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fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Wendy this is for you- now you know why I have to work so hard.

Samantha is the boss.  No time to even go and get dressed, still in pj's, hair not done, but hard at work.



This does start to get boring thou !!!!


millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

I know the feeling.  I definitely am not the boss around here.  I don't even get breakfast until I have fed the dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and chickens.  I guess I have lots of bosses.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

:crackup:   LOVE that photo!!!

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

Love the pictures.  I do understand too because I have a cat that gets me up every day and he has to be taken care of first.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

022bTT.jpgbear_original Great thread!!

Here's my boss--his name is Bear, and he watches everything I do with those sheep-scaring Border Collie eyes!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

That last picture could be Samantha yelling at you to get off TT and get some work done!! LOL!

Great pictures! My dogs act as bosses by laying at my feet, surrounding the legs of my chair when I'm working so there is no way I can get up and wander off!!! LOL!

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Oh Eileen,
Now that is another one of my favorite dogs, border collies. My sister adopted/kidnapped one that was neglected. Her name is Storm, but being married to an Italian - her name was going to be changed to Stormlina, thank heavens, she refused to answer to that name.

Those eyes, just look at them, they tell their own story- and dog names- I see you have a "Bear" well I have a "Teddy"  bear_grin  bear_grin

Yes Daphne, she was yawning, but looking at the picture it does look like she is telling me off !!!!


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:crackup: Storm knew what she was doing!

My Bear was also a rescue--my sister ran a Border Collie Rescue & Rehab service on her farm in Missouri. When her husband was transferred to Texas, she had to rehome the dogs, and offered Bear to me.

My brother-in-law called him Bear after Bear Bryant, the football coach. Now he's just Bear the bear!

It's not only their watchful attention that keeps us working, it's the VET BILLS too :doh:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I'm with you on the Vet bills, Eileen.............funny how our vets (married couple) manage a couple of exotic holidays every year?!?
And we have boss animals too.........Fuchsia (the cat) knows when you are almost surfacing from sleep..........and gives you NO  chance to just turn over for a few more minutes peace.  Nounours, our Leonberger (yes - another "bear" - Nounours being French for teddy) is a bit more civilised, and even knows when it's weekend, but once we all get going, WOE betide you if you don't DO things in the proper order, and at the appropriate time! They  obviously think it's their duty to keep us in line..........

Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

undermydesk.jpgYes, sometimes I think our pets run our lives. In this pic they are taking their mid morning nap under my desk. In between all their naps, Lexi and Lucy are telling me it's time to eat. Lexi starts banging on things in the office, like the trash can, or knocking over piles of books. Next thing I know they are looking at me from the kitchen door like they are saying "Are you coming?". I mutter under my breath "Demanding little dogs". (wouldn't have it any other way though bear_wub )

sonblestbears Son Blest Bears
Geetingsville, Indiana
Posts: 808


  Love everyones pet pictures above!  Soooo cute!!!

  As far as pets go, this is my 'boss'  bear_tongue  His name is Spooky, he's also the culprit that comes into my room at 3 in the morning puuurring and wanting attention.  I always have to resist the temptation in the middle of the day, when he's out like a light, to go over and just loooove all over him waking him up like he does me! lol!  My other 'bosses' are my two kids, sweetheart husband and 8 chickens  bear_original

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,995

bear_grin  bear_grin Love the pictures of everyone's boss's put a smile on my face for today. Not to be out done here are the 2 boss's in my house Millie (Norwich Terrier) and Amy the mini Dachs  bear_original Lunchtimenap.jpg

Taking their morning nap while I work at the PC

Teddy Tales My Teddy Tales
Posts: 523

Here's my boss. whenever I'm on the computer she's like a cat, she walks around my neck and starts licking my eyes and face then just sits right in front of my face.075.JPG

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Just seeing all these pictures, makes me feel so good, knowing that there are people like us who care and love Gods creatures.

Right now, Samantha is sitting behind me, Kimmy is guarding her biscuit, not eating it, but growling when the other dogs look at her, and fat dog, has just swopped her sleeping place, from the bed, to her cushion at my feet.


Teddy Tales My Teddy Tales
Posts: 523

I don't know what I'd do without my BOSS though!

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