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thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I'm now following you, Roxanne! 

Erin, I was wondering about pictures - I'll have to look into Twitpics.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oui!!! How is a girl supposed to get bears made, website and blog updated, shows planned, house cleaned, meals cooked and dogs fed if she's forever joining forums and facebooks and twitters and yahoo groups and more forums and following blogs and.............. my head is going to explode!!!!

But yes, I twitter.... a little.... but I like facebook better.... I don't do all the games and gifts and requests... just keep in touch with my friends and it's so cool all the friends I've reconnected with there!! I love it!

I've added photos to twitter's picture site but they don't show up on my twitter account.... or at least I don't see them... so what's the point? How is 'twitting' going to benefit my biz or anything else???

As you can tell... I'm struggling with myself.... I want to stay in touch and have fun on the 'puter but I shouldn't be wasting all this time....  bear_wacko

S.Reetz Bears Kenosha Wisconsin
Posts: 179

Hi are oh so right on that blogging,doing flickr photos&groups,updating websites and so on it does become a challange.I do think every little thing we do to get our names out there will help us out a little.I checked your twitter page and the photos are showing up.I will be adding you to my follow list shortly!~~~Sharie

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
S.Reetz Bears wrote:

I checked your twitter page and the photos are showing up.Sharie

WHERE?? bear_wacko

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Well I registered. :)
I was unable to do anything else. Over the weekend I'll have Todd help me. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it!  :redface:

White Forest White Forest Bears
Southern California
Posts: 556

The twitpic pics show up in your tweets....Not on your page.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     The link shows up in your tweets. and when you click the link, it shows up.  I'm off to find you.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

OK I swore I wasn't going to do Twitter but I just signed up LOL!  I originally got on FB so I could keep in touch with my daughter at college and I like how you can comment back and forth on FB.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Erin & Brenda, thank you... you're right... I get it now... I like Facebook better.......... but I'll try Twitter for a bit....... bear_thumb

Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507

I setup a twitter account the other day but haven't had much time to figure it out yet. I'm currently set at private until I figure this thing out.


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     It's funny how different things suit different styles - my daughter and her friend joined Twitter, because there has been a lot of publicity about it here, but when they got on, they said "is this all there is to it - no bells and whistles"! My response was "nope, and it's absolutely perfect!" LOL!

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I believed you guys about how easy Twitter is so thought I would set up an account too and try it out. Well, I don't know what I did but all of a sudden it was done and I had 20 people I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW that I was supposedly following! I couldn't figure out how to get rid of them last night so gave up and went to bed. Then I started thinking about what you said about Nancy having a private setting and didn't know if I did or not.

This morning I got up and checked email and found that I now have one follower - and don't have A CLUE who he is so went into Twitter and found the privacy setting to activate it and then managed to remove the follower I didn't know and then set about trying to get rid of all the ones I was following. Only way I could see to do it was to click on their pages and block them one at a time - which took me FOREVER with my dial up! - but at least they are all gone now. Now I have no followers and following no one and wondering if I should just try to figure out how to delete my account!

Maybe this Twitter stuff is beyond me! Although I have kind of figured out Facebook - or at least parts of it! - so why is Twitter throwing me like this? I don't like all the "extra" stuff on Facebook (other than Scrabulous which I play with my daugher) so thought Twitter might be good, but now I'm kind of scared to do anything with it!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Edie that is really weird!  Sorry you're having problems with it.  I had resisted Twitter before (like I need another online thing to do) but I'm finding I like it even better than FB.  I think it's cause it doesn't take up nearly as much time as FB does.  I still do FB  bear_grin   but followed Erin's idea of using Twitter just for my bear makin'!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Edie, I'm having a hard time figuring out Twitter.... I don't find it too user friendly and don't have the time or interest in trying to figure it out when I already use Facebook with little problem and have established myself there.

Why can't someone create a "get connected" type site like these but that is USER friendly, interactive, yet SIMPLE? Time is too valuable to be wasting on all this..........

(((says she who is obviously spending time socializing online and should be grocery shopping and sewing up bunnies!!))) bear_whistle

White Forest White Forest Bears
Southern California
Posts: 556

Twitter is great b/c it's just 1 sentence, "what are you doing?, and that's it.....Nothing else.  I walk by the computer and jot a little note to collectors, you guys, whomever, and then walk away.  No uploading things, writing out long posts, approving friends or anything.... Just a short, sweet thing.  I also have the code on my blog so it shows up there.  That way if I don't blog for a few days our collectors will still know what we're doing.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
White Forest wrote:

I also have the code on my blog so it shows up there.  That way if I don't blog for a few days our collectors will still know what we're doing.

Ah, now see, if I could figure that out I'd be killing two birds with one stone... very good idea, Erin!

White Forest White Forest Bears
Southern California
Posts: 556
Daphne wrote:
White Forest wrote:

I also have the code on my blog so it shows up there.  That way if I don't blog for a few days our collectors will still know what we're doing.

Ah, now see, if I could figure that out I'd be killing two birds with one stone... very good idea, Erin!

Here you go:

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Erin,
     Thanks for the link to the Twitter badges - I've added one to mine, since I don't update as often as I should. 



Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

I just joined up a few days back, what fun to see so many of you there.  I'll have to go and find you all and follow bear_original  The birds in my garden are tweeting away so I guess I'll join in and do the same on Twitter  bear_smile

I tried to load up a background of some of my illustrations, I can see them ok on my laptop - can everyone see both sides ok or is it too wide for your screens?
Catherine xx

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Catherine - left side is good, about 3/4 of the image is off the right side of the screen for me. I found after trying to create a blog background that I just couldn't make it to fit EVERYONE's screen resolution and gave up!!! LOL!

Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507


I was doing some internet searching trying to figure out this twitter and found two CNET articles I thought you might find helpful. … ncol%3btxt


Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

I just joined...I can't believe I joined...LOL!  I seriously don't need more things to waste time on, coz I will waste time if I can lol.  And I'm thinking of a blog now too...its all sucking me in  bear_rolleyes  hehe
It seems like fun tho, and easy.  So do you upload photos then?  What are you talking about Daphne?  I like facebook better too, but, have to move with the times I guess  bear_ermm

brightbears Bright Bears
Posts: 94

For those who want to follow my Bright Bears on Twitter:

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

I am on some forums and Facebook but decided against Twitter.  I just don't have the time for all of it.  I have been on FB for about a year and used it only to stay in touch with my grandsons and nieces but then last month I got sucked into a game by one of my friends.  Then not knowing what I was doing,  bear_rolleyes I allowed some other stuff and now don't know how to get rid of it.  You can spend all day with some of this and I don't know how people get anything else done if you reply to it all.  I just ignore it now and only try to send to a few people.  Sorry to any of you that get things from me that you don't want, just ignore it and hopefully my learning curve will get better in what I am doing on the site.

teeeej Brisbane
Posts: 623

I twitter also ( I post now and again - I like to post random stuff. Haven't tried uploading pictures yet, will have to look into it.


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