For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
i hope you go well had a nice week and would be happy to meet my new antic one!!! he is wet because of the hand tiedyng but i cant wait to show him to you!!!! i did a hard work to create the fur texture with paint!!! hes got blue glass eyes to give i hope a smooth expression i made his clothes even if here its not very cold he seems feeling the cold!!! i hope so you will like him!!!! he looks for a home today!!!
This bear has a lot of personality. I like his outfit! Well done!
merci eliza!! your bears are so full of personnality too !!! you heaten my heart ! thanks a lot
What a gorgeous bear!
Love Kayx
Another lovely tatty teddy, your hard work was worth it!
Beautiful and a great colour too :clap: :clap:
merci! merci girls!!!! so honoured by such a panel of artist who about im fanatic of!!!! merci