For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
This is my wee 4" owl I made from silk plush I was given by a friend. The baby Owl is a birthday present for another friend.
She named him Teo.
WOW! checked out all your critters and bears for Hugglets everyone. They are so super I wish I was going. I would to see them all in the fur.....sigh.....
Hi Wendy, this little owl is just wonderful.
Your owl is so cute. You really captured that baby bird look.
Oh my goodness, he's simply adorable!
Wendy I absolultey adore this little owl!!! Amazing job!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: What a cutie!
aww so cute... love those big eyes
Very cute, You are so talented.!!
Wow, he's amazing! How could you resist that gorgeous face??!
Thankyou ladies. I'm not quite sure he lives up to your compliments but they are lovely to get any how. :redface:
I think I may have to make another owl.....
You definately should make another one!
She is just so cute!
By the way, you may also make up a lemur from this pattern too, methinks :crackup:
Hugs, Julia :hug:
Wendy you should make more. He is a sweetie!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Make more, make more, whoooooo else is making them? He's a hoot, and so different.
Gail G
This owl is great! I agree, I think you should make some more.
a real cutie - and the plush looks just like babie bird down!
How cute is THAT? Totally darling!!
Really well done The little wings and feet are so adorable!
Make more, make more, whoooooo else is making them?
Hatsuko for one Gail
Maybe I'll have to turn it into a 'Lemur' after all
Hatsuko, your owl is an inspiration.
Oh Wendy, it's no good, you'll have to be banned from showcasing ... this little owl is just way too cute!!!!! :clap:
Oh Wendy, it's no good, you'll have to be banned from showcasing ...
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: I think that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me Paula. :crackup:
How cute! They're so sweet and original :-)