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BearMeToo BearMeToo
Posts: 709

This morning me and my children ( husband had already gone to work) woke up to a strong earthquake...
I have never been so afraid in my life before.... Where I live, in the south of Sweden, this has never happen before. It was a strong earthquake, a 4.5 to a 5 and the beds and everything was shaking. The center of it where very close to where I live and now they are saying that it is likely there  will be after shakes....
This only happend about an hour and half ago and I am still shaking my self.
The electricity went and here is very dark outside for an other hour, so we did not have any power afterward, but it is working now.  bear_original I do not think there was any damage anywhere, luicky.
The thing is you are just waiting to see if it will happen again and it is not a happy feeling...



doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Oh Ann-Marie, you must have really wondered what was happening, I bet your children were scared too. Thank goodness that you are all OK. I have once experienced an earthquake and it is not pleasant, just scarry. Thank goodness that there is no injuries or damage. Keep safe and calm, big hugs to you all.

Hugs, Jane.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

momanimallover Taber, Alberta
Posts: 1,795

Gee, I would be scared out of my mind also! bear_shocked Good thing everything is okay!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     I remember the first and only time we experienced an earthquake - we lived up north.  Everything started to shake, and I couldn't comprehend at first, what was happening.  I actually yelled at my kids (they were teenagers at the time) to quit fooling around LOL!  I don't think it would have been quite as strong as your earthquake, but it really was frightening to think the ground was actually moving!!! 
     You will probably get some aftershocks, but you may not even feel them.  It's an unnerving experience, but it will pass with time.  Take care.



Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Awww, that sounds awful, I'm so sorry for your scare, but I'm glad you are okay  :hug:

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

Sorry Ann Marie that you had an earthquake in your area.  We live in an area of the USA where we have little ones all the time.  I have only been in one big one and it was scary.  Take care.


Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Ann Marie I am so sorry!  Boy that must be scary.  I know many people in CA are used to them, but the thought of one scares the heck out of me.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

A 4.5 earthquake?  Heck, my cats rattle the Richter scale that much when they run down the stairs.  Then again, I AM from California... :)

Actually all earthquakes are kinda scary because the one thing that's supposed to be reliable, no matter what, is that the ground will be fixed beneath your feet!  So I'll bet you were scared!  But it makes a great story to tell, especially since no one was injured.  Usually it's the third world countries, and the antiquated construction they house, that suffer the most when earthquakes hit.

I'm really glad you're all okay!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

A 4.5 earthquake?  Heck, my cats rattle the Richter scale that much when they run down the stairs.  Then again, I AM from California...

Shelli's right; Californians don't get excited about earthquakes til they hit 6.0.

We live only 7 miles from the San Andres fault which runs from California's southern border with Mexico all the way up the state. There used to be a weekly earthqake map in our newspaper but they stopped that for some reason. Here in the desert we can have a couple hundred earthquakes each week but most are small and you won't even feel them.

Allyn had started working in Indio while I stayed in the Central San Joaquin Valley. He was home when the 7.2 Landers Quake hit. Did lots of damage and it shook us really bad 350 miles north in Corcoran. It splashed over a foot of water out of the pool. That was scary and we weren't even near the epicenter.

Here's the USGS website. You can tract quakes and look for areas around the world. You might want to check out Sweden, Ann-Marie.

White Forest White Forest Bears
Southern California
Posts: 556

Living in So Cal I check the earthquake map several times a day as I'm always feeling them.  ESPECIALLY since we moved to Riverside County.  When we moved to CA I was so scared of earthquakes, I'd rather take a tornado anyday being from the midwest, but I'm much more use to them now.  Now I can usually hear them coming, it sounds like a big truck coming down the road, unless it's one of those BAM! type of ones that are a big jolt....ugh....going to check the map. lol!

Krys SoCal
Posts: 38

Earthquakes always scare me when they happen and I've lived in Southern California most of my life. Just like any catastrophic event I remember where I was and what I was doing when the last big earthquakes have hit. The only thing you can do is to be prepared. We have anchored our 3 6'x6' curio cabinets (filled with bears!) to the walls as they pose the biggest danger if they were to topple over.

Ann-Marie, I know your nerves are frayed but the feeling will eventually go away after a day or two especially once the aftershocks die down.

Angela Angela's Bear Garden
St. Catharines, Ontario
Posts: 495

Wow! I'm glad you're ok. I know we occasionally get an earthquake in southern Ontario, but it's pretty rare. It really feels wierd when it happens! :hug:  My brother and his wife are in southern Sweden, I'm waiting to hear from them that they're ok.

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

That would be scary, glad you are ok.... :hug:

BearMeToo BearMeToo
Posts: 709

Thank you so much everybody for your kind words, they feel really good at a moment like this. Nothing more has happened, yet, as the experts predict another one is coming nearly as big as the first one. They just do not know when....
But we are all alright and hopefully will be able to put this behind us soon.



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,876

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Very glad it wasn't any worse, Ann-Marie.  I've never experienced one, but I'm sure they would be terrifying.  Hope the aftershocks aren't bad.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Hi,  I live in California and we have earth quakes all the time.  I'm sorry you had one big enough to scare you.

Linda Benson Bears
Posts: 562

We've had a couple here in Tas in the last few years, never heard of them here before. The first one woke us very early one morning with the bed shaking, and my waking thought was that the dog was leaning up against the bed scratching himself, but then hang on a sec,  he's downstairs!! :crackup:  :crackup:  Then our daughter called out wondering what was happening, by then we'd figured it out and her reaction was "Ooooh COOL"
Our second experience was at Christmas and it was the prequel to the devastation that followed in Asia!

Sandra Heartbeat Bears New Zealand
Posts: 44

Oh Ann-Marie, I am really so glad that you are ok
Oh yes it is so scary
20th December last year we had a 6.8 quake and countless tremors for days afterwards
Without electricity for days
Our city is still under re-construction and it took us 3 months to right most things in our home
My work room was just waist level with my gear. The doors flew open and everything just slid out onto de floor.
No-one else could put things away because unless they went back to the same place I would never find them again
I am really so pleased that it was a scare and that you did not sustain damage
I hope you have a survival kit prepared in your pantry
Merry Christmas and may it not happen again to you and your family

Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507


I would've been scared too. I am glad to hear that no one was injured and that the power wasn't out for very long.


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Oh my goodness. Well thank goodness nobody was hurt. I hope you don't have to go through that again. Did they say why it happened? Are you sitting on a fault that caused the earthquake?

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