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samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Well, 18 months ago there was a discussion on TT about what people would like to see in the 'bear fair' world. I took on the challenge, and there are now only 3 weeks to go until the event!!!  bear_shocked  To say I am nervous is putting it mildly!!!  I can't believe that in exactly 3 weeks time the doors will have just opened!!  I still have a long list of things to do, as well as sorting out my own stall and bears.
Anyway, a few nights ago I had an awful dream about the event, where no one showed up!!!  I think this is the only thing that is actually making me nervous!!  It is impossible to predict who will come/how many will come/will they spend anything, etc. 
There are lots of lovely artists on TT who are coming with their wonderful bears.  I wondered if anyone else on TT was hoping to come, so that we can look out for you and say hi, and also stop me worrying that no one is going to show up!!!
Its great seeing all the preview bears - keep them coming!!   bear_thumb
See you in three weeks - eek!!!! bear_tongue

Lovethosebears Yorkshire
Posts: 1,899

Hi Samantha, I'm coming down with my older daughter on Saturday and staying over night - a real girly weekend for the two of us and I can't wait!  We are coming to look and hopefully buy!

I am really looking forward to meeting all TTers in person, so if you see a lady lurking with a sheepish smile that will be me trying to get the confidence to say hi - I might wear a homemade TT badge to make it easier! 

Samantha will some photos of the tables be taken before the doors are opened?

One VERY excited TTer, Hugs Ali x

katiecountrymouse1 KatieCountryBears
Bolton-le-sands, Carnforth
Posts: 3,101

Hi Samantha,
I've work commitment on that weekend so won't be able to come. But I do hope someone will be kind enough to take a few pics, so we can see what we have missed. But I will look forward to your next fair, even as a seller! bear_thumb  bear_thumb
Love kayx. :hug:  bear_wub

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Hi Samantha, I am in Scotland that weekend. I would have simply loved to come as an exhibitor but even just to look and buy, but it wasn't to be, maybe next year.  Looks like it going to be such a success and a wonderful day, you must have worked your socks off for this event and I too would love to see some photos.


Gail P Walnut Tree Corner Bears By Gail
Posts: 167

Hi Samantha,

I am hoping to come along with a friend from work, if she will drive. I am ok driving down the road to Tescos but much further than that and I become a wibbling wreck bear_cry  (must get more practise) I really do want to come as I would really like to see how my sister Ruth gets on at her first real life show. I attended my first as an exhibitor in April and thoroughly enjoyed it. If I don't get there I know it will turn out a brilliant day for everybody.It is such a worthwhile cause, it is bound to be a big sucess. bear_thumb

PS are you doing one next year as well?maybe I could get enough driving practise in to come and be on the other side of the table then. bear_whistle

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

I am so proud of your efforts as you must be!  Congratulations on producing your first show.  I hope it is a HUGE success!

Biggest Hugs!!!

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I'll be there Samantha!  I'm really looking forward to it and I am so pleased to be able to take part after all the effort you have put in ... this show has been so well organised for us exhibitors!  Thank you for that!

I'm all booked up for Saturday night and am looking forward to having the afternoon out in Stratford Upon Avon kids or cats to worry about for the weekend, they can look after each other - (er, I should point out the kids are well into their twenties!)  I've just uploaded the first of my show bears to my website and will be adding more as time goes on.  I was panicking about being ready a couple of days ago, and although I'm still aware time is precious, I feel a wee bit more on top of things now, thank heavens!

LoobieLou Berkshire
Posts: 6

I'm going to your fair Samantha.  I'm looking forward to it, and am hoping to find a special bear to take home  bear_original .
Thanks for all your hard work in organising it   :clap:   :clap: , the website looks great and I'm sure you'll have plenty of people attend on the day.

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Hi Smantha

I just know that you will have a fabulous show - you've been putting in so much hard work and I am still so disappointed that I had to cancel my trip to the UK and the show  bear_cry  Am sooo looking forward to the report backs and fingers crossed you repeat your success next year and I get to see it in person!

Christine Christine Pike Bears
Norfolk, UK
Posts: 683

I'll be there - I am hoping to put up some preview pictures of some of my bears later this week.  We shall be doing the show in a day, so no chance for any sightseeing - but maybe next year??...

I am sure it will be a great show - there is a fantastic lineup of artists and Samantha has worked so hard to make it a success.  For those of you who are coming - don't forget about the charity auction and please bid generously, especially on my bear bear_grin  as all the proceeds are going to the British Heart Foundation!!  There is a picture of Marmaduke on my front page and he is featured in the current issue of Teddy Bear Scene magazine.

