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Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

If you haven't seen this yet, I think it's worth a watch!  There's an adorable baby bear in this video!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I was just about to post about this - apparently it will be on BBC 2 tomorrow night. Luckily for us we do get BBC (via satellite) so I'll be glued to the TV, with the video recorder also running.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

This is wonderful, I would like to see the whole documentary

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

check out the North American Bear Center  I stumbled on it a few weeks back.........there are some amazing videos, and heaps of info on the bears. The "man who walks with bears" set up this place, and he really KNOWS bears.

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

How interesting! Those bears are so cute!

Jaina Emo Bears
Dudley, West Mids
Posts: 862

Anyone wanting to see it, it's worth checking out iplayer - it may be on there the next day -

The BBC puts many programs on it for a week after they are shown so that people can catch up.

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

Thanks for the great info!  We have so many black bears around here, so I'm fascinated by them.  I think even for safety's sake it would be good to know their language better!

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212
Jaina wrote:

Anyone wanting to see it, it's worth checking out iplayer - it may be on there the next day -

The BBC puts many programs on it for a week after they are shown so that people can catch up.

The beeb also locks them down for anyone outside the UK as they don't pay a licence fee

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Thanks Melissa. I enjoyed it. bear_original

Baerenbaude Baerenbaude
Buchholz (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Posts: 26

Thank you for this link.  bear_original  It is ever so interesting watching their natural movements.

Jaina Emo Bears
Dudley, West Mids
Posts: 862

I thought they did too, but I was listening to a Radio documentary the other day, that was complaining that people outside of the uk could access it - and therefore should it be made a pay per view service.... bear_ermm

The Great Bear Posts: 94

I have to say, it is strange, I haven't got any word to tell what I feel.

Feelings I have are mixed. Yes it is very nice to see this mummy bear that close but by another hand this mum is scared by the man.

What this bear shows us is how bears feel about humans which does not seem to be so nice.

This mum fight against herself she knows what are worth humans, but she does not attack.

I totaly disagree this kind of video because it scares animal. Today, technology is high enough to film animal hundred meters away without scaring them, without shocking them..... yukkkkkkkk

I would prefer not to be able to watch a video if I knew it would have been filmed scaring animals.

Humans : want want want want  bear_shocked  whatever may happen!!!!!


puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934 have a look at the North American Bear Center website ( - seriously, the bear is NOT terrified by this man (Lynn Rogers) - it's just a bit concerned by the extra camera ......
The center is dedicated to studying the bears and increasing everyone's awareness of of where the bears are coming from. 
There's heaps of info and videos explaining their body language and volcalisations.........all to the good in my opinion. We've shared our   world with these beautiful creatures for so long.... and I HOPE it can continue. It would be nice to think that the sad demise of Bruno, the young brown bear who wandered into Germany a couple of years back, and ended up being shot, wouldn't happen again......

And MELISSA - boy am I am I studying the bear "language" - and NO chance of my ever meeting a  bear here!


The Great Bear Posts: 94
puca bears wrote: have a look at the North American Bear Center website ( - seriously, the bear is NOT terrified by this man (Lynn Rogers) - it's just a bit concerned by the extra camera ......
The center is dedicated to studying the bears and increasing everyone's awareness of of where the bears are coming from. 
There's heaps of info and videos explaining their body language and volcalisations.........all to the good in my opinion. We've shared our   world with these beautiful creatures for so long.... and I HOPE it can continue. It would be nice to think that the sad demise of Bruno, the young brown bear who wandered into Germany a couple of years back, and ended up being shot, wouldn't happen again......

And MELISSA - boy am I am I studying the bear "language" - and NO chance of my ever meeting a  bear here!


Ok Maria I understand all of it and I also understand that in some point bears act as a guinea pig for scientifics but it's for everyone's awareness then I should be ok with this ?  bear_grin  bear_grin

Why would we not keep way from area bears are ?  It is possible to put border somewhere, isn't it ? Why would we not keep something wild and natural in the 21 century ?

