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Bakerina78 Posts: 326

Hello guys,

I found "cute baby animals pictures" in internet, and between real animals pictures you can see Melisa's bear and baby owl :)

Here is link: … ound-world

Hope she knows her pictures is there!
And if not - hope she will see my post :)


peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

wow, what a wonderful display of cuteness.     bear_wub  bear_wub
I wonder if they realized that there were 'stuffed' animals among the pictures?  bear_smile

Bakerina78 Posts: 326

Yes, looks like somebody who post it there.. thinks it's real bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

What a hoot!  Goes to prove Melisa's creations are THAT good!

Kat Brierley Bears
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Posts: 387

Melisa's baby owl keeps doing the rounds on Facebook, so I keep pointing out that it isn't a real owl and point them in the direction of her website.

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