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eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

Hello Everyone,
I just stabbed myself with a needle, yet again, and had to quit working while I apply pressure to my finger to stop the bleeding.  I was wondering how often the rest of you stab yourselves while making bears.  I get myself several times with each bear, at least once drawing blood.  And, it's not just the fingers!  One day, I took a bear to work on to a doctors appointment.  There I was  in the Mayo Clinic waiting room working on a bear in my lap.  I stabbed myself in the boob!  I wanted to scream and cry but I was surrounded by strangers.  I just quietly put the bear away and read a magazine.  Anyone else have any strange stabbing stories???


Kristina Kristina Bears
Posts: 110

bear_grin Well I stabbed myself today with a needle that I use to take my cats gluclose a scratched myself(don't ask me how) on the inside of my wrist yesterday sewing...
Blood sweat and tears!!!!

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

As a matter of fact, I stab myself pretty regularly.  bear_grin

I have a friend who knits -- and I knit some myself -- and we've admitted to each other that our knitted work always contains at least one hair woven in with the yarn. With bear-making, I think every one of my bears has been made with just a bit of blood somewhere. (It gives them that personal touch!)


eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

My husband often teases me that even if something happens to the sewn in tag on my bears, they will be able to find out who made it through DNA testing.  One would think that as long as I have been making bears, I wouldn't be stabbing myself so often.  The worst is under the fingernails!

~ Alison

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I stabbed myself with an awl the other day under my thumb nail.  That was the worst pain ever. 

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

Am with Becky, I think every one of my bears has a spot of blood.  I have never got use to using a thimble so the finger I push the needle through the fur with always seems to have a spot where the needle has drawn blood.

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

I've stabbed myself 4 times this weekend, first with a needle in a pencil case that popped out, then with a pin I was trying to push into a pin cushion, only to discover I was pushing the wrong end, then my leg when I got up, forgetting I'd stuck a pin through the knee of my jeans, and finally my thumb when sewing yesterday.  I'm a liability!

WoozieJu Woozie Ju Bears
North Walsham
Posts: 435

Thank goodness someone's finally admitted it!!! I thought I was the only one?!
I actually have a permanent hole in one of my fingers which is starting to look really freaky?! Joanne, I stabbed myself twice in one move with my awl a few weeks ago, you're right about the pain, not to mention the blood! Oh & today I managed to stab myself really deeply in the thigh with a needle-felting needle - those things are so evil... the only good thing is that it doesn't hurt as much to remove it as the barbs are on the way in!
Now I've finished my rant, I'll carry on with my work.... bear_grin
Luv & Hugs,
Julia x

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,856

I reckon I must have stabbed myself about six times this weekend - I'm beginning to realize what a pincushion must feel like!  :crackup: Blood, sweat, bad language and tears certainly go into my bears  bear_laugh  bear_tongue  bear_angry  bear_cry

sandra p skye rose bears
Posts: 229

i;m forever stabbing myself,i've also sewn bits of bear to the legs of my jeans,and once i had a leg dangling from my thumb where id sewn a stitch through the skin!!! :crackup:  :crackup:

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694

Phew, Alison, I was a bit worried when I saw your title! lol Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious bear_grin

So glad to see I am not the only one who stabs themself regularly.... I seem to go for ages without doing it once, then it happens several times in a few hours. I usually take that as a sign I need to stop sewing for a bit hehe.

  Then there's the ever popular, stabbing yourself with the *blunt* end of the needle... ouch that hurts!

  Julia, I too have the hole in the top of one finger bear_grin

eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

I think Joanne, definitely wins for the most painful poke.  I've stabbed myself numerous times under the fingernails with a needle but never with my awl!


Linda Benson Bears
Posts: 562

They are all par for the course really, my fingers are always a total disaster. Worst one was when I sat in my favourite chair and sat on my awl. Jumped up with the pain to see the offending tool hanging from the back of my leg, I don't know how far it actually went in, but it sure was PAINFUL!!!!!!