Jigpaws Jigpaws
Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 564

I really wish I was coming Samantha, hopefully next year (I might even work up the guts to book as a seller!!!).

I'm sure it's going to be a HUGE success, you've done fantastically well organising and promoting it and it's for a really good cause. I hope everything goes well on the day and hopefully we'll get to see some pics of th event posted on the forum  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin


ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

Yipppeee - I'm getting the Saturday to sight-see in Stratford with hubby and 12 yr old !  bear_smile
Don't worry about pics everyone ; Ashley (hubs) has his orders from me to be unofficial fanatical snapper (particularly before doors open) :photo:
I'm sure it's a huge leap between imagining a fair and getting one actually organised but Samantha's taken it in her stride !  :clap:  :dance:
I am


looking forward to it all !!  :rose:


Jack&Lilia Jack & Lilia
Posts: 3,488

I can't wait to see everyone there  bear_grin ....and see all the wonderful bears in the fur!.....I will post some preview pics this week too......and well done Samantha for all your hard work!  bear_flower I'm sure we'll have lots of photos between us all.... bear_thumb
Lynne  :hug:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

JEALOUS here!  Have a great time, everyone... and congrats and best of luck to you, Samantha, on this huge undertaking!  Wowza!

Please take picture, everyone.  We'll be dying to see them when you're through.

bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694

Good luck Samantha and good on you for taking up the challenge! I hope everything runs smoothly, you must be getting terribly excited!

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I'm sure it's going to be a HUGE success :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Wish I could have been there too - maybe next year
good luck to everyone
big huggies

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188

From everthing I have read Samantha, this is going to be one hell of a show...congratulations on a truly wonderful effort.  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

I fully understand all the work that goes into producing a show and I regret not being there to see the final results.

I wish you all the success in the world and don't worry about attendance, I'm sure you will be inundated with collectors from all over the UK.  bear_thumb

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

awww....thanks everyone!!!!  I will be getting some of my family to take lots of pictures too, and I have my brother, who is a film production student, coming to do a bit of filming to go on the website, so there should be lots to see for those of you who can't make it.
For those hoping to come in 2009 - the venue is booked for Sunday 7th June 2009, and I have just ordered the 2009 leaflets and posters, which seems very strange as the 2008 event hasn't even happened yet!!
Also - those of you who cannot make it - you can still bid in the charity auction.  There are two fabulous bears, made by TT's very own Christine Pike and Louise Peers.  Every penny of the winning bids will be given to the British Heart Foundation.  International bidders are more than welcome!!!!  See the website for more details:
Unfortunately I can't sell raffle tickets to anyone who can't come on the day, due to licensing laws.  I would have to get some sort of gambling license to allow me to sell tickets beforehand!!!  There are some fabulous raffle prizes!!

Anyway, must get on!!  Its taken me all morning to catch up on emails after a busy weekend doing other things!!

The Rabbit Maker The Rabbit Maker
Posts: 680

Well Samantha
I'm going to be there with my rabbits and husband and two boys.   I'm sure it will be a great show. I still haven't finished any completely yet arrrgggghhhhh .... and breathe........

You may have the worry of no one turning up but I have the worry of no one buying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bear_cry  But hey it wouldn't be the end of the world would it ?? bear_thumb

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I've just sent out a message through British Bears on the Net Samantha ... we have over two hundred bear-interested members, so hopefully one or two live near enough to visit!

Cheshire Cat Wilmslow Cheshire
Posts: 758

Really looking forward to the show SAMANTHA ,

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Samantha,

I just checked out your show website--you've done an incredible job of setting up and promoting. If I could get myself across the pond, I'm sure I could find my way there on the first try! Feels like home already.

Wish I could be there!

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hi Samantha, bear_flower

I will be there!!  Whether my bears will be is a different matter as I also haven't  finished any yet!!!!!  A lot of late nights ahead I think!

Thank you for all your hard work Samantha, and don't worry, it's going to be a fantastic day!!!!

I look forward to meeting everyone - safe journeys!


Marilyn bear_flower

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

I'm soooooooo looking forward to the show - I confess to having no bears ready - well all apart from my competition piece LOL!!   :redface:  bear_grin

I'm more than anything looking forward to meeting everyone and having a good old chat about bears - bliss!!  And hey Samantha you've done the most fantastic job, I'm in awe of you girl!!  And don't you worry, if no one turns up we'll all have a party on our own!!  (With the bears of course!!)  :hug:  :hug:

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Good luck Samantha, I am sure your show will be a raging success, we look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some pics. Wish we could be there to join in the fun. Good luck :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

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