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sweetdfan Posts: 1

Hi, I'm hoping someone here can help me.  My mom and I want to begin making bears to sell, specifically in the beginning ones that are for young children, not collectibles.  But I have come across information that seems to indicate that they would fall under the CPSC regulations for stuffed toys.  I have perused the CPSC website, the TIA website, and even the Handmade Toy Alliance website and I still can't find an understandable summary of what exactly is required.  First, I'm under the impression that there is a tagging law, for fiber content, etc, but does that have to be a sewn-in tag or can it be a hang tag that gets removed?  Also, this new legislation that everyone is so up in arms about that requires individual and shipping labels with batch information, etc, and independent safety testing...I'm so confused.  I understand people are fighting it because it's completely unreasonable and unfeasible for home crafters, but still I at least need to know what we will be facing if the legislation doesn't get amended.

So does anyone here know of a site where I can get a good summary of what exactly is required for soft toys in California?  I thank you in advance for your help!!

ThomasAdam Thomas Adam
Posts: 310

You might find the following useful:

It lists several US-specific documents you're likely going to need to source.

--  Thomas Adam

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Hi Heather,

I have tried to find out more information about the new laws that took effect this year, but can not seem to get any. I have asked my local Small Business Administration, I have emailed Congress Members and just get referred back to the SPSC and Handmade Toy Alliance Websites which, as you have already discoverd, is confusing at best.

The last I heard, the new law that took effect in February or March has been delayed because there was not easy access to testers.................

Good luck finding any more information, if you are lucky and find some, post the info or websites here so I can get more information myself!

Welcome to TT,


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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