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Picked this up at a garage sale, and while it has the steiff button in it's left ear, as well as it's Steiff tag I haven't been able to find out when this was made, nor what it's official name is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. … G_0309.jpg … G_0308.jpg … G_0307.jpg
It's the Steiff "lying tiger," and since it has the black-rimmed plastic eyes (rather than green glass), it's a newer version--probably from the late 1960s or 1970s. It's in great shape!
P.S. If you can tell me its size, I can look up the stock number if you'd like to have it.
It's tough to measure since it's stiff, but I'd say it's the 9" version.
Thanks for all your help.
So probably the second-smallest size--28 cm. (The smallest is 17 cm, and the next one up is 43 cm.)
If it's from 1965-67, the number is 2328,00. If it's from 1968-1977, the number is 0910/28.
Does he or she have a name?
A name ? Do you mean whether it has a name tag on it ? No, it does not.
I was hoping whatever reference guide you were using indicated the name.
BTW What reference guide are you using ? I might stop by my local library myself and check it out.
Thanks again for all your help.
I think I found this on Ebay.
I meant a name that came from you.
My Steiff reference is in German (was cheaper that way), and the tiger is simply "jungtiger" or "young tiger" and he's described as "liegend" or "lying." (A lot of the Steiff animals didn't come with a name.)
The reference book is the Steiff Sortiment, and mine covers 1947-1995.
I have the lying leopard in the same size as your tiger, but with the glass eyes.
P.S. If the tiger on ebay is 17cm, then our critters must be as well. The measurement must be the "height" of the animal (from shelf to top of head, I guess.)
I'm so jealous. I've dreamed about finding a Steiff at a garage sale or thrift store, but no luck yet.
Paid $20 for it. I hope I can make some $$ selling it.
They had another Steiff for sale. I think it was a dog, but it didn't have a tag so I didn't buy it. Mistake ?