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NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Hello everyone...It has been such a very long time since I have been on Teddy Talk, I am not even sure if any of the 'old timers' that  I enjoyed so much, are still here...BUT in the event you still are, I have a question.

I haven't made any teddy bears (except my handpainted collage/quotation bears) in a very long time.  Instead I have been making cloth dolls and loving every minute of it.
Girls, my question is:

Since I have more or less stopped bear making, my website doesn't really seem to fit me anymore.

The renewal is coming up and I am thinking of dropping it and going with a blog.
It seems that blogs are very popular.

Could anyone help me understand the difference between blogs and websites, as far as the benefits are concerned.

I have done very well with my dolls and '' just isn't me Blog or new website?

I certainly look forward to your advice and input and treaure your opinions as always.


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Hi Nancy,
I have a blog, and a website, and am on facebook, and flickr, the list goes on and on.  I could spend my day on the internet and not doing what I am supposed to be doing, not so good.  I like to read blogs, I like to read about what people are making, to see progress, to know why they are doing things.  I know some use a blog like a website and list things for sale, but they do not keep my interest as well.  I like to get to know people through their blogs.  The website I keep because it is impersonal, it is where I sell my bears, and I keep all of my past work, tutorials and other stuff that would be lost on the blog. 

So I say both. but if you have to do one, a blog.  I get many more hits on there than my website.  I get most hits on my facebook fanpage, so if you haven't done that yet then by all means go there too.


NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Thank you so much, your comments are very interesting.
My website, that I am thinking about dropping cost me a lot of money to have made and the thought of having someone create another for my dolls something that I don't think my wallet would like me to do at this time.

I see what you mean about having multiple outlets and that is a wonderful idea.  I send emails to my collectors about a doll I have for sale on my website  (have dropped using ebay)...but I cannot say that my website has 'brought' anyone to me on it's I am thinking about that as well.

I know that Somerset is publishing a beautiful magazine called Blogging and I love to sit and go thru it...lots of fun things to look at.
At anyrate, you have certainly given me a different perspective on the subject...Thank you!

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

You may consider making a website on your own.  There are many easy ones out there these days.  I use Yola, it is free, easily customizable, and I can have as many pages as I want. 


KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

IT depends on what you are trying to do? Do you depend on your sales for income? Do you have time for a blog? A blog is really a social network. I love blogs! But I don't have time to keep one going. A website is essential if you need to sell. I've also created my own website and now I have someone who is very reasonable in price who updates it for me.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hiya, Nancy . . . I'm a REAL oldtimer and I certainly remember when you were an active member on TT.  Your creations were exquisite, but I understand that one needs to go in other directions sometimes.  I'm sure your dolls are just as wonderful as your bears were.  I have both a website and blog, but am not good about keeping up with either of them.  If you can only manage one site, I'd suggest that a blog would get better traffic.  Great to have you visit us again - come back more often!

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Hi Nancy, a blog would be cool, hey I LOVE your Cloth dolls bear_original

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Hi Nancy,

There is a woman out there who makes annie dolls and she used to sell on eBay VERY well. She had to go out and get a real job after a few years and had a hard time keeping up with doll requests. She eventually stopped selling on eBay and now sells solely from her blog. She sells very well that way. She's never had a website. Just the blog and eBay. In addition to listing her latest annies for sale once a week on her blog she also shares a bit of what's going on in her personal life. As a collector I have to say that it's easy "one stop shopping" for me. I don't have to go to eBay to buy and then her blog to see what's going on in her life now.

Why not try having just a blog where you are going to be making a change with the website anyway. See how selling on your blog goes for a while. If you find a need for a website THEN you can start a new one up for your dolls.

For marketing purposes you can register a new domain name / website address and then just have it "point" or "redirect" to your blog website address. That way someone could type in say "" and they'd be taken directly to your blog. It's usually easier for folks to remember a website address than a blog address and also easier and shorter to put on a business card. ANd it'll only cost you about $9/yr for the domain name. Just a thought!!


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Nancy,
     I'm stilll here as well and I love my blog.  I use if for personal things about our family as well as sales.  I agree with Joanne - I like to read about people's every day life as well as look at their art, so I almost never click on someone's website - I'm all about blogs these days.  Mine has been a good selling tool, and I am on Facebook as well, although I have yet to do a Fan Page - I'm thinking about it, but I seem to be on the internet too much as it is, however, I spend many a happy afternoon "blog-hopping" :o) and I love the magazine Artful Blogging!   Some artists also host small web shows through their blogs.  I think you can make a blog whatever you want it to be - personal or sale oriented or both and the best part is that it's free, at least with Blogger.
     Why don't you set up a blog, and see how it feels, before you renewal needs to be finalized.  I'm sorry you aren't making bears anymore - yours were fabulous, but I understand the need to change things up and your dolls are wonderful!



NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

webblack.jpgopheliaweb.jpgfreedom1FORWEB.jpgwebwhite.jpgGirls...thank you so much for all the valued input you gave me.
It helps so much to hear others opinions...I have always been a 'gatherer of information', because it gives me a good base from which to make an intelligent decision.

I think I will make the blog for now and you know it's funny...I don't even know how to look someones blog up.
Boy, that tell you something?

But I do love the magazine about blogging...thank you Brenda for helping me remember the name. I am on Facebook but only use it for social fun. Thank you for your sweet comment about my work !
Daphne, your idea about re'directing is very interesting and I loved to hear about the annie dolls. Thank you for all the information you took time to write.
Sue are a old friend  :crackup:  and I don't mean that in a bad way.  It is nice to come back and chat and thank you for your confidence that my dolls a well done.  Always nice to hear.
Karen, thank you for your input as well...with your gorgeous work I think you could use anything and be successful.
Tami...thanks for your comments, of course we do chat now and then on Facebook
JoAnne...thank you again for all your posts, a HUGE help

My daughter was also telling me about making a website on Google...she has made several.  Some for clubs and one personal one for her bee-keeping hobby.  My goodness, that girls does love her bees!!!  :crackup:

I think I will take the time to create a blog and see how that goes and then if need be, I will try another website.
Thank you again girls...I new if I wanted good answers I would have to log back into Teddy Talk.
I have missed this site!

I am going to attach just a small sampling of the dolls I have made and the handpainted teddy.  Gee, is this BLOGGING?  :doh:

KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

Very interesting topic! I think I may be out-of-touch with what is happening in the blogging world!? Please let use know how you are doing as you venture into this new world  bear_thumb
KJ Lyons Design

eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

Oh my, I can see why you have switched to dolls.  You obviously have a real talent for making them.  What amazing faces.  However, I'm almost certain that a doll or two might need a teddy every now and again, pairing the two would be doubly wonderful.  Good luck on your new venture and make sure that you send us your blog info when you're up and running.


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Nancy love your dolls and I have always loved your bears, when you get your blog going post a link I would love to follow. 

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I just knew your dolls would be quite stunning, Nancy, and they certainly are!!  And the teddy bear, also.  You have so much talent that just about anything you want to try will be a total success.  Much luck with your blog.

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Nancy your dolls are just incredible! No wonder you've switched - although I did love your bears too! I too think a wee teddy with your dolls every so often would be a great idea!

Kidsandteddy The kids and teddy too
Lincoln Ca.
Posts: 1,130

Hi Nancy,
Your dolls are just wonderful !!! I can also see why you started making dolls.. I started out making cloth dolls many years ago and then went with the bears.
I have a web site and blog. For myself it seems to work well with both. Although I have been selling some on my blog from time to time. 

Lots of luck  :hug:


NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Hi Girls...

Bonnie, I started out making dolls (original porcelain)...then went to bears and now back to dolls.  Geez, it's hard  for me to stay focused  :doh:  ...nice to know you are selling from your blog.  Thank you!

Edie, thank you for your kind words and YES, a teddy with a doll would be great.  I did put an antique, very loved and shabby bear with one of my dolls...they were perfect together (but now one of my own bears).  Great idea tho!

JoAnne, I sure will post my blog.  I was going to work on it today but had to go to the dr's for some tests.  My granddaughter told me she would help me get it all going.  Nothing like the young!  bear_thumb

Alison, you are so sweet...your comments made me feel wonderful, hmmmm, what was that old saying about getting a 'warm fuzzy feeling'...or something like that!  Thank you!

Karen, I will probably have all my trials and errors all listed on my blog.  Did you see the movie "Julie and Julia"?
I really enjoyed it and there was a lot about blogging in the movie.  What fun.

Sue Ann, you're a sweetie as always.  You are always there to lend support!  My granddaughter still enjoys your adorable book...can we talk about a talented lady here?  YOU !

Thanks are so encouraging!  Yeh! to US GIRLS  :hug:


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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb