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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well...I just went Christmas power shopping today and finished most of it...phew!  It is really a workout walking all over a mall.  I went with my two daughters, while my 3-year-old son stayed at Grandmas.  There was NO WAY he was coming.

At one store (Aeropostale) if you spent $100 they gave you a free............teddy Bear wearing an Areo sweatshirt!   :teddybear:We don't need any more teddy bears but we got one anyway.

What a fun day!

How is everyone else doing on this subject?

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Judi = Done
Shelli = Hasn't started yet.

Here's an interesting tidbit:  My ten-year-old, who is way into magic, wants a straightjacket for Christmas.  An escapable one.  I figure that should keep him occupied for a while, but wowie zowie, what a niche item!  Definitely an online-ordering kind of gift.  Ya think?

bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Shelli bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh  I  have know a few people over the years that would look good in a straight jacket...but I find it funny that your son would like one. Maybe a future Houdini? I hope he figures it out in a hurry. bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh  Have you taken your son to see a David Copperfield show?  He is amazing.

The best thing about Christmas shopping was spending time with my daughters.  We ate Chinese food, had smoothies and ice was so fun.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
Shelli wrote:

Judi = Done
Shelli = Hasn't started yet.

LMAO Shel, I am with you on that one! I havent started, which is unusual for me... I usually am done by now.....

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Judi, going Christmas shopping with two boys aged 10 and 12 is like taking an express elevator to hell.  I envy you!

We are, however, going to spend our traditional "Big City Day" in San Francisco later in December.  Every year we travel the 3+ hours south to my favorite city on earth and check out the glorious sights, lights, and decorations, all around Union Square, the Embarcadero, and the South of Market area.  Then we usually do something special, like stay in a cool hotel, or see a show.  This year I'm taking them to Cirque du Soleil's newest big top event, CORTEO; I even managed great seats.  I can't wait!

So, I guess that might kinda sorta make up for the shopping=hell thing I otherwise ended up with.

bear_grin bear_tongue bear_grin

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Christmas shopping with two boys aged 10 and 12 is like taking an express elevator to hell.  I envy you!

bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh

Last time I went shopping with my son he kept running through the mall.  I got my exercise but no shopping done.  My husband hates shopping with a passion.  I think it must be a 'guy thing' . bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh

When my now 14-year-old was only 3 or 4 she hid in a circular clothing rack...and thought it was funny to trick mommy.  Talk about the most sick feeling I ever experienced (well almost the sickest). Why do kids do this?   Now this same shop DEB is one of her favorites.

I love shopping :dance:, but hate adding up the receipts later. :redface: ugh

Dilu Posts: 8,574

One word   E-commerace :lol:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

They wrap, ship and and its all stores....

If I had the energy I would like to go to a store or two, but it is so draining and then I can't do teddies and gollies.


Teds and gols


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Over the last 2-3 years, I've done more and more shopping over the internet because it does take so much less time.  No way do I EVER go anywhere on the weekend after Thanksgiving!!!  I do love to shop, but not in the company of thousands of other people!  Think my age is showing!  Extended family just grows and grows so that the number of gifts to give does the same.  I'd like to give my bears to some of my family but, alas, none of them seem to be arctophiles.  Pooh.  Right now I have to start taking down my fall decor and start putting out Christmas decorations.  I have to admit, I do breath a sigh of relief on Dec. 26th.  Bah humbug!

Shelli, what time should I be at your house for the SF trip???

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128
Shelli wrote:

Judi = Done
Shelli = Hasn't started yet.

Me either...I'm having a hard time getting into the spirit yet.  My oldest two are easy...they just want gift cards from their favorite stores.

Erienne - Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, etc.
Kyle - [SPAM]...HUGE Michael Jordan fan...even has an [SPAM] tattoo
Taylor - his list is small this year...stuff for his bass and skateboarding stuff...he must be ill

I always do stockings which is where I have the most fun anyway.

Now that they are's just not as much fun to go shopping for them.  They have definite tastes, especially my daughter, and I wouldn't even begin to try and buy something for them....too picky and ever changing.

And my daughter is starting beauty school this week plus working at Gottschalks so there goes my shopping buddy!!!  Boo hoo!!!

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

I'm doing pretty well with my shopping. I Christmas shop all year long, buying things when I can get a good deal. I am sooo finished shopping for the little girls in my family! Still have to buy for my dad and brothers. The men in my family are so hard to buy for.

I'm pretty sure my fiancee is going to have a heart attack when he sees how much I've bought for our daughter! I have toys hiding everywhere! I even have stuff hiding at my mom's house, because I'm too scared to come home and face him with all those bags! Yes, eventually Christmas will arrive and I'm gonna get busted. I'll just have to blame it on Santa!  :lol:

Shelli- Your "Big City Day" sounds wonderful! I would LOVE to see a Cirque de Soleil show. A couple months back there was a marathon on TV with several different Cirque de Soleil shows. We videotaped them all.

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Way to go Judi!!! I have little bits and pieces! :angel:I have the best intentions but absolutely HATE going with Garnet. He makes me feel like I have to hurry and can't look around. I don't drive anymore so will have to have him find something else to do while I shop!!! :lol:

Many Hugs Louise

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

I went to power shopping(per Judi) yesterday and
My Christmas shopping is almost done !  phew   :angel:
I wish more internet-shop was available in Japan too ... bear_ermm

Today, I'm back for bear making.  yay bear_grin

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Started? No chance. I leave mine to the last week and get most things in the sale! I'm lucky I don't have to get loads as my daughter has plenty off her grandparents. There will be some good sales before Christmas this year as the stores are struggling. Every Christmas eve we go up town after lunch and most stores start their proper sales. We go for a meal and enjoy the atmosphere. Its never too busy, just the men starting their Christmas shopping!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Shopping?  Done and dusted!  I got my Christmas shopping finished in one fell swoop back in September.  I just need to wrap the gifts, fill out the cards and get them sent to respective family.  bear_wub

Now comes my favorite bit.... kicking back and enjoying all the festive lights, and listening to the Christmas music.  I'm with Burl Ives on this one "I just love this Christmassy time of year!!"  bear_wub

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Louise, Ricky Tiki Tivi does the same thing to me.  And it gets me flustered.  Then I can't think.  Then he thinks my blood sugar is plummeting.  UGH

Even in the grocery store.

I finally had to tel him to leave me alone, don't rush me and we will get done faster with fewer tears (mine) and less blood loss ( his)

He actually tried it and it worked.

Wow after all these years.

Shelli what a wonderful tradition you established for your kids.  They will remember those days all their lives.  That is so neat. 

Poor hubby hates Christmas.....the first few years he was horribly grumpy, but as time goes on he mellows, and I add a little tweak or two that can become a tradition over the years.  So it isn't so bad.

He especially loves the Chocolate tweaks.

Hey Julia, finder of cool smilies- how about finidng a chocolate one?

I got my cards done.  :)

Can't mail the international ones until Monday though.  Stamps


Marie, i would imagine that 'power shopping' with you would be a lot of fun.

To all of you who have things hidden all over the house......good luck!


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I'll just have to blame it on Santa!

bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh I/m going to use this one!!!  That's funny Sandi!

What I also think is funny is seeing so many men at the mall sitting around the kiddie play pit with bags of stuff and bored looks on thier faces. bear_tongue bear_tongue bear_tongue bear_tongue bear_tongue

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

kristobear6.JPGMy shopping is almost done. Just two more things to get.
Since I am a scrapbook-aholic too, I have made most of my card. My goal is to be done with all shopping and Carding and have everything sent by December 1.
By the way, Each card is a one of a Kind too!
I went scrapbooking last night with friends, they were mass producing cards. I was working one card at a time. They are all pretty though.
Just a few more to get done and I can mail them. Yeah!!

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

I'd like to give my bears to some of my family but, alas, none of them seem to be arctophiles.

Sue Ann.
I'm sending my adoption papers in the mail...all you have to do is sign and you will have another 38 year old daughter....and very who IS an arctophile! bear_grin :hug: :hug: bear_wub

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh boy . . . another daughter!!

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

I have nearly finished ...... I sent the overseas cards last week. hope to have the others done before the end of the week .....I would like to think I will have it all done apart from the food by the of next week

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

I have bought a lot of my gift via the internet. I just sit back and wait for the doorbell to ring, 'smuch easier!
I have bought some things in the town and will hopefully be shopping again tomorrow. I NEVER shop with my husband, that is a big no no as far as I am concerned.  I enjoy shopping with my daughter Sarah, she's a great help and knows all the right gifts to buy. My son David does all his own shopping. Sarah and I do the shopping for my son Simon and as for my husband well he hits the shops on Christmas Eve.
Anyone got any ideas what I could buy for my 84 year old father. He says he has everything he needs and anything he hasn't got he's far too old to enjoy!

Jane.  bear_flower

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I haven't even thought about it yet!  bear_tongue

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I have it easy this year.Las year I remember sittin with 25 boxes of chocolates still to eat a week after Christmas and thought "enough is enough".My friends and I are all donating to animal charities in each others names and just getting each other special cards.I am only buying for my daughter ,mum and dad and a few wee things for kids in the village.It is making it a much nicer Christmas all round.The few I am buying are all onlne which is much less stressfull!!!

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original I'm buying everything online--DVD's for all, this year, huzza!! No more clothing that doesn't fit, in all the wrong colors!! No more books that I end up reading! No more soliciting lists! We've got a spending limit this year, which I've already violated . . .  :whistle:

Jane, how about a nice bottle of something for your dad?


pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Thursday and/or Friday, my hubby and I will travel the 1 1/2 hours to the mall to shop. I just ordered most of our gifts by phone...... bear_grin Yay!  bear_laugh

Shelli: did you see, back in February, that Vermont Teddy Bear Co. got in trouble with the Mental Health people for putting one of their bears in a straight jacket?  bear_shocked Called it "Crazy for You" for Valentine's day.....what a mean thing to do to an adorable Teddy Bear!  :(

I actually enjoy going shopping with my husband.......that way he doesn't yell when I spend so much  bear_thumb and it is a nice time to be together, which doesn't happen very often.

:hug: :hug: Ellen


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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb