For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Good Evening!!
It has been a little while since I have made one of my wacky Kats. I would like to show you Kool Kat who is a laid back kat, even his personality is laid back
Hope you like him.
Hugs to you all. :hug:
he's wonderful jacqui! love the colours you put together here...
I simply love your kats! Just sweet as ever... Nice colour on this little one too.
a new dream in blue ( not the red mohair ), wonderful face, really amazing
He really is a "cool cat"! Love his personality!!
Hi Jacqui,
Another beautiful work of art from yourself. :hug:
Kat is stunning!
The face is just Purrrfect!.
Love kayx.
Wonderful bear!!!!!!!!!!!
What a load of personality. He really is wonderful
i love his footpads!!!
A great and well done cat. Great colour and shadings.
I could look at this facial expression for gooooood. :clap:
lovely.... i would love to try a wacky cat.. i have done bears and a lion but not yet a cat maybe 1 day xxx this one is stunning love the blue
crazy about this cat!
:clap: Wonderful Kat, the color is great and your style shines thru.
A really great technique.
A very cool kat! :dance: love his face and fab nose :hug:
He is COOL!
I can just see him swingin' with the alley cats in "Aristocats"!
I adore him, love his colouring and he looks so sleepy, adorable Hugs Lynne xxxx
Absolutely love this one, so different too, lovely
Thanks everyone. You have all been so kind with your comments a big hug to you all :hug: :hug:
Have a super weekend.
Jacqui :hug:
Beautiful the colour blue you have used
Laurie :hug: