belles and her team.
Blossom in her pink and Bling! flymask last year.