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Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Gail I would like to thank you for organizing the card exchange. I have really enjoyed it. I have watched the ornament exchange for a few years now and have always wanted to join in the fun but I don't make bears!! This has been the next best thing to get to know people and share the hoilday spirit.
So thanks again!! bear_original

Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

Glad you have enjoyed the card swap, Cyndee.  I too have enjoyed receiving cards from all over the world--and sending cards all over the world!  I too feel that I have gotten to know the people on TT better through the card swap.  Thank you all for participating.  Happy holidays!

Sneak peak: Watch for the Valentine card signup coming on December 26!

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Another card from Em Bears thank you.

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Thank you Claudia. bear_original
What a great card!!! bear_wub
I wish I was right in the middle of it!! bear_grin

I would love to travel out of the USA. I envy those who have as I won't be able to. Not in this life anyway. bear_original
Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely note and the Reindeer is adorable!! Reminds me of one I had as a kid. bear_original
Merry Christmas to you!  bear_original

Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

And still the cards keep coming!  Today's mail brought two cards all the way from New Zealand to California!  The cards are from Laraine White and Carolyn Green.  The cards are beautiful, and the stamps are so interesting!  Thank you so much for participating in the card swap!  Happy Holidays!

Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

Remembear (pun intended)--signups for the Valentine Card Swap begin on December 26!

Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Oh wow - my first card - I received my first card - thank you Peter how wonderful - thank you so much!!!!!

Next year I will join in too - and of course I will participate at Valentines-Swap, just tell me where to join in - you know, I'm not very good in these things - please Cyndee remind me where to write in for Valentine.

thank you so much dear friends!!!!

bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,024

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thank you, Debbie from Australia!

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Will try Andrea! bear_original

jillanne UX'BEARies
Posts: 81

As very special thank you to everyone for the wonderful cards I have received from around-the-world.
Also a very special thank you to Gail for organizing the card swap. 

Due to illness I have not been able to participate in shows this year, but the card swap has enabled me to remain in contact with bear artists around-the-world.  The special stamps are being kept as I also enjoy collecting stamps from different countries.

Wish to send best wishes for a joyous holiday season and all the very best for 2010.


djbbears Queensland
Posts: 356

:hug:  :hug: Lovely surprise christmas eve with a beautiful card with a music cd and a cute little calender :clap:  Jared it was beautiful....... :hug: Have just sat down after cooking for 5 min and it was lovely to have the music on in the back ground it was very relaxing....Jared have a wonderful christmas to you and your loved one... bear_flower


Dawn J Hugs Unlimited
West Yorkshire
Posts: 310

A huge thank you to everyone for all the wonderful cards. I really hope that all mine arrived safely we have had a lot of snow here over the last couple of weeks.



peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

I received two more Christmas cards today :  :dance:

one from JARED MONROE : with a CD and a lovely calendar
one from ANDREA MARIA MAZZITELLI-KOEHLER : with a lovely photo of her Dreli Bears

Thank you Jared and Andrea

!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a beary happy New Year.  :bday:

Hugs,  :hug:



patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Jane Sophie and Jared thank you for the lovely cards. Jared thank you for CD and calendar

Carlyle Bear Co. Carlyle Bear Co.
Ft Myers FL
Posts: 492

I want to thank Peter for the lovely card I received the day after Christmas!  I was very excited to get a card all the way from Antwerp.   bear_happy   I really liked how you personalized your card with a picture of you and your hug.  It has been so much fun to put peoples names with their country of origin and company and sometimes a photo!  I enjoyed the card and ornament exchange so very much!

nandesign Posts: 361

Hi Everyone...
Hope you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas. I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent me a card. I am most grateful! The cards from around the world were lovely and thoughtful.
Thank-you also goes out to Gail for organizing the exchange.

Wishing everyone a happy, peaceful New Year ~ 2010!
Hugs, Nancy

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Dear sweet Andrea!!
Thank you so much for the card!
I'm a bit late getting to my postal mail from being in the hospital but I wanted to be sure to thank you.
I love your card. My husband thought you did a great job making your own cards with your adorable bears on them and I did see the one on the back. Too cute!. bear_original
Thank you for the ginger bread man. I will treasure him always. I have some pictures of him on my tree I will try to send to you.
Hugs. bear_original

Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

I'm happy - dear Cyndee - you liked it and I hope it will help you a bit, it brought along so many hugs full of health just for youuuuuuuuuuu
thanks for your nice words and I've received your email - thank you so much!!!!
bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

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