For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Here he is, I've been working on this guy for a while ~ gathering his metal pieces and designing his leather vest.
So much personality in that face...
And the top hat with timepiece--priceless!
He's amazing!
a [INVALID] fellow!
Very cool, and love the cat on the watch
a [INVALID] fellow!
THank you for noticing. I wanted him to be an adult character with a touch of a shady past. Somebody you might want to get to know just for the stories he could tell
Very cool, and love the cat on the watch
Katy, THat was a lucky break. I was pulling together a bunch of clock pieces and found the black cat brad to use as a connector.
Just fabulous
Fantastic work Karen, he's adorable.
big hugs
Amazing, Karen!
Love him He's so handsome.
:hug: Denise