For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi Everyone :hug:
Hope you are all well? Please meet Bartholomew a new bear I have just put up for adoption at my website Bartholomew is 10 inches high and made from pebble helmbold mohair and aged with acrylic paint. His nose has been sparsely embroidered and painted to give it and aged and well loved look
I hope you like him and many thanks for stopping by :hug: :hug:
A wonderful friend!
Aww, what a smiley wee guy
:hug: Thank you Conni and Katy :hug:
He's a doll!! He totally took me by surprise..I'm not used to seeing this look in your bears. Gorgeous!!
He is adorable! Love his smily face!
oooh sweeeeet!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments about Bartholomew :hug: :hug: