For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
When you turn a sofa cushion and instead of finding loose change you find alligator clip, pins, needles, thread, and oh that's where my thimble went to.
When the postal carrier regularly says "See you tomorrow" because he's constantly delivering parcels (of bear supplies) to your front door. (Parcels too large to be left in an oversized mail box).
And, ditto to nearly all the posts. My hubby is a very patient man!
I love this thread!
when......there's no room in the guest closet for clothes because it's filled with mohair and clothes for bears instead!
when.....the disc in your camera is filled with more bear pictures than your child's pictures.
when....there is a cookie sheet in the pantry that has a note attached.....FOR BEAR USE ONLY.
(It's used for shrinky dink tags for mini bears.)
when......your husband knows the difference between wool felt and craft felt.
And that's just to name a few!!
Warmest bear hugs, :hug:
Millie this is SO funny! I laughed out loud.
One time I was at a restaurant with my mom and while we were waiting in the lobby to be seated I excused myself to do a blood sugar check in the bathroom. If my bloodd sugar was too high I was not going to eat just yet. When I returned to the lobby my Mom said in a loud voice, " Are you too high to eat?" You should have sen the heads turn. !!! She was referring of course to my blood sugar level. I said "No mom, my BLOOD SUGAR is NOT too high."![]()
hahaha, Judi, My mum does exactly the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!! I do it too, but she does it LOUDLY!!!! hahaha :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
hehe :crackup: :crackup: okay, anyone have definite house clothes and going out clothes, coz you never know when you'll end up in the studio and paint or glue or something unwashable drips on you
This thread is so funny!!!!!
When ............. you go on a family holiday and spend most of your time sewing for your next bear show !! Here is a photo from our last holiday on a houseboat on the Hawksbury River just north of Sydney!!
when ..........your friends buy you presents with teddy bears on them and they both buy you the same present!
when ............ you have a garage full of boxes (that one day maybe useful for bears)
hugs Lisa
When you go into a second hand shop and find 3 fur coats... the look you get from the assistant when you purchase all... do you tell her that your going to cut into these coats or pretend they are for you to wear...
okay, anyone have definite house clothes and going out clothes, coz you never know when you'll end up in the studio and paint or glue or something unwashable drips on you :whistle:
Yup!!! I have a favorite sweatshirt and sweats that are well broken in... and the bears always come out better when I'm wearing them than anything else!!! Good Luck Bear Clothes!!
My mail lady gets SO excited when I have a box come.... wanting to know if it's a new bear I've adopted or what kind of mohair I got this time. Then comments on how I must make a TON of bears because I'm always getting supplies! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: If she only knew I spent more time shopping online for this stuff than I do actually MAKING bears!!
:crackup: You girls crack me up :crackup:
and when 'joint' was mentioned I instantly thought of 'a leg of lamb' now how innocent am I? :crackup:
Mine is... I dismantled the guest room and turned it into a work room but still work at the dining table.DUH! :redface:
You know there is a bear artist living in your house when ...
Your spare room looks like this! Guest room? Not a hope!
..........when finally you've succumbed and you're doing the vacuuming to the melodious sound of glass pellets making their way up the hose!!
When you turn a sofa cushion and instead of finding loose change you find alligator clip, pins, needles, thread, and oh that's where my thimble went to.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: Oh My! ME TOO! We have a sectional that curves around the room so every now and then we lift the sections apart to clean and wella!!!~ There are my favorite scissors...and few felting needles, pens......oh the list goes on.
..........when finally you've succumbed and you're doing the vacuuming to the melodious sound of glass pellets making their way up the hose!! :lol:
Isn't that a cool sound!? :crackup: :crackup:
...when you go through withdrawl like an addict when you have company come for 2 weeks and can't work on your bears...and then after being awake for 24 hours when they leave the first thing you do is pull up the bear stuff and get to work!!! Sleep is highly over rated!!
. i agree with all the above!! our poor hubbies!
..... hahaha your 5 year old asks what a moe is!!
i said what do u mean a moe?
she then asked well, mohair comes from a moe, so what sort of animal is a moe??!?!
i then had to explain that it is not the hair of a moe!
Judi wrote: Lisa, yes, everyone should read that book along with Wayne Dyers The power of Intention.
And don't worry about turning 40 I will be 44 in March and I don't feel like it at all. I think teddy bears and other darling animal creations keep bear artists very young at heart and when you are feeling younger and happy it radiates and you look younger. People often are surprised at my age and I say it is he bears that keep me young. I beleive that with all my heart.
