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eastbenchbears East Bench Bears
Chicago, IL
Posts: 133

Hello my bear friends! I am thoroughly enjoying my summer here in Montana- I saw a grizzly cub, a few black bear, it has been amazing! BUT, I am having a bit of a problem. A woman ordered 2 bears from another website, I shipped and packed them together, in the same box. Now she is claiming that she never recieved the little bear. I have Post Office insurance and delivery confirmation stating that the package was recieved, etc, but now she filed an abuse report against me! I really don't know what to do- I sent her a refund so that hopefully she will not leave me neg feedback, but other than that, what should I do?? I am sick to my stomach about this- I have worked very hard to build up a reputation on this site, and don't want it ruined! Any advice? At this point, I am ready to just give up!
Biggest hugs,

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Oh Anita: that is awful. Did you send her a copy of the receipt from the post office showing she signed for them? Sadly there are some truly mean spirited people out there who are con artist. If she moves forward against you, you may need a lawyer to see if you can file a slander lawsuit against her. I know that might be drastic, but if she impacts your business based on a lie, she may need to pay compensation to you.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Dear Anita,  It sounds to me like you have handled this properly and professionally.  It seems like the woman has gotten what she wanted. Keep positive thoughts about the feedback.  If she does leave negative feedback, you, I hope will have the opportunity to dispute it.  If you have done what you can to make her happy there is not anymore to do.  She may surprise you, 
Keep good thoughts

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Sounds like you did all you could. If she leaves you a ebay and try to dispute it, I'm sure they will remove it .
Don't worry about it...these things are going to happen when you sell over the internet.
:hug:  :hug:  :hug:

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Anita, It STINKS that this happened to you.  I understand that most sites revolve around feedback and ebay has made it hard to win with scammers and frauders with their new set up, but if this was with etsy (not sure) is it possible that the feedback would not have mattered?  I feel so bad that we're held to rating systems when there are those out there who would abuse it, criminally to the point of stealing!  She has your bear and her money now.  Was giving her a refund your only avenue?  I'm not sure I would have been as gracious without a fight (and I'm not a fighter by nature!!).  I just feel like too many of us are being taken to town by thieves.  bear_sad  bear_angry

Did the website offer you any kind of assurance that she could not leave negative or that you could counter it? What did they advise you to do? Don't give up.  Man, maybe we have to go to the extreme of taking a picture of our packaging the contents just to prove ourselves.  Again, so sorry that this has happened to you.


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Hi Anita,
     I'm so sorry you have run into a negative situation - was this on Ebay?  If you have delivery confirmation that it was received, then I would not have refunded her money - I think I would have sent copies of the receipt both to her and to the site and waited to see what happened.  If it's Ebay,  I would definitley contact them and let them know you have delivery proof and tell them she has received a refund and ask what to do next   If she leaves a negative, I don't believe even Ebay would allow it to remain, if you have delivery proof.
     I'm afraid I'm like Chrissi - I'm not one to cause a fuss either, but this seems to me like blatant theft.  I would have left it to her to prove she DIDN'T get the bears!   If it is Ebay, file a complaint against her and demand either the bears return or the payment.  Please don't let customers like her drive you to quit.    There just seem to be more and more of them because they know they can try and get away with this behaviour.  We really need to stand up to them.



janine200 Foxtail Creek Studio
Posts: 15

This may sound silly but...was the bear small enough that she may have inadvertently thrown it away with the packing material? If she didn't stop to think that they were packed together, this may have happened. I'm just trying to think of anything that could have occurred...

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I was going to say just exactly what Janine said! I have had this happen on more than one occasion with items I have mailed or wrapped as gifts in the same box. Once I sent 5 bears for judging in a contest and when I got to the show and saw the entries my tiniest bear was not there. I asked the show promoter about it and fortunately she had saved the boxes and wrapping from all the shipped entries and sure enough my wee bear was at the bottom of the box! Now I always put an itemised listing of contents at the top of the box if I am sending more than one item in the box.
However if this is the case here it isn't your fault that the lady threw out the smaller bear so you really shouldn't have had to refund. I don't see how she can leave you bad feedback if you have so willingly given her a refund for the missing bear - you've gone above and beyond to fix the problem for her. Did you ask her if she realized that both bears were sent together and if there was any chance she might have missed the small one in the packaging?

eastbenchbears East Bench Bears
Chicago, IL
Posts: 133

Awww, thanks you guys! Well, Etsy handled it this morning, and I do think that perhaps she may have thrown it away not realizing, but at this point, I am just glad it's done! Now, I do not think she can leave me a neg feedback, because I had told Etsy what happened. It really does stink that people try and take advantage, but I suppose that's all part of doing business! I am still learning, and truly, truly appreciate that you all took the time to respond and give me your input. You guys are the BEST!
Oh, and as soon as I can go to Wal-Mart, I will post pics of the gorgeous black bear that I saw yesterday- he was only about 30 feet from the car!!!!
Biggest hugs,

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

So sorry that this has happened to you Anita bear_flower sad that there are some that behave like this.
Glad that Etsy were able to handle the sitiuation and I hope that it is sorted for you.
Please don't let this put your off your bear making.


MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

I recently ordered some items from Joggles and when I unpacked them I couldn't find the mongolian lamb I had ordered. I checked the packing slip and it was listed - just not in the box. I emailed them, politely fortunately, to say thanks for the speedy delivery - no lamb. I then went back to my chair and on the floor beside my chair .... the lamb  :redface: It had fallen out of the box and I didn't notice it. I had to immediately go back to the computer and send another email apologizing  :redface:   Thankfully I hadn't been rude (although I rarely am in any case).


Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hi Anita,

I am glad you were able to work things out with Etsy  bear_thumb   Don't let it get you down.  Even in the teddy bear biz there are sometimes unfun times.  The first is always the hardest  bear_flower

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