For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi everyone,
It's been over a month since I've posted a new bear. This is what I've been working on.... His name is 'Silly" and he is made from a dense alpaca. He is 14" standing and boy is he loaded with humor! :) I absolutely love the smile on his face. I also think that this is some of the best needle felting that I've done so far. :)
I attended my first bear show back in January and there I was able to get a lot of pointers to make my felting better. In Janurary was also my 1 year anniversary at bear making and it has really been fun!!
Anyways, I hope you like Silly. He will be on ebay this Sunday. I will add a link to his auction once he's up.
Thanks for checking him out!
He's adorable. LOVE his face & his darling Big Feet
:hug: Denise
Robert, I love the face on this bear. Great jbo. :clap:
Hes fantastic his face is fantastic love him great bear hugs suexxx :clap: :hug:
He is wonderful and very cheeky looking
Silly is a wonderful bear! I love the expression! Well done! :clap:
Robert, I
This bear is just brilliant and will obviously find a loving home in no time. I really have to say I admire you a lot for reaching such an artistry level in only one year of bear making.
Beary hugs,
Robert ,
I LOVE HIM...Congrats on your first year..your work is wonderful. Mikki
Oh wow. Thank you very much everyone! Your kind words means so much to me!
He is wonderful, love the face and eyes
OMG Robert, He is adorable. He has Alive eyes. Your felting is wonderful, top notch
Hi Robert
I think he is gorgoeus love the eyes and your felting is excellent
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what an absolute cutie x
Thank you ladies! Everytime I look at him I think he is alive too. Just waiting for him to speak or laugh :)
I've also started up a blog if anyone is interested. It's my first one so I feel kind of weird about it. Anyways, if anyone is interested in anything about me or the bears you may find it there. I've also tried to put some nonrelated bear stuff into it too.
Thank you all again!
Silly is FABULOUS!!! I am amazed you have only been making bears for a year! I too have only been making them for about a year. I have made great strides in my skills, but you have made huge leaps and bounds in yours!!!BRAVO!!!
he's extrodinary! absolutely original, yet somehow reminiscent of vintage Disney. really well done, Bobert! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Wonderful! He's a work of art!!
Hi Robert,
Silly is wonderful. I love his expression and his big feet! I was taken aback when I read that you have only been making bears for 1 year - what an amazing accomplishment to be able to needle felt the way you do after only a year! Congrats about the Teddy Bear and Friends Newsletter, too! How exciting!
I love him, what a wonderful happy little face
Thank you all very much! It is so nice to hear all your comments. I'm kind of speechless to what you all have said. Everyone on this site makes such wonderful, unique creations. I'm very glad I jumped on board, just wish I had stopped by sooner. I didn't know this was going to be as much fun as it has!
I just put Silly up on ebay. You can visit him here: … 0366645814
Thanks again!
Gorgeous bear, Robert!
I love his smile,
A real work of art!
hugs Birgitta
Robert! By far my favorite of your bears. I LOVE this one!
Beautiful job on the shading and expression :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you Birgitta and Judi.
I think he is my favorite so far too!
Wow Robert, I have always said men are some of the best bear artists!!
Joy, What a compliment! Thank you very much!