Judi, Whats the book about 'Power of intention'? it New Age or something?....i'm glad you and others feel young in their 40's...i'm so depressed about turning 40, maybe coz it's another new era? so need to change my whole lifestyle, maybe include Yoga or something....My husband just turned 50 in August and it didn't bother him at all and he doesn't even have a grey hair, nor looks his age.....i'm having huge problems with me turning another number....
Can relate to all the above posts especially those needles, scissors, bits and bobs down the sides of the sofas and seeing bear pattern designs in tiles! :crackup:
When you go into a second hand shop and find 3 fur coats... the look you get from the assistant when you purchase all... do you tell her that your going to cut into these coats or pretend they are for you to wear...
I once told a clerk at a secondhand store that I was going to cut up the lovely fur coat I was make teddy bears. I thought she was going to have a stroke. :doh:
Now I just let them think I'm going to wear them all.
Oh, and I thought of one more for the heap:
When you have more tackle boxes than your fisherman hubby!!!
Okay, back to work for me.
Lisa, Wayne Dyer is a fabulous motivational speaker. He does talks all over the world that are available on DVD which I highly, no, more than highly, recommend. Watching his talk on DVD called "The Power of Intention" made a profound change in my life 4 years ago after I lost my sister, nephew and brother-in-law....... and today I am happier than ever...thanks to this marvelous man, Wayne Dyer.
He has the same title in a book...and others like "Inspiration"......"Ten Steps to Happiness". I can't say anough good things about WD.
Oh and always remember....40 is just a number. It's so true. :hug:
I love all these posts and can relate to most of them Where we use to live I had a lady at a thrift shop who would save all the fur coats that came in for me to check out before she would put them out for sale. I miss those days
I got some really nice mink that way. Now as for my hubby, he is usually the first one in a fabric store to look at the fur to see what is available. I think I have been making bears for too many years
when a husband is the first one looking at fur.
Don't feel back about turning 40, as it is just a number. For us who are in their 60's, bear making keeps us young and there is always another design in our heads that just needs to be made.
...You can walk into any room in the house, only to find a dozen (or more) sets of teddy bear eyes staring at you from the corner of the room!
When the good folks at the UPS Store know you as the Bear Lady!
When you get a new car your biggest criteria beyond good gas mileage is "will my bear show displays fit in it?"
When there is a car in your garage with a license plate # BEAR L80
When the good folks at the UPS Store know you as the Bear Lady!
When you get a new car your biggest criteria beyond good gas mileage is "will my bear show displays fit in it?"
When there is a car in your garage with a license plate # BEAR L80
Too funny! That's exactly why I bought a great big SUV!!!
And my license plate says "TDBEARS"...
Thanks Judi and Eva for putting it that 40 is just a number..i never viewed it that way.....I'll go look for Wayne Dyer on i need some motivation in my life at the he the man on those Ads with Leeza Gibbons, his a motivational speaker, but i'm wondering if it's the same guy as i forgot his name....
(lol) 4WD number plates are OZ MAT short for Oz Matilda, yet people have often asked do i make 'mats' (rugs)...ha.ha.
no worries to answer Judi..i just seen his books and his not the same motivational bloke on TV with Leeza Gibbons...I purchased 3 of the books just then on Ebay...thanks for letting me know about him....
Hi Lisa,
Nice to see you posting again! I agree with Judi - Wayne Dyer is not just motivational, he has a way of putting your life experiences into perspective, while teaching coping strategies to help you move forward. I've seen his "Power of Intention" seminar on PBS several times. I watch it whenever I see it on TV. He's quite captivating and has a wonderful sense of humour. If you get a chance to buy one of his DVD's, it's really worth trying to see one of his presentations - he's amazing.
As for age, it's my hubby who is bothered more about it than I am. I just remember my mum always saying to me as a child, "it doesn't matter how old you are, we are all Peter Pan inside". It's always stuck with me. Funny though, for me, the older I get, the more content I seem to be.
Judy, I am right there with you on Wayne Dyer, love the man. He is a person that knows, if you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at will change. Nothing is more true.
Lisa, Wayne Dyer is a firm believer in meditation. From personal experience I can tell you nothing will put you at more peace with yourself and life changes than meditation.
I am 48, the older I get the better I like it, my 40's have been the best years yet, more me time, I've earned it!
You know there is a bear artist living in the house when this is part of your homes decor.. and when you open the doors of the beautiful antique sideboard in your dining room, instead of grandma's china you find this... Oh this is only the half of it...