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peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Hi everyone,

I posted this message under the show and travel section, but, judging by the response (one : thank you Maria from Puca Bears), I guess not many of you read that section, so I hope you don't mind if I post it again under the general section.  I am certain that many of you have visited the Hugglets (or similar) show and can give me lots of good advice.

Here's what I wrote :

On September the 13th I will be visiting the Hugglets show in Kensington (London) for the very first time !

I have never been to a teddy bear event of this size and I am very much afraid that

I will lose my head

  bear_wacko when I see all those gorgeous teddies    !

Even thinking about the event already makes me nervous    !

So have you got any advice to give me on how :
- to stay calm and collected when seeing hundreds of teddy bears I would love to take home ?
- to keep me from ruining myself financially ?
- to decide which bear(s) I definitely want to adopt ?
- to remember to keep breathing 
- ...    bear_grin

All suggestions are welcome.

Hugs     :hug:


katiecountrymouse1 KatieCountryBears
Bolton-le-sands, Carnforth
Posts: 3,101

Hi Peter,

I've been having a think on what to do on the day, and truthfully I'd just go and enjoy! :dance:  :dance:
Don't panic!
Go all around firstly and take all the bears in, then on the second round you then can natter to anyone whose bear was waving at you on the first round. It's then, that you can start to see which bears are going back to Belgium with you.
Maybe...... put a limit down on each bear that you want to spend or a limit on the whole day.

You will have a wonderful time, and any bear that you do decide to adopt, you know is going to have a fantastic time with you and all your bears. bear_grin

Love Kayx. bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

baggaley bears Baggaley Bears
UK ( nottinghamshire )
Posts: 2,192

I 2nd what Kay said  bear_thumb
I felt the same on my first visit to Hugglets
Dont buy on your first time round, take your time but most of all just have fun and enjoy seeing all the beautiful bears  bear_wub

I will be on the other said so to speak, this will be my 2nd time doing Hugglets and i am working like a mad woman  :crackup:

Hugs  :hug:
Vicki xx

Yvonne Bebbin Bears
Posts: 1,109

Hi Peter - It is a busy show..especially at the start..when collectors rush to their chosen artists be prepared for that rush..if you are going to be there early. It might be a good idea to take a look at the floor plan on the Hugglets website...if there is an artist whose work you really like..and aim to visit them first. Make sure you have comfy footwear..and dress as for a warm it does get quite hot in the halls!! bear_grin

I remember my first visit to Hugglets as a collector...and have to say I was totally in awe...and a little bewildered by the sheer scale of the try and pace yourself...and take time out for drink and a think.. bear_grin ..but most of all..just enjoy yourself..I'm certain you will find that special bear..or bears!!!!! bear_smile !!

One things for will have a wonderful day!! :dance:

Hugs Yvonne  bear_flower

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi Peter, One thing that the others haven't yet said is to do what I did from the start as a visitor and still do today as an exhibitor is keep the money that you can afford to spend separate from your other money and stick to it, don't spend one penny over what you have budgeted. The show is always very busy and as Yvonne said it does get a bit warm in the halls. Plan out who you want to visit to maybe adopt one of their bears and head over to them at the start as you may be disappointed later in the day, although I have never seen anyone leaving Hugglets unhappy. It's a wonderful show and I am sure you will have a fantastic day seeing all the wonderful creations and meeting some of your Teddy Talk family, me for one. I look forwards to meeting you soon.

Hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hi there Peter,

I can remember chatting to you about this a little while ago and probably all the right answers have already been given to you here but, you know me and my loony sense of humour, so,  I'd say,

no-one is calm at a bear fair, we all rush around like headless chickens, but still enjoy ourselves, bear_wacko  bear_wacko
as far as ruining yourself financially, ...  well, ...  we're all stuffed in that department, bear_grin
no-one can tell you how to decide on which bears to adopt, the bears will tell you immediately and so will your heart, bear_wub  bear_wub

..... and as far as you remembering to breathe is concerned, if we find that your face has turned blue, we'll sew on some fluffy ears,
put a bell around your neck, pop you on a stand and see if we can get a good price for you!!!!!!! bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Looking forward to meeting you at long last, though you probably won't want to talk to me now!!!!!! ;o)

big hugs

Marilyn x

Linda Benson Bears
Posts: 562

Hi Peter, as I said elsewhere, try to get to the town hall early as the show is very big, and if you want to get around the entire venue you'll need all the time available to you! This is only my second time exhibiting at Hugglets, I found it very overwhelming last year, but everyone around me was friendly so I was soon put at ease. We only have pretty small shows here in Oz, so hugglets was a real eye opener for me. I guess I'll be more prepared this year  bear_original
Above all, enjoy the experience and please remember to breathe, I'll check in on Marilyn's table, and if I see a large blue bear there with a bell around his neck I'll give him a good prod!  :P
Looking forward to meeting you,
Bear Hugs
Linda  bear_original

