For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I've been a very unsettled soul the past year, and am about to embark, all being well, on a whole new life, how exciting!! Before I move, I finished these few bears, they're on Bearpile, I hope you like them! Wish me luck!! xx
They are all so wonderful!! I love them!!
Good luck in all you do!! :hug:
Love them all!
Wow.... things sound exciting in your world!! Best of Luck to you!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Clare,
I do wish you and all your family ......good luck in all you do! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I hope you aren’t going too we will see more of your gorgeous prims, soon. :dance: :dance:
Love Kax :hug:
Hi Clare
Edie is my favorite, you make lovely prim bears.
Gosh it sounds exciting...very best wishes from Darren and I with your new life
Wow you have been busy Clare....these are a precious bunch...or I should say hug!....of cuties! Hugs and good look with your new adventure :hug: ...I hope it still involves bear-making!
What a wonderful set. Good luck in your new life, hope it won't be bear-free!
What a bunch of beautiful bears!! They're all very sweet and lovely :love Best of luck also for all your new ventures. Don't stop the bear-making though :)
:hug: :hug:
They are all just wonderful
PM'd ya xx
What a wonderful bunch of bears! They are all so sweet!
Some real cuties! They each look so lovable and cuddly!
Bear Hugs and Blessings,
Lovely bears Clare, love them all, ooh good luck with the move, let us all know how you get on
I LOVE ALL of these guys!!! They are simply adorable! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Hi Clare,
Best wishes to you and your family for a safe and happy move! Your new little prim bears are wonderful - each one unique and each one as cute as the previous one!
They are all wonderful - but I have to say the first one, "Edie" is my favourite too! (wonder why )
Good luck in your new life ventures!
Thank you all so very much, I won't be leaving the bear world (you can't get rid of me that easily!!) but everything else will change for the better I hope - please keep fingers and everything else crossed for us........xxxx
Bless you all for your kind words......xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello Clare, these new little bruins are just gorgeous - I love your prims. With every good wish for this new stage in your life.
All the luck and best wishes in the world to you Clare!! Your bears are a supreme delight to see.
i loooove the centre seams, obviously katy is my fave xxxxxxxxxxxx
they are all gorgeous Claire new life sounds fantastic i wish you lots of love
I just love seeing your bears and these little darlings are certainly adorable! I wish you and your family good luck with your move (and with finding things once you arrive, that is the tricky part)! :hug: