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bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

OK next feature article is panda in Australian Bear Creations. So I'm looking for all poseur pandas photos.......different, weird, unusual! All sizes all shapes all colours.

Please email them to me rather than PM. Sorry not putting my email address up here at the moment but click under my avatar.


Linda Benson Bears
Posts: 562

Hey Sandra, does that include pandas that aren't different, wierd, or unusual?
BTW how's the hand healing? Hope you aren't pushing it and are letting nature do it's job.  bear_flower

Carolynn Teenytinyteddybears
Posts: 444

Hi Sandra

Sending you a mail

Carolynn Teenytinyteddybears
Posts: 444

Tried to send mail using the addy under you avatar. Didn't  give me place to add pics. Lifted the one from your website. Let me know if that is ok

NIKKEL Nikkel Bears
Orient Point, NSW
Posts: 441

Hi Sandra - has been a few months since I saw you, and I too hope your hand is healing well.  :hug:  I have emailed you.

Marg  bear_original

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

Thanks everyone.

As for the hand......well the tendon over one of the breaks has got caught up some how and when the physio started looking at that found that O have lost heaps of movement in the wrist as I was in the cast and brace for so long. But ......hey .......this is me!!  Scince when has anything gone straight forward...... the guys at my physio know me so well they just cracked up. When I was there last week I got caught up in thisweird situation and Vaughn who was treating me jist shook his head. HIs comment "I know you keep telling us about the weird life you have and I was doubting but after seeing that I believe every word you tell me."

Personally I think it's because I actually answer the weird people back.....others walk by and ignore them, somehow they recognise they are weird...........I think they look normal.......what does that say about me???

All pandas welcome weird or not.

Don't know what is wrong with my email link on here will have to check.........may be why I;m getting the weird emails.

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Hi Sandra, sorry to hear about your hand !  I hope you get full use back .

I also sent  you a message to your website email address incase you are concerned it is "weird" email.  If if didn't come through just let me know.

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,855

Hi Sandra

Sorry to hear about your hand but hope it will come good soon. I have just sent you my Panda picture so I hope you will receive it okay.

Hugs Lyn  bear_flower

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Hi Sandra, I've emailed a panda pic to you (unusual rather than wierd!) - I hope it arrived okay.

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

Thanks everyone I have all the ones you sent so far.......if I haven't sent a thank you note please forgive me..........not only is my hand not 100% but darling husband Garth has decided to stress my even more with a midlife crisis change of life and stop being a motor mechanic and buy a book store. Which is great on one hand as I seriously love books, but can't cope with all the stress of re-financing our house and going for training on their in-house systems etc etc etc and a 9 year old and a dependant Mum since Dad died and all the things I do at Lara's school and the magazine deadlines and physio and....and....and ....and..........HOW do Mum's cope with more than one child ....I swear I'd be a mental case by now if I had more than Lara.

Must admit I'm looking forward to having the keys to the shop though in a few weeks time!!!  Yeah all the books I want, maybe Garth can move his clothes out and I can fit another book case in the gotta run and get the tape measure .....I'll move his clothes into the garage!!! :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:

Linda Benson Bears
Posts: 562

Wow Sandra, I swear I thought you were going to say he'd left you or turned Hare Krishna! :crackup:  Sounds more fun than a motor mechanic, I wish you both good luck with it!
Hope you got my pic yesterday.
Didn't you know that women can warp time and when they have more kids etc they alter time to fit everything in!!!!!! :D
Hugs yo you
Linda  bear_original

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694
bearhug07 wrote:

Personally I think it's because I actually answer the weird people back.....others walk by and ignore them, somehow they recognise they are weird...........I think they look normal.......what does that say about me???

All pandas welcome weird or not.

Don't know what is wrong with my email link on here will have to check.........may be why I;m getting the weird emails.

Pfft! Who would want to be normal anyhow Sandra? Totally overrated! bear_grin  Sorry to hear your hand is still not 100%, hope it isn't much longer, it must be driving you crazy!
   Oh I just saw you posted about the bookstore! Good luck with all that, sounds like it will be awesome when the dust settles.

denisepurrington Out Of The Forest Bears
Posts: 1,395

Hi Sandra,
I sent mine in. Thank you for the opportunity.
Take care of your hand and have a great weekend.
Big Hugs,
Denise  :hug:  bear_grin

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Hi Sandra
I have just e mailed you 2 panda photos.Hope you receive them ok.
Laurie :hug:

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

Hi Everyone

I have just sat and sent a "thanks" email to everyone. Short and sweet but if you have sent me a photo and don't get a "thanks" then it didn't make it through to me.

I have fixed the email link under my avatar so try again

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Hi Sandra, I just sent you a photo using the email link here at TT, seemed to have worked fine.  How exciting about the book shop, I hope it goes great for you and your husband.  Take care of your hands though.
Catherine x

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Sandra, I've sent you an email with a couple of pics as well. Congratulations on your new venture - a book shop sounds like a lot of fun! Hope your hand is all better soon.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi Sandra
I sent you some pics yesterday - but I haven't got the "thankyou" - WAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The email address was right tho - I'll try resending

Carolynn Teenytinyteddybears
Posts: 444

I will resend once my head wakes up,

You sound just like me, I never do anything normally. My hubby didn't believe me at first. But if I something happens to me it is usually the weirdest scenario. One that most Doctors haven't had to deal with etc. Like getting a sandworm in my eyelid. And stuff like that.  I feel for you with the hand. I fell a few weeks ago and must have done something to my ribs, but my arm and hand are really not that hot neither. Quality of xrays (and medical treatment) here is bad so pointless doing anything, except trying to rest it all. Frustrating to say the least.

Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507

Hi Sandra,

I sent you a couple of pics. Good luck with the bookstore and I hope your hand gets better soon.


puddinjack Bay Street Bears
Bristol, Tennessee
Posts: 242

Hi Sanda,
I just sent you some pics.  So sorry to hear about your hand!  Best of luck with the bookstore!

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