For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi all,
I have been playing around with my bear sizes and thought I would give mini bears a go. Well I found the smallest/mini that I can handle is a 5" size. My hands and mind just will not get me any smaller.
So I would like to introduce you to one of my mini 5" Bears which does not have a name yet. He is made from a short pile light brown Mohair. He is for sale if any one is interesed just email me directly.
Hope you like him!!
He's adorable, Sheryl! Kudos to you for experimenting. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Even at this small size, he's immediately recognizable as one of yours.
Yes, I like your mini design, the little bear is so cute! He looks so cuddly!
Beautiful little bear with very cute face!
Cute mini with a lovely face!
Aww, great job on your new experiment
I had the same problem, but I perservered and managed one 3 inches, very uncomfortable for certainly makes you appreciate the mini artists who are making them all the time.
He's a great little the colour too.
Awww! Sweet mini!