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peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Hi to all you lovely TT’ers !

You will probably declare me mad, but today I am celebrating a special anniversary :  It has been exactly ONE YEAR since I joined TEDDY TALK.  :dance:

And may I say : I haven’t regretted it once!  I don’t think there has been one day in the past year when I haven’t logged on to TT, even if only for a few minutes. 
It has been a real eye-opener to read all these amazing posts : all the beautiful bears and other creatures, the adorable cute animal pics of the day, all the joys and sorrows you have experienced over the past year and have shared with us. 
It has been said before, but I would like to repeat it here loud and clear :



I like to think that I might even have become a slightly better person for having known you all.  bear_original

So I would like to give you all a very big hug and thank you for being such kind, supportive and lovely people !  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
And to the artists whose bears I have adopted over the past year : Thank you sooooo much for bringing these adorable teddies into my life !  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Peter & the whole hug of bears

TTanniversary01.jpg TTanniversary02.jpg TTanniversary03.jpg TTanniversary04.jpg TTanniversary05.jpg TTanniversary06.jpg

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Its nice to see your hug. Happy Anniversary! I'm not on here half as much as I'd like, you do miss it. I had to check when I joined, July 2005, time sure flies.

katiecountrymouse1 KatieCountryBears
Bolton-le-sands, Carnforth
Posts: 3,101

Hi Peter,

Happy Anniversary to you! :dance:  :dance:
I’m so happy that you have kept coming back onto TT, with all your lovely pictures of your Hug. :photo:
I’m looking forward to seeing your new additions through 2010. bear_thumb

Love Kayx. bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Thank you for your kind words, Peter.  :hug:

I stop in almost every day, too, and it's always so encouraging to see a group of kind-hearted people exchanging their thoughts and feelings civilly. (That doesn't seem to be the norm on the Internet, I've noticed.)

Your comments and photos are among the best things here on TT, Peter. Happy anniversary!  :cake:


Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

Happy anniversary to you Peter - yes indeed this is really a great place for bear-lovers in all over the world - and by the way I have to say it helped my English so much reading and writing here on TT - I hope everybody ever understands what I mean, what my language can't tell - my bears will speak for me!!!!!

Have a wonderful beary day - lovely hugs from Austria  bear_wub  bear_thumb  bear_flower

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

A VERY Happy Anniversary to one of the nicest people here! I'm sure we are ALL really glad  you joined, Peter.
And as they say - don't time fly when you're having fun?
big huggies
Maria :hug:  :hug:

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Happy anniversary  :cake:  I must talk too much, I've got more posts than you in 3 months  :redface:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Happy Anniversary!!!!   bear_flower  :cake:

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Hello Peter,

Happy Anniversary dear friend.  I can't believe it is a year ago that I first told you about TT, where has the time gone!

So delighted to hear that your bears bring so much joy to your world  ...   what better reason could there be for making bears!

Thank you for being such a wonderful person yourself and for all your lovely comments and photos here on TT.  Here's to the next year!!

Take care.


Marilyn x

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,015

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Peter, we are very pleased that you joined us a year ago . . . Happy Anniversary!  Your postings from a collector's point of view are really important and meaningful for us artists and I look forward to hearing from you for many years to come.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

boohbears Booh Bears
Glendale, Arizona
Posts: 1,833

Happy Anniversary, Peter!   bear_flower

Jack&Lilia Jack & Lilia
Posts: 3,488

Happy first year Peter!  :dance: ....many more to come!  bear_flower

Theodore B. Bear Posts: 114

Happy Anniversary Peter !!!    Collectors like you are the " Breath of Life"  to Teddy Bears !!!  :bday:  bear_flower  :cake:  bear_wub  :hug:  :cake:  :bday:  bear_flower

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Hi Peter, Congratulations on your year here, and your ever growing teddy family.  Now I know you also visit other forums, when will I see you making an appearance on facebook?  The gangs all there too, and you could have all your teddy pictures posted there. You have great pictures.

Posts: 1,586

bear_wub Peter, may I say what a pleasure it has been to know you this past year, where does the time go.  I have said it before and I will say it again, YOU, are simply the best.  Your kind ways and interest in this forum and the teddy bear world brings such a bright spot to us all here at TT. 
PS, I am so green with envy, I see that bear from Paula at All BEAR, oh how I wish I had one of those, came close last year, but did not get one for Christmas.  I guess Santa dropped the ball, I guess I will have to pick up the slack.
Congrats on the year and may we have many more to come on the this great forum. :dance:

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Thank you Joanne and everyone who responded to my "silly" anniversary  bear_grin

desertmountainbear wrote:

Now I know you also visit other forums, when will I see you making an appearance on facebook?  The gangs all there too, and you could have all your teddy pictures posted there. You have great pictures.

You are the second "teddy bear" person in a few days who asked me why I haven't shown myself on facebook.
I guess I still feel a bit uncomfortable "coming out" with my hug of teddy bears  :redface: .
But I will give it some serious thought and when I do decide to join facebook, TT'ers will be the first ones to be invited as friends  bear_original .

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

The good thing about facebook is you can invite who you want to chat with, and you now have control over your privacy.  So your "secret" can remain with only the chosen.

sylvia bjb blue jean bears
Posts: 1,137

Hi Peter,

Congratulations on your first year with TT!!  bear_thumb  I'm glad you are enjoying every minute of it. Nice people like you make it a wonderful place to visit every day. I do love seeing all the teddies in your ever growing hug.  bear_wub


Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Happy Anniversary Peter, the Bears are all very lucky to have got to meet you.  It's always fun to chat and here of their adventures  bear_smile

kynthia Posts: 140

happy anniversary peter! :bday: i always take time to look at your pictures. they are lovely!

i must say i agree totally with you. i have not regretted joining TT at all. Afterall, it was TT that gave me the encouragement and confidence through all your wonderful pictures and tips to start making bears!

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

Congrats from me too!  TT is a great place to be!   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :bday:

suejennings TeddyBuys
Posts: 1,154

Happy anniversary!  Your adventures, photos and messages brighten my day.



susiray Bear-Hands
Algarve, Portugal
Posts: 482

Happy Anniversary Peter

your hug is so sweet and i'm glad they have their scarfs on in the snow. this is certainly a great place with so many helpful, friendly thoughtful people from all over the world coming together.

glad i got to know you

hugs susan

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Happy  Anniversary Peter :dance:
Time always flies by when you are enjoying yourself :dance:  :bday:  :cake:
I look forward to seeing your photos with all your latest additions to your hug....we could do with more collectors like you on this forum showing us all their latest bears that they have bought or their bear collections bear_thumb
Laurie :hug:

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Happy anniversary Peter!
Glad that you joined TT as it is great to hear from you and all that you have to share and to see all your wonderful bears.
The world would be a better place if there were more Teddy loving people about.


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn