For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hello everyone! :hug:
I'm so happy to introduce you to Siku my newest polar bear cub. He is made from an incredibly soft faux fur and has lots of detail. He is now available on ebay... … :MESELX:IT
Thank you for peeking at him here! :rose:
He is to die for!! How wonderful! How tall is he? You have questions marks on your website for his height!
Leeann Krikau
Busser Bears
Such a curious guy
Thank you for your sweet words about Siku! :hug: :hug:
And thank you Leeann for spotting that and letting me know. He is 12" tall... I've fixed his page.
Hi, he is so cute, I love that last picture
ROFL, love the inscrutable expression in the first pic
Now that's a bear with attitude Love him!
Thank you so much! Siku sends some bear hugs! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oooooooooooooooh, love that face!
Thank you Janice! :hug:
Gorgeous, love his cute face
Lisa x
Thank you Lisa! :hug:
He is Great. The photos make me smile :hug:
Thank you Olga! :hug: