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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Ellen, My dear sister... were we separated at birth?? LOL!! It never ceases to amaze me how we seem to live such parallel lives in many ways!

Thank you for being blunt! I can take bluntness over fluff any day! Ha! Yes.... I live in fear of missing something and am known to sit in front of the computer waiting for someone to post to FB or TT.... I get lonely being home alone all day in the middle of the woods in the middle of no where... and need a break from some of the realities in my life that get me down. I can come here or post on my blog or just surf and leave my 'other life' behind!!! But it becomes an addiction of sorts and its not healthy! It interferes with EVERYTHING else!!!

Then the more involved I get with the internet the more contacts I make, the more communication is done via the internet and that's when I can't keep up. I STILL have emails to respond to from weeks ago........

I've managed to narrow things down a bit, control the amount of surfing and reading and responding I do. But I thrive on social interaction of one form or another... and I like to keep in touch with people and network... but I suppose it shouldn't control my life and take up ALL my time! That just stresses me out because I still need to get everything else done. I don't want shingles... I just had the chicken pox a few years ago... I'm not ready for more just yet!

Thanks for the swift kick the butt, Ellen!!! I needed that!! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

This has been a fantastic post. 
You've all made so much sense, you've helped me look at me, and my increasing addiction to the internet. 
I, too, live in the country, with the closest town being small.  With no teddy bear lovers!  Most people around here think I make toys!  I get lonely.  The internet has filled the void.  It has helped me to grow and to reach out, and not be afraid.
Finding a balance is the hard part, as I sit here at 1AM instead of sleeping.  I will try!!!
Thank you, Daphne, for starting this thread!

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Well I disappear at times then reappear.
I am not going to renew my website as I use wordpress and have my name on that.  I am able to have several pages and so will organise that a little better.  I have etsy and eBay but at present not much on either. LOL.
I also have FB just recently more active on that just because people seem to check that as well.  But not too much really.  I am trying to get my bears back on track so am avoiding too much interent time.

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

hehe, I've been thinking the same thing too.....I've given up on feeling guilty...I know that the friends I have waiting for an email are usually in the same boat as me....and we know we will get around to it when we can....the last thing I want to do is stress anyone and I know they feel the same way in return....
so, after you get rid of the guilt...I just breeze through and do what I find fun at the time and don't worry so much about what I miss, otherwise its not fun anymore, but I try to get facebook, TT, TBACA done as a priority...most days over the awful summer tho its only facebook, because of the reasons Daphne stated...its easy, especially when you have limited time and are a sentence you've touched so many friends and for me that makes me happy, and thats what life is about for me, keeping me happy and sane and that is my best "fix" bear_original 
I don't have a blog, and think that facebook is kinda like a friend community blog....don't ya it compliments the "business" forums.  bear_thumb

BrendaBears BrendaBears
Jackson, Wyoming
Posts: 34

Great thread! I totally agree!! It can become so overwhelming trying to keep up with all that is out there and continue to create as well. The internet can steal so much of our day. I too had made the decision to make a list of priorities and stop trying to do it all. It's the best way I have found to keep my sanity but more important, to have time for the important creating. The list of internet activities will continue to grow. Who can keep up? bear_wacko
Bear hugs....Brenda

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I must tell you all that I spent the day OUT with an old friend yesterday... we shopped, talked, had lunch, shopped some more and were gone for 8 hours. Everytime I'm out for the day like that (or even when I take the dogs for a long walk) I feel so alive again... and FREE.... because I'm not attached at the fingertips to my laptop!!! It was such a great feeling that I took quite a few minutes to just absorb my mood and relaxed state and was aware of the world around me... not just a monitor 18" from my face!! I'm giong to try to recall that everytime I find myself sitting at my laptop for too long... make myself get out of the someone... go to my studio and create... 

I'm not one to stick to lists, schedules nor do I have much self discipline or will power but in the last few days... since "publicly confessing" my addiction bear_original I am very aware of my computer habits and am making an effort to spend less time here... so far so good... I have 4 new critters almost finished! Yay for me!! And I'm still able to check in on my favorite forums but knowing I have less time I don't get bogged down in a ton of reading and responding unless its something very important to me. The computer work I have to do for my business is getting done too! I used to save that for last, after surfing and 'chatting' and by the time I got around to it my eyes were tired and back ached from being online so long so I rarely got anything accomplished.

Funny how having this online conversation about being online too much is actually helping!! :crackup:

Thanks you guys!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

BrendaBears BrendaBears
Jackson, Wyoming
Posts: 34

Good for you Daphne!! Sounds like you're on the right go girl! bear_thumb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

I can't do it all either Daphne. I just pick the top sites I love the best like TT and that's it. There are days that I don't visit any of them for I'm very busy at work. I wish I was a computer wiz for I think it would be easier and I can do more but alas that is not my fate....

Sarah's Bruins Sarah's Bruins
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
Posts: 106

Having looked at the number of replies to this post, it's good to know that we all feel the same!

I'm the kind of person that feels I have to give 100% to everything. I feel I have to strive to be a domestic goddess, with a shiny, tidy home and tidy, well cared for garden and bearmaker extraordinaire. I also know it's not a healthy outlook.  :doh: I think we all tend to worry about peoples perceptions of us. My new years resolution is to loosen those reigns a bit and know I can't 'do it all'!

In answer to your question Daphne - I don't! A part time job has taken up valuable bearmaking time. Plus the six cats, five chickens and two guinea pigs, take up time. BUT, I wouldn't be without any of it. The job though basic, is around people whose company I enjoy and the animals (though taxing at times!) make me smile. The chickens are great comedians!

In the end I think we all have to do what makes us happy. Surely that's what life is all about?

P.s. Ellen, I'm printing out your post too!

Hugs, Sarah x  :hug:

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