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How did the charlie Bear get started? I see a few have posted that they got a charlie bear. Are they an Artist bear that is manufactured? What are they made from.....mohair, synthetic? Who has a Charlie Bear?
The best place to start is here -
Charlie bears are manufactured here in the Uk; They are artist designed but mass manufactured. They are made of a variety of materials; some are Mohair, some (most) are synthetic.
The look of them is very much like an artist bear - but being mass manufactured, they are very affordable - certainly nowhere near the cost of a hand made artist bear.
Their affordable nature means that people can easily collect loads of them, The manufacture of them though, is very high quality, the synthetics that are used are also high quality - so they do not look 'cheap' if that makes any sense??
I bought 2 one my holidays and love them very dearly, they are fully jointed and have lovely faces - the nice thing is if you want to spend more, then you can to have a nice mohair one.
I have "Ewan" and "Matilda" from the current ollection
Thanks Julia. I went and took a look and the are great bears! I love the panda bears.
I own the mice Niko and Taco and I love them. They have such wonderful expressions on their faces and they are mohair. They also have been retired so I was lucky to get them when I did
The best thing about Charlie Bears is that it brings a whole new generation to Artist Bears as well, my daughter has quite a few now, as they are affordable to those on pocket money (with a little saving)
I have 2 Charlie Bears.
Kojak and Rigsby. Both from the Isabelle Collection.
This and other posts got me curious enough to order a Charlie bear of my own. But I was also curious about how the company manages to sell the bears at such a reasonable price while making them in the UK.
Charlie bears are manufactured here in the Uk; They are artist designed but mass manufactured.
For the curious, the tag on my new bear says that is was handmade in Thailand. I don't know whether all of the collections are made there, but this fact does help me to understand how the company is keeping their costs down.
(It's a very cute bear!)
I just got my first Charlie Bear as a Christmas present from my sister. She got me Charlie 2010 the PLUMO bear. Charlie is absolutely stunning! Even more detailed up close and in person. By FAR, some of the finest manufactured bears I have ever come across and a new favourite in my teddy collection. I will most likely be adding another Charlie Bear to my collection very soon.
Becky which Charlie Bear did you get?
And mine say Handmade in Thailand too.
They must be a uk company then, and has them made in the east. which is a shame, but not really suprising. Mine says they were made in Thailand too - I wonder if the mohair ones are?
Becky which Charlie Bear did you get?
I got the Sammi-Jo bear (I think from the 2008 collection). He's made from synthetic plush in a most beautiful mahogany color and has a growler. I love growlers.
Thanks Becky. :)
Oh he's a cute one!!!!
I love growlers too.
Yes the mohair bears are made there too.
Both of mine are mohair.
It is a shame and I didn't notice it before buying.
Hi guys,
Charlie Bears Ltd is a UK registered company, based in Cornwall, and is run by Charlotte Morris and her husband, William. The bears are designed by several international artists - including me! In fact, more than one TT member has been honoured to design for Charlie Bears. They are manufactured in Thailand as, sadly, there are no factories in the UK any more which would have the capabilities to manufacture bears to such a high and consistent standard for a reasonable cost. I am delighted to have had four designs in the previous winter catalogue and I have two new bears scheduled for spring. My littlest guy, 'Noah', was showcased on QVC UK just before Christmas.
I think they look great!
where is the best place to buy in the us?
where is the best place to buy in the us?
I bought my bear from dougsbears. (He answers emails and ships quickly.)
What an honor that must be for you Christine!
What an honor that must be for you Christine! :)
It is pretty exciting! Especially when you see how high the quality is - on one of the bears I actually had to get William to point out which was my original and which was their prototype!
Christine you are so right!!!
My collection is mainly artist bears, over 800 of them.
I only have 2 Charlie bears.
I have to admit it took me a long time to give in a buy one.
However I was not disappointed and I must say I would have a lot more if my current health allowed me to continue to collect.
where is the best place to buy in the us?
There is a list of all the shops that sell Charlie Bears in the US on their website :
Click on "Links to Stockists" and scroll all the way down to the end (the US are mentioned last).
I have got several Charlie Bears, plush and mohair, and they were an excellent and affordable way to start my teddy bear hug (until I unfortunately discovered OOAK artist bears ).
Hugs, :hug:
TamiL wrote:where is the best place to buy in the us?
There is a list of all the shops that sell Charlie Bears in the US on their website :
Click on "Links to Stockists" and scroll all the way down to the end (the US are mentioned last).
I have got several Charlie Bears, plush and mohair, and they were an excellent and affordable way to start my teddy bear hug (until I unfortunately discovered OOAK artist bears
Hugs, :hug:
Thanks Peter, I will have to adopt a few, they are way cute!!!
For Anyone Wanting To Get A Better Idea Of What The Bears Look Like, Go To : … H-_-SEARCH Where You Can Watch Videos Of The QVC Presentations Of The Bears. I Have Also Posted Two Pics Of My Charlie 2010 Bear On My Facebook Page At : … f7b90d0100