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eWax Bears eWax-Bears
Bayswater, London
Posts: 75

I have had quite a few emails from collectors asking me why I have not made anymore bears and as crazy as it sounds this is what happened to me overnight without any prior pain or warning: 

One morning  5 months ago I woke up in severe pain down my right arm and found I could not  move my fingers?!   Clueless as to  what I had done I went to the doctors who, said it was a bad case of Tennis Elbow (don't play tennis only golf)... I had cold treatment therapy which was successful until I started sewing again and it came back with a vengence so the doctor recommended a steroid injection which worked wonders for the first few weeks but as soon as I tried to use a needle by the next morning my arm and fingers swelled up again..... 

I have now had an arm/hand brace fitted  which, due to the metal built in which can't be taken out (unlike the ones off the shelf)  makes it impossible to hand sew my bears...Any suggestions?

I am gutted, I miss making my bears and I had just mastered a new technique for little bears...
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what treatment worked for you?




Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Carole: Last year I got Tendonitis (aka tennis elbow) in both arms. I could not sew either. I could hardly pick up a can of soda without excruciating pain.  I had an air cast on my arms, ice packs several times a day and mega doses of ibuprofen (per doctors orders). I could only take the ibuprofen for two weeks for it can cause other medical problems. I had to stop sewing for over a year for when I tried sewing within a month of diagnosis, all the pain came back. I have returned to bear making slowly. I started with a micro mini bear and my arms held up just fine. It did not strain my arms.  I rest my arms frequently while sewing so the tendonitis does not come back. The little bears do not take a lot of force in stuffing or pulling like the larger bears.  If you don't do miniatures, it may be something to try for it keeps you creating but not straining your arms as much. Just a thought…

I do hope the tennis elbow resolves itself. It will take time.  :hug:  :hug:

eWax Bears eWax-Bears
Bayswater, London
Posts: 75

Hi Michelle

I am sorry to hear of your pain and in both arms too ~ OMG poor thing!  Thanks for the advice,  I will start to make smaller bears and see how I get on.

Bear Hugs


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I don't have tennis elbow but years ago I did have a killer case of tendinitis (DeCuervain's) which locked my wrist at an angle and really burned and pinched and hurt, all day long. It was most noticeable when I tried to cut with a knife at the dinner table... and most handicapping.  This all preceded my bearmaking but it absolutely interfered with my activities of daily living.  It also had me in chronic pain and as a result, grouchier than I've probably ever been in my life; despite earnest efforts to be pleasant, chronic pain just gets to you after a while.  Anyone who suffers it probably knows that all too well, already.

I absolutely empathize with your situation and understand how changed your life seems.  I'll be hoping you have a quick and complete recovery and can get back to what you love as soon as possible!!   bear_flower

By the way... after many cortisone injections and years of failed hand therapy, my tendinitis cure was outpatient surgery to open the tendon sheath.  I've never been bothered with it again!  Sometimes surgical intervention really is the best option.  If your problem persists and surgery is a possible solution, be sure to give it a look-see.

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Carole, I can totally sympathize! I had the same thing happen to me about 9 or 10 years ago. I got severe tendonitis in BOTH arms. Mine was caused from carrying hand weights when I was out walking for exercise and I had increased the amount of weight I was carrying and it was too heavy for me (much better to keep walking and weight lifting separate!).

I went to doctors and specialists and physiotherapy and it just got worse. After the first visit with the physiotherapist I couldn't even lift a cup of coffee with either arm and had to drink it through a straw! The physiotherapist kept asking if my neck hurt and it didn't at all but then she said it must be coming from my neck so she would work on that as she was getting frustrated that nothing was helping. Well, then I had the worst constant neck pain in addition to the arms!  This carried on for some time and I was trying everything anyone could suggest to get rid of the pain. I couldn't make bears at all either at first and then switched to making just minis and if I was careful could do a bit of that without making the pain any worse.

Finally I heard about NUCCA chiropractory (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)and went for a consultation. The doctor told me he could for sure get rid of my neck pain but he didn't know if it would help my arms. I was willing to try ANYTHING to be free of pain so went for the sessions and it WORKED! Within a month I had NO more pain in either my neck or arms and have been fine ever since with only the occasional neck adjustment when I have done something to put my neck out again.  I do find though that I have to be very careful about making bigger bears - I really don't think that I could make the huge bears that I used to as they just require far too much force to get the stuffing tight. If I am making larger bears I use more pellet stuffing now and then it is just the heads that need to be firmly stuffed. I hope you can find something that works for you as well as NUCCA did for me!

KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

I got it. A combination of golf lessons and canoeing  bear_ermm I could hardly grasp anything and it was painful. I went to doctors and had everything; steriod shots, ultra sound, and I can't remember what else?! After about six months I gave up. I had just started at a gym and asked one of the personal trainers if she could help me. She said she thought the best treatment was to strengthen all the muscles around the problem. It didn't make much sense to me but I let her try. IT worked, I was better in 3 weeks. I'm still not sure how it worked, but it really worked! Now when I have a flare-up I go back to her exercises.

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Yep, got retired from dog grooming because I shoved on a wrist brace and then an elbow brace...and then went to the chiro because at that point my whole right arm was entirely useless.  I spent two months with weekly adjustments to my spine to free up the tensioning in my elbow and wrist.  Streches and physio are a MUST, and I still stop for hand stretches at least 4 times each hour.  It can indeed be overcome, but you'll have to be gentler to your body in the future.  To this day I still cannot pick up a pair of dog clippers without excruciating pain  bear_cry  but I can manage the bear making if I go slowly  bear_thumb  :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Yes been there as well. Scared the heck out of me at first. Tennis and golf at the same time.  I wore a hand brace and still now at times must support my wrist when I reach for something.
I changed the way I sew and the style of critter I make. I also take my time, which means I am unable to make a bear a week anymore.
From experience I have seen surgery do wonderful things for others. I haven't had to go down that road yet and I have seen exercise work miracles. Which is what I do. Strength exercises with a trainer.
I totally commiserate with you Carole. Not to be sewing for 5 months must be very very difficult. I hope you find a way soon. :hug:  :hug:

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Yes I too have had this in the past. I wore a brace for a while and it finally did get better and never has come back.Hang in there . I pray this will be healed soon for you. But rest it don't keep making it worse it.

Mikki Mikki, Cripple Creek Creative
Bethel, Ohio
Posts: 1,051

Have had it inboth arms and I don't play tennis either .With a doctor's help ...went away and hasn't been back. Hang in there.Mikki

eWax Bears eWax-Bears
Bayswater, London
Posts: 75

Hi all

Thank you sooooo much for all your advice.  I am having heat therapy and massage which seems to be helping with the swelling and pain. I have been working on a smaller bear which seems to be better for some reason so hopefully I will be back on track.  I have so many ideas for my new bear - can't wait! 



DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug:  Please, have your therapist show you how to do the hand stretches to stretch out the tendons in your hand (which get all kinds of cramped up from sewing) wrist and down your forearm.  They'll help you so much.  And please, do keep up the good work  bear_thumb   I'm sure making a teddy of any size makes your heart sing  bear_wub  :hug:

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Hi Carole,
I have found arnica ointment very helpful, I try to use herbal and natural treatments whenever possible and this really works. A while back I thought I was getting a frozen shoulder which like tennis elbow is extremely painful...for about a week I felt as though the shoulder was seizing up and I was getting very concerned because a friend of mine had the same thing and it took her 2 years to recover from it so I rubbed some arnica on it for a few days and the pain & stiffness completely went away. I also hit my shin with a garden pick last week and as you can imagine it was very painful and started to swell and bruise straight away, again I ran inside and applied the arnica and within a few minutes the bruising and pain had subsided, I really think it is amazing, and it's not very expensive, so it might be worth giving it a go. ( don't use on broken skin) My husband uses it to ease pain in his knees, he played a lot of football and did athletics when he was younger, and he said it really helps him too...Arnica can also be taken internally, have a look under homeopathic treatments...the oral homeopathic drops & ointment are both readily available from health food stores or online.
Goodluck I hope you can find some relief very soon,

eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

I work for a doctor, who also happens to be my sister!  Keep going and following up with your doctor.  My sister will often gives series of 3 cortisone injections and with each injection, many patients see improvement.  Do they have you on any oral anti-inflammatory medications?  It's great that you are getting some therapy to help.  If you feel like you've exhausted all of your options with one doctor by all means, seek a second opinion. 

I have had a little bout with tennis elbow in the past.  I now use really large needles to sew EVERYTHING.   This has helped a lot.  I don't get as much neck tension and my hands don't tire as easily.  I have a much more relaxed grip because I am not trying to hold on to a tiny little needle.  I typically use a 7 inch needle for nearly every task.  I do have a large "J" needle that I use anytime I need to ladder stitch.  You might want to try it and see if it helps.  It will definitely take some getting used to but it sure has helped me. 

Good luck & hugs!


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