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sheilaleigh Sheila Leigh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posts: 299

Hi everyone,

I was taken to the emergency room on wednesday night.  My family thought that I had a stroke but I have Bell's Palsy.  My left side of my face from my forehead to my chin is paralyzed.  I can't smile, move my eyebrow, or close my eyelid.  I can't even taste food. I can't even taste chocolate ... that's cruel, cause I love chocolate.

Has anyone ever had this condition and how did the doctor treat you.  The hospital gave me prednisone.  They told me that it might take 2 to 4 weeks to get better.

I was preparing for a craft fair that will be next saturday.  I won't going now. 

bear hugs,

Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

I've known 2 ladies with this and they both got the feeling back completely within a few weeks (2-3).  It's really scary and I hope you have a speedy recovery as they did.

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Oh, Sheila - I'm sorry to hear about this, but like Jane, I know two women who've gone through the same thing.

The first, my best friend, had no treatment at all. We were living abroad, and she just went to bed for several days until she felt better. Within a couple of weeks, she was pretty much back to normal, and there were no permanent effects.

The second was my former boss, and I don't know what treatment she had. Unfortunately, the palsy left her with a somewhat "crooked" facial expression, but it hasn't ruined her life or anything.

My understanding is that the Prednisone is meant to reduce the swelling that causes nerve damage, and it needs to be given very soon after the onset. (Perhaps my ex-boss didn't get this medication.) The other thing I've heard is that stress can cause the palsy, so that's worth thinking about in the long term. Perhaps stress management techniques would be helpful to you.

I wish you a speedy recovery. Please try not to worry too much. Though Prednisone has some yucky side effects, at least you're looking at a short course of it, and it is the gold standard against inflammation, as I understand it. If it can prevent your having permanent nerve damage, it will have done its job.

Best wishes,

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Nancy Zieman, better known for her P.B.S. television show "Sewing With Nancy" has Bell's Palsy. … th%20Nancy

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Bell's Palsy:

Simply it is an inflammation of the nerves that serve one side of the face, causing paralysis.  It is usually a self-limiting condition.

Most people recover in 3 to 6 months.  Up to 85% of people with Bell's Palsy show signs of recovery in a few weeks with complete recovery in 3 months or less.

Nobody really knows what the cause it but some researchers think a virus is to blame.

I know it's rather worrisome and I certainly don't think it's any fun but I don't think you have a whole lot to worry about.

Just hang in there.  The Bears are pulling for you!  bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,024

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Sheila . . . so sorry you're going through this troublesome condition.  As Becky and Jane have already mentioned, I knew a lady who had it, but recovered totally in a matter of few weeks.  Hoping the same for you - my thoughts are with you.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770


I know nothing about this issue but I just want to send you big hugs and tell you I will cross my fingers for you to have a speedy recovery.

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Beary hugs,

sheilaleigh Sheila Leigh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posts: 299

Thank you for your warm well wishes! I knew my bear friends could make me feel better. 

I had always wondered what happened to Nancy Zieman.  I have watched her for so many years. I will let everyone know when I'm better.  Today I'm just very tired. I tried to sew but my left eye isn't making any tears so it was difficult to sew.  I'll try again later this evening.

bear hugs,

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

I had a friend with it and it did go away after a few weeks.  Many hugs to you. :hug:  :hug:

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

I also had a friend with it. It had cleared up now, but his lasted for about 12 weeks until it was totally gone. He noticed a big improvement though in 3-4 weeks.  But everyone is different and will take different times for everyone, just relax and take it easy and don't over do it.

big hugs.


Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

I kind of thought you'd know who Nancy Zieman was.  I figured, with as many Bear People here, who all sew, at least some of you would know who she is.  bear_happy  Anyhow, I was hoping that if you knew somebody famous who had it, you might have a better perspective.  :)

sheilaleigh wrote:

I tried to sew but my left eye isn't making any tears so it was difficult to sew.

From Wikipedia:

Major complications of the condition are chronic loss of taste (ageusia), chronic facial spasm  and corneal infections. To prevent the latter, the eyes may be protected by covers, or taped shut during sleep and for rest periods, and tear-like eye drops or eye ointments may be recommended, especially for cases with complete paralysis. Where the eye does not close completely, the blink reflex is also affected, and care must be taken to protect the eye from injury.

Sounds like "artificial tears" eye drops are what you need.

And, that last line is interesting, too.  Because the blink reflex might be impaired, you will need to be extra cautious about junk getting into your eye.

Me and the Bears are sending our best vibes!  bear_thumb

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Big hugs to you dear.  bear_cry   I had a good friend that had it and it did take time to heal.  Not fun at all!  I pray for a speedy recovery for you...

Dawn J Hugs Unlimited
West Yorkshire
Posts: 310

Hi Sheila

I can give you first hand experience. I developed it about three years ago. I was put on a high dose steroid (I think that is what presnidone is?).

However, I did a lot of research on the internet and found that it can be caused by Vitimin B12 deficiency. I started taking very high doses of the methylcobal B12 and that seemed to do the trick.

I would say that it took about two months to get better, but that after three weeks, every day was a big improvement.

I wish you well - it is a horrible thing to have - the worst thing for me was feeling that I had to explain to everyone I met why I looked like what I did. Having said that, I'm sure that most of them didn't even notice and it was me being extra sensitive.

