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dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
Joanne wrote:

This site I am talking about "Lily a Bear With A Bounty"

I'd like to ask everyone here to please NOT visit this Facebook site.  If you go there, you simply bring traffic (and success) to the horrible work of these 50 or so sadistic boys.


wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

I don't like straighties who like to start junk on the internet.  What exactly is this site you speak of?  What do they do?  In a way I'd like to go there and tell them to take a long walk off a short peer, but that probably wouldn't be very productive.  I usually try to avoid drama on the internet.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

You know, I loathe hunting but it has been here since the dawn of time and no one is going to stop it.  People have different views, were brought up differently and that will never change.  I have a neighbour who is a hunter and we have had several discussions, but they have all been civil and respectful.  He only hunts for what he and his family will eat.  I couldn't do that, but that's his right and even the Bear centre says there is a place for hunting to keep numbers under control.  I introduced our neighbour to Lily's page and he was fascinated - he's admitted he has been back a few times to read about the bears and says even he has learned from it.  He agrees radio collared bears should be protected.  I have respect for this man and he has respect for our love of the bears.  That I can deal with but like Joanne, I can't deal with the deplorable humans that make sites like 'Lily - a Bear with a Bounty", trying to do anything they can to disrupt the work of the Bear Centre and maliciously trying to kill the research bears.  Like Cheryl, I also felt Hope's days were numbered, but felt she would be okay this years, as long as she was will Lily and Faith.  That proved wrong.  I just can't get attached to any more bears.  I wish the Centre all the luck in the world, trying to get the bears protected, but I think it will be an uphill battle for a long, long time.  bear_sad

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
Brenda wrote:

He only hunts for what he and his family will eat.  I couldn't do that, but that's his right and even the Bear centre says there is a place for hunting to keep numbers under control.

Like Brenda, I'm from a part of North America where wildlife abounds, happily. And the hunters that I'm familiar with are taking deer and turkey, and they use the meat to feed their families. The great naturalist Aldo Leopold was a leader in getting a deer hunt established in Wisconsin - on humanitarian grounds! Deer were starving over the winter, and even now, and even with a few wolves back in action, a bad hunt leads to bad over-population.

And like Joanne, what's upsetting me much more are things I'm seeing from the macho (sadistic?) sector and the guys who hunt big game like moose, elk, and bears as sport - trophy hunting, really. (Funny - It makes me think of Teddy Roosevelt and the fact that it was a bear-hunting trip that led to a lot of the popularity of our beloved teddies. Of course, it was his insistence to hunt ethically that became famous.) This is a different sort of hunting that I've been blissfully ignorant of, I guess.

Thank goodness we can discuss these things here. :hug:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,966

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I had never visited "Lily: a Bear With a Bounty" until Hope's death and it is appalling.  It's as mean, disrespectful, and rude as anything can get and far below the normal standards of human decency.  They speak of 'Hope jerky' and 'Hope in a crockpot', make fun of everyone's anguish/grief, and one said that the plan was to shoot all three bears . . . Lily, Hope, and Faith.  They are extremely angry with Lynn Roger's methods of research and his work to get protection for collared bears.  They resent the money that has flowed into the bear and research centers and accuse him of using it all on himself.  So they do what they know they can get away with to punish him and those that support him.  A very troubling aspect is that there is absolutely NOTHING that will change attitudes of this nature.  Horrifying.

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479
dangerbears wrote:
Joanne wrote:

This site I am talking about "Lily a Bear With A Bounty"

I'd like to ask everyone here to please NOT visit this Facebook site.  If you go there, you simply bring traffic (and success) to the horrible work of these 50 or so sadistic boys.


What website is that?  I've never heard of it.


"What a disgrace it is to me to remember your name"
  -- William Shakespeare (Henry IV)

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

It's not a website. It's a Facebook page.


Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Facebook page?  I still never heard of it.

bear_whistle  bear_whistle  bear_whistle
bear_happy  bear_happy  bear_happy
bear_tongue  bear_tongue  bear_tongue


An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final
exam after an entire semester dealing with a broad array of

The class was already seated and ready to go when the
professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk and
wrote on the board: "Using everything we have learned this
semester, prove that this chair does not exist."

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious
fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour
attempting to refute the existence of the chair.

One member of the class however, was up and finished in
less than a minute.

Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest of the
group wondered how he could have gotten an A when he had
barely written anything at all.

They found his answer consisted of two words: "What chair?"

"What a disgrace it is to me to remember your name"
  -- William Shakespeare (Henry IV)

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Got it. bear_happy


Gabriele~GJOYfulBears GJOYful Bears
Posts: 511

Bravo US Bears  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap: I have not visited the page either and I won't, I really don't need anything else to upset and add anger to my week lol. This week's been bad enough so I won't be visiting it I'll just take your words for it that's it's not nice.

I do like to stick to forums like this and other nice ones where I can remain ignorant of the horrible things that go on out there. I had some really, really, awful experiences on FB when I used to be on there and I vowed a long time ago I'd NEVER go back. However an artist I know is suggsting I make a page for my bears as a business advertising plan. Still not sure though.

And Dawn, you most certainly did not offend me or my father (well if he knew about the site etc he'd probably have a lot to say about this post but thank fully he's probably out hunting doing his own thing lol). My mother been a vegetarian for a very long time too, and the only reason I have not gone Vegetarian is because I have lots and lots of health problems and I simply can't or many more things would go  wrong. I congratulate you though and I'm most certainly not offended by your comments, I simply wanted to make sure people didn't read my post and think that my beliefs were that some animals deserve to die whereas others don't ~ as that is absolutely NOT what I meant. Sometimes I just write things and think everyone will take it the way it was meant, then when I read it back I see what others would see lol. I didn't mean it the way it sounded if you know what I mean. Animals mean so much to me and everyone, NONE of them deserve to die. No living thing deserves to die.

This is a really sad predicament that the world has seemed to end up in. How do we fix the problems when it will make so many more to simply ban hunting etc? It's best not to think too hard about it or one can end up depressed I think.

wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

Gabriele, I hope I'm not hijacking this thread, but I used to not like facebook, but since I've been there I haven't had any drama.  Facebook isn't bad, you just have to know how to avoid the stupid people.  BTW, I didn't want to visit the page, but I did some googling to see what it was and I think they took it down.  We can all be happy about that.  It's just sad that people don't have lives.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Well - I have unliked the LTBB page...........there is way too much hypocrisy and back-stabbing going on - and a lot of questions left unanswered. 
Just SAD...........poor little Hope bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Me too, Maria - poor Hope!  I agree with you that there are too many unanswered questions.  Why did the DNR never confirm that Hope was dead.  The knew from the day she was shot.  Now they are looking for more dens to put cameras in - as thrilling as it was to see Hope and Faith and Jason being born, I now think this is not the best idea.  They have nearly paid off their $800,000.00 in debt - only about $20,000.00 left, and I'm sure they can clear the remaining debt easily, with Hope memorabilia. It's time to put the research back to being more private and leave the bears alone.  They can't stop this from happening to another bear in the future - making them famous is just making them targets.  They will never stop the hunters so they are better off being anonymous, I think.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

It is very sad what happened here.  All the page monitors that left, why?  This tragedy really showed an ugly side of human nature.  I do feel bad for Lynn and Sue.  I think a lot of blame was needlessly placed on them. 


Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Sorry but I feel too upset to say anything that would make sense.

But I have just been on the Pond camera website at NABC and they mentioned the following website where you can light a candle for Hope if you would like to.  I just thought it was a lovely touch. … ng&gi=HOPE

Marilyn x

Mitch2052 Blue Valley Bears
Posts: 770

It is so terrible for all the people who have watched when Hope was born to see her short life come to an end in this way. I know that many people hunt animals because they need too do so to survive and feed themselves, but I just can't get my head around hunting for sport. It is a sad time for so may followers of the bears.

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