Clarebear Fulrfun Bears
Alice Springs
Posts: 503


It is also a common occurance with me.  ! was sewing with real fur once which was very difficult and managed to stab myself and break the needle at the same time.  It was only when I found the other end that I realised the bit left in me was the blunt end!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

I love this post. Thank you for the giggle Alison. I just cant keep from stabbing and injuring myself while bearmaking. After I complete a little critter my finger looks just like a pin cushion.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     I'm not too bad with needles, but a few years ago, I dropped my small Fiskar sewing scissors and to prevent them from falling to the floor, I stupidly shut my legs really fast.  BIG MISTAKE -  I had to pull them out of my leg as they had imbedded about 2/3 of an inch.  I still have a wicked scar.  Now, whatever I drop, I just let it go :o)

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

For sure, I can join the Society of Stabbers with all of you . . . can't sew anything without a few mishaps with the needle.  Actually last night it was a straight pin that 'got' me.  Oh well, the benefits of doing what we do far outweigh the pain that we experience from time to time - I think.

binglebears bingle bears
Upstate, NY
Posts: 1,559

Wow!  I feel like I'm part of some sort of club!  Self Stabbing Bear Artists--better known as SSBA! :crackup:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

I can say that I do not happen to stab me too often. Maybe because I am sewing slowly. But I happen to do it from time to time as I do not use timbles...
I have to confess one of my thumb fingers does not like the needle I use with leather, as the tip of the needle often ends in it (better be there than in the flesh).

Beary hugs,

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

And here I was avoiding this thread because I didn't want to read about some horrible stabbing you read about in the news, Alison!! LOL!

I find it rather convenient to stab myself and draw blood.... as a diabetic I take advantage of this and do a blood test!  :crackup:
I have a wonderful leather thimble made by Clover. I HATED thimbles until I found this one a few months back. It stays on my finger, isn't bulky and awkward, comes in sizes and I can really work with it on.

Now, if you want to talk about getting yourself in the finger with the sewing machine needle THAT, I promise you is traumatic and hurts! I've done it twice, right through the nail and all! Some of you may remember me posting here about that a while ago.... warning you all not to try it! bear_tongue

Linda & Brenda - OUCH!!!!! bear_cry

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

Ouch!  And I though I had some bad stories - they pale in significance with some of the ones on here!  My worst accident was with a cotter pin - put it right in the fleshy part of my hand (the part under the thumb... I'm sure it has a name).  I regularly have either end of the needle go into my fingers - two of my fingers have areas that are pretty much permanently "scarred" from needles.  I guess hand modeling is out!  bear_grin

kynthia Posts: 140

oh my goodness!! daphne, that must have been sooo painful..  bear_cry

i usually stab myself with felting needles. since it's so fine, it usually goes deep in. and the pulling out with the barbs and all... ouch!! since i usually sew late at night, i find myself fairly awake with all the stabbings! bear_wacko

Karon Posts: 751

Great thread this one!

I have had a scissor stabbing accident - I trode on them, and don't even ask how this happened, they embedded themsleves into my ankle.  It still sets my teeth on edge thinking about - the pulling them out again...horrendous.

My worst teddy accident involved them time when I used to make bears with pastic joints - I trode on the post, it broke and fractured one of toes, jolly painful it was too!

I have also experience a stabbed boob and also - and this really does sound strange - I have managed to stab my chin!


eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

Well, I both laughed and grimaced at these posts.  I'm not feeling as clumsy with a needle.  Or, perhaps you all are just as clumsy as I am.


kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

Daphne, I've put the sewing machine needle through my thumb, nail & all - twice, too :redface:   :doh:  :redface: both times, the needle broke off - in my thumbnail - and I had to pull it out with a vice-grip pliers.  the second time I had to dig around the needle with an exacto knife to secure a grip on the broken needle.

I'm a lot more careful feeding fabric through these days


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