Woodbury Park Bears Woodbury Park Bears
Central Coast New South Wales
Posts: 1,033

I'm just jealous I want to go to  bear_cry  I have always found that the anticipation waiting for a show nearly drives me to distraction both from collecting and selling sides but what a rush when you enter and the bears do take your breath away ! bear_shocked  I often find if there is a long period between shows I start to twitch because I need my fix  bear_wacko  Have a lovely time just pinch yourself every so often  :crackup: so you know your not dreaming.


suejennings TeddyBuys
Posts: 1,154

Hi Peter

My advice would be:
wear comfortable shoes
wear light clothes (heat in the halls has already been mentioned)
I take the amount I have budgeted to spend in cash...and stick to my limit. A few artists only accept cash.  If all else fails and you want to exceed your limit, there is a cash machine about 100m from the entrance to the hall.
prepare yourself for very crowded aisles between tables around midday
if you want to take photos, ask the artist first
At the end of the day, the number of fabulous bears will be overwelming...if your head overruled your heart, you probably wouldn't be a teddy collector!

Hope to see you on the day


peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Thank you all for your great advice  bear_thumb .

Apparently everyone feels overwhelmed the first time they visit or exhibit, so I guess I won't be the only one.
I will certainly try to just take a leisurely stroll through the halls the first time and see which bears were waving at me  bear_laugh .

Many of you advised me to stick to a fixed budget.  Well I have taken care of that : I have appointed a "treasurer" for the day, who will accompany me to Kensington and who will be in charge of the amount I can spend.  Here he is, scrupulously guarding the budget  bear_grin  :

Toast_the_treasurer02.jpg Kay,
you will certainly recognize "Toast" : ever since he knows he is treasurer, he looks very stern  bear_laugh !

I loved your comment "If your head overruled your heart, you probably wouldn't be a teddy collector" : so so true  !!  I hope I will meet you there.

I'm trying to think of a very witty reply to your suggestion to put me up for adoption (as a big blue Smurf ??), but my brain seems to be melting right now (temperatures of 35° C / 95° F).  But don't worry I will think of something  bear_wacko .

I'm sure I will have a great time once I'm there  bear_thumb .

Hugs,  :hug:


All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

You and Toast will love it Peter!  Just have fun and the rest will take care of itself! :dance:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I've been reading all this advice avidly because next year I do the TeddyBear Total in Germany for the first time and I hope to visit Hugglets on my next trip after that...... I know I am in for a surprise and am all excited and terrified ........... :crackup:

Carolynn Teenytinyteddybears
Posts: 444

Please take pics for us... Jane always does wonderful pics of the show but no one takes pics of Jane  :photo: hope you and Toast have a wonderful time.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hey Carolynn, don't you go getting them breaking their cameras by pointing them at me, there's some much to photograph at Hugglets without me in the frame.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Hugs, Jane.  :crackup:

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755
Carolynn wrote:

Please take pics for us... Jane always does wonderful pics of the show but no one takes pics of Jane.

Carolynn, don't you worry : I have bought a pocket camera just for the occasion and I know that it's common courtesy to aks permission before you take photos of the teddies; but I don't think that applies to photos of teddy bear artists  :crackup: .   So be warned, Jane, Marilyn, and other bear-makers, no hiding under the tables  bear_grin !

I hope you and all the artists and collectors have a wonderful day also some of the TTers who are visiting often meet up maybe it is something you could arrange.

Melanie, I was thinking the same thing : maybe it would be nice for some of the TT'ers to organize a little gettogether; although most of the artists probably know each other already, I really would like to meet some of the people "in the flesh".   We could all wear a badge with TT on it, or something like that  bear_laugh .
PS. Your latest bear "Lewis" is fabulous; so sorry that by the time I got to read your mail, he was already adopted  bear_cry .

Hugs,  :hug:


Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hi Peter,

Peter wrote:

So be warned, Jane, Marilyn, and other bear-makers, no hiding under the tables   !

I'll be fine - I'll be wearing my usual bag over my head so as not to frighten anyone!!

Peter also wrote:

We could all wear a badge with TT on it, or something like that

I have often wondered about this, particularly at fairs, it would be brilliant if there was a Teddy Talk badge that we could wear, instantly recognisable and an instant conversation opener!!  Who could we ask about that???  Anyone have any ideas??

Will chat soon.


Marilyn bear_flower

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I am in the basement this time so if I see you Peter I will say hello but if I see you coming my way with a camera I will be under the table bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin
I am sure you will have a lovely day.I would try and stick to your budget but as for the credit cards if it were me I would always bring one in case there is something that you really really really want as you would be so fed up if you couldn't buy it.I think that you would know if that special bear was worth overspending for.
Laurie :hug:

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755
Barling Bears wrote:

I have often wondered about this, particularly at fairs, it would be brilliant if there was a Teddy Talk badge that we could wear, instantly recognisable and an instant conversation opener!!  Who could we ask about that???  Anyone have any ideas??


Here is what I thought : you can copy the TEDDY TALK.COM logo from the flyer and paste it into Photoshop or Word or any other document.  Print it out, stick it onto a piece cardboard or plastic and attach a safety pin .


You know me; I always want to do something more elaborate : so I took the logo, added a few photos and am going to print it on a T-shirt.  Here is what it will look like :


You will see me coming from a mile away, so you can get your bag ready  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: .

Hugs,  :hug:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Don't forget that TT has a pin available for purchase at Cafe Press.  Also a T-shirt that is on sale at the moment.
Scroll down to the "MarketPlace Forum" and you will see thumbnails of current bears for sale.  At the end of that row you will see 'T-shirt' and 'Pin' buttons.  Just click on one and go from there.  Also, at the top of the page on the TT banner, there is a "flyer" category button (toward the right of your screen).  You are welcome to print that and display on your table.  Just some ideas.  Wish I were going to Hugglets . . . what a dream come true!

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hi Peter,

What!!!!!  No Piccs or Twinks???????????   Ha!

Must remember to put some eyeholes in the bag!!!!! :crackup:  :crackup:

It's going to be a fun day!!! :dance:  :dance:


Marilyn x

Sue Ann,

Whoops, nearly forgot,  thank you for the info,  and yes I had thought of using the logo and printing it out to go on my table, maybe all TT-ers exhibiting could do that!!  I have never noticed the "Flyer" either, such a nice idea so I think I will print some of those too. 

Many thanks Sue Ann,


Marilyn bear_flower  bear_flower

ThomasAdam Thomas Adam
Posts: 310

Well, I will be going and can't wait.  It should be better than last year.  ;)

-- Thomas Adam

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694
matilda wrote:

I've been reading all this advice avidly because next year I do the TeddyBear Total in Germany for the first time and I hope to visit Hugglets on my next trip after that...... I know I am in for a surprise and am all excited and terrified ........... :crackup:

Matilda you lucky bunny! I would love to go to Teddybear Total!
   It's bad- I am thinking more about seeing other people's stuff at Hugglets, and sightseeing, than I am about actually *doing* the show myself bear_grin  Worried about how I am going to get around and look? I hate leaving my table at a show even when I have people to look after it for me- but I want to see the bears!  And its extremely rare that I actually get set up in time to look before the show opens.. tho fingers crossed the jet lag will work in my favour this time bear_grin

DebbieD Posts: 3,540
Barling Bears wrote:

Hi there Peter,

I can remember chatting to you about this a little while ago and probably all the right answers have already been given to you here but, you know me and my loony sense of humour, so,  I'd say,

no-one is calm at a bear fair, we all rush around like headless chickens, but still enjoy ourselves, bear_wacko  bear_wacko
as far as ruining yourself financially, ...  well, ...  we're all stuffed in that department, bear_grin
no-one can tell you how to decide on which bears to adopt, the bears will tell you immediately and so will your heart, bear_wub  bear_wub

..... and as far as you remembering to breathe is concerned, if we find that your face has turned blue, we'll sew on some fluffy ears,
put a bell around your neck, pop you on a stand and see if we can get a good price for you!!!!!!! bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Looking forward to meeting you at long last, though you probably won't want to talk to me now!!!!!! ;o)

big hugs

Marilyn x

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:   This left me laughing so hard I could barely read the replies!!

All I can say is go with your first impulse regarding bear adoption.  I rarely find the first impulses are wrong.   bear_happy   Even if you're overwhelmed, if you feel its the correct one to bring home, buy it!  No matter who you bring home, or if your guard bear says bring no none home (impossible!!!) you will come away with some of the best times of your life!  :bday:  bear_flower  bear_wub

bearsbyTracey BearsbyTracey
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 299

hi Peter and all the other TTs that have added coments.

Reading through this thread has made me quite nervous!!!!!! bear_wacko

Travellling all the way from New Zealand, I am hoping the jet lag will not affect me. bear_happy

I am showing my bears for the first time at the Hugglets Show. I am in Hall 2 stand 81A and right next to one of my idols in bear making
I am so excited to be meeting so many great bear artists. I think it will be quite overwelming
Please come and visit me Peter.

To everyone else I am looking forward to meeting you
Bears By Tracey

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755
bearsbyTracey wrote:

Travellling all the way from New Zealand, I am hoping the jet lag will not affect me.  I think it will be quite overwelming
Please come and visit me Peter.

Wow Tracey : coming all the way from New Zealand, that is fantastic.  bear_thumb
I have heard from artists who have done several of the Hugglets shows that they still get nervous, so you will certainly not be the only one finding it overwhelming.
I will certainly stop by and say hello (unless I have fainted from seeing all those lovely bears  bear_grin ).

Hugs,  :hug:


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