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gkcahill Posts: 3

I "found" this Teddy Bear in a box lot that I bought at an auction.  I am trying to identify the bear to find out what it is worth.  I have searched the internet, but cannot find this exact bear.  It has a green hang tag on his  left arm that says Hermann Original Teddy.  It is light brown mohair with felt pads on his hands and feet.  He has an open mouth and a stiched nose.  I think he has glass eyes that look "red".  He is fully jointed and has a growler that works.  He also has a chain around his neck that seems to be original to him.  Any information that I could get would be greatly appreciated.



rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

have you got any pictures?

gkcahill Posts: 3

Yes - I tried to load them, but I guess I don't know what I am doing.  I am new to this.

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Check the size of your photos. Here's the upper limit: Photos must be in JPG format at 72 dpi with maximum width of 600 pixels and file size less than 250kb.

Good luck!


gkcahill Posts: 3

DSCF3703.JPGDSCF3701.JPGDSCF3702.JPGDSCF3693.JPGDSCF3692.JPGDSCF3694.JPGDSCF3703.JPGThanks, I will change the size and see if that works.  Have a great one.

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