Humans always want to put their nose where they could keep it away  :crackup:

I know, we haven't got any bear in the french mountains, except a full hand of them in the Pyrénées and maybe some in the Alps. They cause trouble because people can't go anymore in the area bears are!!! tsssssssssssssssss

I guess in the areas where bears are common it may cause safety problems. I then could have a different view point if I was living a bear area BUT I am not  lololol bear_grin  bear_grin

Teasing Hugs  bear_laugh  bear_laugh


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

that is amazing!  bear_wub

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

:hug:   :hug:

It is interesting to hear the different opinions about this video.

I guess part of the reason I'm so facinated with this is because I live in an area where people regularly come into contact with bears.  Up here in Northern British Columbia, we live within bear habitat, so I think it would be nice to be able to live peaceably with the bears.  That being said... I'm not going to go looking for a momma bear and get close to her babies any time soon!   bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin   

Another reason why this interests me is because I believe that if we understand any animal's language we'll be both safer and have a better relationship with them.  I don't think this bear was actually scared - just communicating that she was a bit nervous about the camera.  Our gelding (one of the rescue horses we took in earlier this year) will do the same thing if he is nervous about something - he will never actually strike at us, but he will strike the ground to let us know he isn't comfortable about a situation.  This is just his way of communicating his feelings - he is very comfortable and affectionate with us now that he has had loving attention for a few months. 

At one time horses were wild animals, and even now that they have been "domesticated" they are still being mistreated in so many instances.  I do think that if more people try to understand animals and how they communicate with us, it will be better all around.  We have too many bears being shot locally because people are scared of them.

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

One thing about wild animals, be they bears or what-have-you, it is important that they don't become habituated to human presence.

Wild animals remain wild simply because they are wary of humans.  Humans and wild animals can coexist if we each respect each other's territory.  They keep their distance.  We keep ours.

When bears lose their fear of human contact, they move closer and closer to where humans live.  That is when they get into trouble.  That's when bears end up getting shot to protect human lives.

I think this guy's IDEA is all right.  He wants to show people what bears are like and that we don't have to fear them all the time.  But it is important to stress that people and wild animals don't mix.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Well - I just watched the documentary.........totally fascinating. Other then being an on-going study of the bears, they are really trying to get the message across.....that if we understand the bears better, and realise that they are NOT ravening killers, then bears are less likely to be senselessly shot. Incidentally, Melissa - apparently black bears are less protective of their cubs than are brown bears, and won't tear you to shreds if you look at their babies! And oh - the cubs are CUTE.
I did find it horribly sad that the research people just had to grit their teeth and cross their fingers when the hunting season started -- they tie bright pink ribbons round the(radio collared) study bear's necks, but it didn't save one yearling cub. 
anyway - I'm off to bed............and probably dream about bears............

Bearyme Posts: 11

Concern on this issue is understandable but the group of bears being studied was relatively small and therefore the impact fairly small. I think it is important to remember that research is vital to our knowledge and understanding of wildlife. Sadly, humans have a profound impact on wildlife and when that is combined with ignorance the wildlife concerned suffers horrendously. Research and media coverage, when done in a sensitive and responsible manner, has a huge impact on wildlife wellbeing, when we know better we do better  bear_original I thought it was a very informative documentary, gave me a very different and valuable perspective on wild bears, and it is apparently coming soon to iplayer.

Bearyme Posts: 11

Sweet dreams Maria.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Well put, Claire! 
And  for anyone in the States who wants to see this film, I noticed that the N.American Bear Center DO sell it .

Jack&Lilia Jack & Lilia
Posts: 3,488

This documentary was shown on our TV here in UK last is amazing filming and an amazing guy who has worked studying these beautiful black bears for more than 40 try and see the film if you can....and have your tissues ready for the sad bits!!  bear_sad  :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi all...........
I've been on and on for ages about ONE day I'm going to go on a bear -watching trip..........well - watching that film last night made my mind up good and proper - and Jeremy and I have booked to go on a Black bear field study course..........I am SO excited!!!!!!
:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
only problem- it's not till next August - sigh...........a LONG wait! And for those who  saw the film - the CUB  "Lily" apparently should have cubs for us to see (along with her auntie Juliet) - how nice is that?

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

That sounds like a great trip Maria!  I hope you are able to take lots of pictures so we can all enjoy it!   :photo:  bear_flower

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

No worries there, Melissa........we'll take HEAPS of piccies! I'm still in a bit of a state of shock - trying to get my head round the fact that we are actually going .......... :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

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