For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I know I've asked this question before :doh: but I don't have a facility on my website for a mailing list. I've paid for so much and can't really afford anymore (Can't really afford what I've had done if I'm honest but that's another story)
I just wondered if any of you clever ones know how I can (it's GOT TO BE EASY!!!) set up a FREE mailing list, I get LOADS of people ask me, but I just chuckle and say yeah and it never happens (professional or what!!) I joined some mailing lists lately and I ALWAYS look, what am I missing out on - I could be advertising to LOADS of people...... this could be the answer to my prayers, and pigs may fly
Seriously, I do appreciate any help!
I have a mailing list.. but no one ever asked to be signed up for it
Clare, I have a small goup of collectors on my "mailing list" per se. I just set up a contact group in my email address book and put them in there. I send an email to myself with a blind carbon copy of my email to the group when I have a bear available. So far it works.
Tammy,I have a list of people who want to be notified when I list but when I send the email,everyones name is on it and one lady kept hitting reply to all and sending her email to everyone. How do I hide all the names so I could offer this as a mailing list and not have everyones names in plain view. I'm not sure what a blind carbon copy is,can you help me understand ( I know I'm a computer dope) This might be all Clare needs also/I attach my picture and a bit of info on the bear.Thanks Tammy,I'll love you furever if you can enlighten me. :hug: :pray:
Shari, it's easy!!
Blind carbon copy = BCC
You should see BCC right under where you put the address. So, send the email to yourself, then under it, in BCC, put all the other addy's in there. That way, when they get the email, it only shows your address.
Does that make sense???
Do you love me furever now??
That's what I do, too. I have no idea how to create a form for mailing lists, per se. I just have people email me if they want to be on it, and I've created several sub-groups in my Address Book on Incredimail. You could do this in any email program, I'd imagine, in your own Address Book, if "Groups" are allowed.
I click BCC (which means "blind carbon copy") when I send out my notices. That way no one gets their email address spread about. On IncrediMail, you don't get BCC as an option directly. You have to click CC first -- which WOULD show all addresses -- and THEN click on the BCC option. Just in case you use that program...
Have fun!
Thanks Heather and Shelli and of course I will love you both furever. and ever. Mahwahh :hug: :hug:
Hi Everyone,
I also have a mailing list - makes me feel important LOL Just kidding here guys LOL
I use Bravenet - it's a free service - what I like is that people can come and go as they please.... which I think is a good feature! You just need to sign up and set up a mailing list, Clare, it's very easy to use!
Danni, you use that?? How do you find it. I remember I signed up for it, and a couple people signed up, but I found it 'weird' to use.
Good advice though, I forgot all about it.
You will all think I am pathetic but I send them individually. Because I don't know any other way. So I plough through the whole mailing list that way...and I have quite a long list now.
I did have a thing come through on the back of Incredimail blurb which was a mailing list type of thing which I meant to do but never got round to I don't know what it was or where to find it. It sent birthday things and stuff automatically..
Oh my gosh Jenny, I will own up too I send them out individually
...and I just told my mum about the BBC thing and she said "I've told you about that before" Arghh it must have slipped out my ear when she did lol
Clare, I just have a link for my email on my website for joining my mailing list. People just write and ask to be added. That works well for me :)
Hugs Sarah
Wow Jenny that must take you ages - I would definitely use the BCC option in your email, that's what I also do for my mailing list and it so far it works a treat.
Bear Hugs
mmm I dunno why you would find the Bravenet mailing list weird, Heather. Perhaps they have improved it? I don't know. I just signed up for bravenet, then signed up for the mailing list. When you want to use it, click on mailing list, then send plain text email... write you email, and hit send. It's fantastic!
People also can come and go really easily - which I think is nice. If you just run the mailing list from your email account - people would need to ask you to unsub them, which some people might find a little hard to do..... So, I really like that function of it! plus people don't need to be members of Bravenet to subscribe to a mailing list. I did try doing a Yahoo Group, but found it put some people off, needing to sign up with Yahoo to become a member.
Thanks Danni,
It was a while ago that I've tried it. Maybe I just didn't give it a good chance.
I'll give it a go again, thanks :rose: