For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Well, I had to make another ellie in vintage style. She is 7 inches tall, smaller than my other Ellies. Hope you like her she'll be on bear pile, and she's made from mohair with bb"s in her tummy and trunk! I think she came out cute hope you do too! Here's a pic with the too together to compare sizes.
Thanks for looking.
Bear Hugs,
Aww, she's gorgeous
I love her - the mohair you used is perfect - she looks so shy and demure!
She's completely darling!
Thanks everyone!
Bear Hugs,
Gorgeous little elie
She is SO cute. I think I'm in love!!!
This is the first ellie of yours I've seen in mohair! (I'm sure you've probably made others that I missed!) I LOVE her!! You really ought to do more with mohair!! She's so sweet and your style lends itself perfectly to the sparse mohair!
Thank you Daphne, I think this is the first one in mohair, oh no I did one it was 3 years ago and it was pink mohair and I purchased it from your website, lol
The reason why I don't do many in mohair is ,I don't have much mohair lol I think I have another color from you in a light brown color.
The mohair I used to make Dotty was purchased on ebay. I use mostly plush felt because I can afford it more ( I've been out of work for 2 years now, Hubby's illness)
I wasn't going to sell her , I wanted her for myself,lol
Thanks so much for the complement >
Bear Hugs,