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I LOVE Lady Bugs!!
I buy them by the bags full every spring and release them in my garden!
It's great to see them hanging around eating other pesky bugs!
I LOVE Lady Bugs!!
I buy them by the bags full every spring and release them in my garden!
It's great to see them hanging around eating other pesky bugs! :)
I do too!! I don't like seeing them sealed up in bags at the store. LOL
Oh thank you for the ladybug!!! I can't tell you how much I needed to see one. I have been very depressed today and seeing that little lady bug has lifted my spirits. I feel it is a sign from my mother sending her love. My mother passed away in early January of 1993. For years she had worked at JHB Imports which is a button importer, handcarding buttons onto cards. Her favorite button out of many thousands of buttons was the ladybug button. So when my sister found a live ladybug in her house IN THE WINTER, ever since we have always said it is Mom coming and saying hello and letting us know that everything is allright. So ladybugs are very special to me.
I'm sure Beth it's her. :)
Maybe when spring comes you too can buy a bag and let them go in your garden or yard. :)
Tami I don't like them in the bags either so I started a few years back buying them on line and having them shipped directly to me. That way they aren't just left on a counter at the store in a bag waiting for someone to buy them.
However there is a lot of controversy about using harvested ladybugs.
Here's an article you might want to read. … ybugs.aspx
As with anything Tami there is controversy. As I'm sure you know. So I try to use companies that don't over harvest. The harvesting of wild ladybugs if it is done responsibly shouldn't deplete the natural colonies. :)
Some times I feel like I can't win for losing!!!!!
You can buy bags of ladybirds? Good grief! Still, the kitty looked like she was having fun
Never heard of buying bugs before. Anything is possible in America lol.
Love the pic. The white, with just the little bit of colour from the ladybird (what they are called in the UK) is beautifully photographed.