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... I had to share with my furry teddy buds -- that's you folks! Pay attention, people! -- the cutest little smiley I found tonight on another forum. I've never seen this one before, which is kinda unusual for me as I've kinda been around the track a few times, forum-wise. What's the word for that anyway? Cylut? Get it? Cyber + slut. I made a funny! Ha! Being an ex-cheerleader myself (now, be nice, girls) it really resonated with me. Good times, good times, those. (Man, am I punchy tonight, or what? Maybe I need to get some sleep.)
Check out the infectious boppiness of it all. Kinda makes me wanna get up and put on some ABBA or something. I like how she's all blinky, too, like all that cheering is kicking up some serious stadium dust. Been there, done that:
I have a number of other smilies I rather enjoy viewing, although I find little use for them when I post. I did ask a while back whether it might be possible to add a few new smileys here at TT but that's not in the works -- for lots of good reasons -- so don't go there!!!
For your own amusement, though, and perhaps for you to save to your hard drive and upload at your discretion, I present for your consideration my wonky favorite emoticons, many of them largely inappropriate and useless because we are such a fun and supportive bunch, but which always make me smile. Enjoy! And I'd love to see your favorite smileys, if you've got some... but please, best behavior here; let's keep our smiley-sharing rated PG and child-friendly. We do have teen visitors here!
Ummm... duh.
Barf cat: Whose cat DOES this?!?
Not sure what on earth this "emotes" but it sure is cute:
This is so totally me. NEVER use it when I post. lol...
You of course have just started me on a new craze.........collecting emoticons...........bad bad bad Shelli..
Shelli, those are very cute. What's a yarg? And how do you get them to upload to TeddyTalk?
Oh Shelli, how can you do that to me :P!
I will have to show just a FEW of my faves.
He's called Red Fox! So cute!
Well, love the cheerleader Shel, I was one too (yeah, let's not go there) and yep, I think some ABBA or maybe that Toni Basil song "Hey Mickey" - LOL !
The DUH one is great too. I'd be usin' that one a lot! LOL!
LOL how funny!!!
Here's a few of my favs.... one is particularly appropriate for living in Chicago!
Shelli, those are very cute. What's a yarg? And how do you get them to upload to TeddyTalk?
The animated ones are all .gif files and you just use the IMG UPLOAD button like you would for ANY picture! If you see one somewhere and like it, RIGHT CLICK>SAVE AS to your hard drive, then use IMG UPLOAD to get it here.
I don't know what YARG is. It's kinda like BLARG, I guess. A made-up word that means, "I am so wierded out/puzzled by what you just said that my eye is popping out." Also known on some forums, with similar (but not as kewl) eye-popping smileys, as "Eek." The only way that emoticon could be any better, in my humble opinion of course, is if they made the eye twitchy. THAT would be perfection!!! A big ol', twitchy wonky eye.
Richy, your red foxes are very cute indeed. The vibrating one, though, makes me wanna slap it into stillness. Totally agitating!!!
Laura, LOVE your computer bashing guy. I feel like that about 90% of every day.
Here are two more from my art card/mail art forum. This one's called "jiggy":
And here's one for those days when you just plain feel all pirate-y:
Let the fun continue!! [hums: Oh, Mickey, You're so fine... You're so fine you blow my mind... Hey Mickey!]
Those are awesome! And that cat is...different On the other forum I go to, which is a webkinz forum, they have a whole bunch of smileys, and smileys for each of the webkinz, and when new Webkinz come out you can make smileys for those webkinz, show them to the maker of the site, and they'll add them. I made these: and they were added for everyones use
How cool is that? I know lots of people are way into WebKinz, including my over-40 friend Denise Van Patten who's the guide to dolls and who owns a doll shop locally; she's also the author of a doll price guide and a collector of and expert on antique dolls. So they're for sure not just a "kid" thing! I'll have to check into them. What's the site?
Very cute smileys, by the way; I think I like the Siamese cat one the best.
Thank you!
Yeah, there's a lot of parents on there, too, even grandparents! The site is - I probably spend more time there than on webkinz itself But right now I'm on neither cause I'm gonna start....making my first teddy bear!! Yay!
Couple of my favorites......
Venti Decaf Soy Macchiato please
My life it seems at times.....
I love these. You know in a way we are not only artists but we often double as 'cheerleaders' for each other.
Barfing cat....whose cat does that? MINE DOES.....on the carpet too!
Ok, it's gone half past midnight and i can't sleep so I'm sitting here drinking coffee and....looking at smileys!!!
Here are some that I really like:
Ever feel like this??!!
Here's a few that I changed the banner on....
Just found this really cute one too....
Barfing cat....whose cat does that? MINE DOES.....on the carpet too!
Oh, mine do too; our house is covered in barf-stain footprints. Does that make then barf-prints? Why doesn't IAMS make transparent -- or at least, white -- cat food? The mind boggles.
What I meant was, whose cat looks like THAT when they barf? And it is green?
I'll bet your cat doesn't do THIS, Judi --> It's in TECHNICOLOR!!!
I like this one, too; forgot to add it earlier. "Bolt:"
Gemma, love that huggy one with the bear in jammies. Cute!!
These are great!
But I absolutely refuse to get sucked in.... I won't do it! Nope! Won't! I'd be here for hours looking at emoticons. As it is I spent 4 minutes surfing and never knew there were so many um... interesting... views of a smiley's back side!! :redface:
both of mine do it and its sometimes at the same time....its because they are indoor cats and i don't have grass for them....ugh....
I am lucky, Rick is fanatical and cleans it right away, and has this little gizmo to clean the carpet messes.....all the while swearing he is going to k.....those d....c....
Yeah right!
like the great big pussycat could do anything untoward......
oops, forgot to tell you all how much I enjoyed your emots.....I can't seem to get them anymore.....I miss them but you all have such fun ones!
WOW, I had no idea what a wide world of emoticons there are out there. LOL, too funny!! I don't have any to add, I guess I'm not very cool, or should I say kewl? lol.
Thanks for sharing. I've really enjoyed seeing everyones stash of emoticons!
Maybe its a kitty cat cycle as Mister's doing that today and yesterday. Poor boy's fighting hairballs. Nothing technicoloured thankfully!
Here's one of my all time favorite emoticons I don't think I've ever been able to use it for anything, but it gives me the giggles just watching the little guy