The steroids made my appetite go into overdrive and I managed to put on about 30 pounds in a very short time.

The correct medical terminology is 7th Cranial Nerve Palsy. It is apparently a lot more common that you would think.

My understanding is that the majority of people get better quite quickly (although it doesn't seem like that at the time).

Maked sure you get plenty of rest and try not to stress too much.

Take Care



rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

:hug:   My flatmate has had it a couple of times over the past few years, and it for him the obviously visible signs (to me anyway) went away within a week or so, although he said he could feel numbness for a few weeks longer.  Sounds like Dawn has some great advice anyway  bear_original

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Sheila: That must be very frightening to go through. I do hope you recover quickly. There will be other craft shows do don't despair. At least it was not a stroke which some never recover. As for not tasting chocolate, well that, I agree is just plain cruel!!! Life can be yucky sometimes....Rest up for now and heal. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

MadScientwist Posts: 65

My cousin had it when she was a teenager. It went away pretty fast. It is scary but it does go away. I hope it goes away quickly for you!!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Sheila I have nothing to add about the condition, but I do have hugs and good thoughts to send your way..  :hug:

huggleybear C.W. Huggley Bears
Statham, GA
Posts: 281

I also send you hugs and healing wishes for a speedy recovery, Sheila!   bear_flower

2catkiss LALand Bears
Posts: 448

I hope you are already beginning to feel better.  My husband had this condition and it did go away eventually. I noticed it when it appeared to me he was only smiling with half his face.

Turns out, he told me he had become stressed about a computer problem and clenched his jaw tight. The paralysis came on later that day.  A week or so later, he had terrible pain while chewing and....end of story, it was a tooth problem, a small sliver had been driven down in to the nerve causing the paralysis.

It sounds like many folks on this site have either had it or known someone who did. Hopefully some of the feedback you are getting will be helpful. 
And - I too send best wishes your way  :hug:

Lee Ann

PS - meant to add the tooth had a crack all the way to the jaw bone.  The minute it was pulled, he said he felt "like a new man".  Has since had an implant put in, and no problems since.

susiray Bear-Hands
Algarve, Portugal
Posts: 482

Hi Shelia

i am sorry to hear that this is happened and i wish you a full recovery.
i wanted to let you know that i am a therapist (beauty/body) one of my treatments i do is a non- surgical face lift.... yes this is cosmetic but this machine was invented for people that have had a stoke or Bells and what the treatment does is re-educated the muscles of the face or body which is still used medically today so if you do and i hope you dont have any lasting effects there are options. If you want anymore info on this send me a message i would be pleased to explain more.

once again i am wishing you a full recovery and maybe try yoga its great you can do it in a group and at home when you need to.

hugs Susan xx

lisaastrup Astrup Bears
Slangerup- Copenhagen
Posts: 141
sheilaleigh wrote:

Hi everyone,

I was taken to the emergency room on wednesday night.  My family thought that I had a stroke but I have Bell's Palsy.  My left side of my face from my forehead to my chin is paralyzed.  I can't smile, move my eyebrow, or close my eyelid.  I can't even taste food. I can't even taste chocolate ... that's cruel, cause I love chocolate.

Has anyone ever had this condition and how did the doctor treat you.  The hospital gave me prednisone.  They told me that it might take 2 to 4 weeks to get better.

I was preparing for a craft fair that will be next saturday.  I won't going now. 

bear hugs,

Hi Sheila.

I have had that years back, it was not fun at all. But after some weeks, I think it was 2-3 is dissapeared
with no medicin at all. Everything was normal, but while it was there is was a bit scaring.

I hope you'll be fine very soon and then you can eat a full box of chocolate    bear_laugh

kind regards

sheilaleigh Sheila Leigh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posts: 299

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your kind words and get well wishes.  It's been 1 week today since this horrible condition began.  I'm trying very hard to hang in there.  I've been trying to sew.  I'm having problems with my vision in my left eye so the sewing is very slow. 

It's comforting to know that some of you have gone through this or know of friends and family who have recovered from Bell's Palsy.  It is something that I never thought would happen to me.  It's a wake up call.  It's time to de-stress my life.  I think that was the cause.  The doctor doesn't know why it happened.

big bear hugs to you all,
Sheila Leigh

eteddys eTeddys
Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 880

I hope you have a speedy recovery! 

Big Hugs,

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Nobody really knows why it happens.  Some researchers think it's from some kind of virus like the Epstein-Barr virus.  Some researchers think it happens the same way you get a "pinched nerve" in your neck.  But nobody really knows for sure.

All 1,000 Bears in this den are pulling for you!  bear_thumb

Posts: 1,586

bear_wub  bear_wub  :pray: Hi Sheila, I also want to send my best wishes for a speedy recovery.  I know nothing of the problem, but have heard of it many times.  And as you can see, you have so many bear friends here at TT that are sending along the vibes for a fast and total recovery.  Just rest a lot and do not stress over it.  We all want to hear some good news from you in the future.
Hugs Pat bear_flower

amber Honey Valley Bears
Posts: 210


Have you tried covering your left eye while you sew?  Maybe giving it a break will make it easier for you.  I'd check with your doctor and make sure that it won't do any harm first.  When it has to do with nerves never know what could cause problems.  It may also help.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.


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