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Teddy Bear Academy - Online teddy bear making classes
Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca

donatel Berlin
Posts: 637

w1.JPGThis is  my new teddy - Ticiana. Her size is 30 cm, she has a velvet dress and a disguise.You can find more fotos on my website

Thanks for looking  bear_flower

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Aww, she's gorgeous, love her sparkly eyes and beautiful outfit

Sarah Sarian Miniature Bears
South Wales
Posts: 694

:clap:  bear_thumb  What a lovely lady.  A lot of work has gone in to her outfit.  I think she needs a home in Venice and to be taken out on gondola rides. bear_original

donatel Berlin
Posts: 637

Katy and Sarah, thanks a lot! Sarah, you have exactly recognized, Ticiana's  second name ist "Dame from Venice". I have learned a bit about italian history costums from 1600-1700...

Buttercup Bears Buttercup Bears
Posts: 2,376

wow, such detail on a truly stunning bear Hugs Lynne xx  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Fallenrose near Cologne
Posts: 478

wow, I love her totally stunning dress!

Hugs, Ariane

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Gorgeous! I really like her profile (on your website). She has a very young and pretty face.  bear_original


donatel Berlin
Posts: 637

Thank you  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

:clap:  :clap:  :clap: what a beautiful lady - and what a fabulous dress!! :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn