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Pat Klein Faux Paw Bears
Tallahassee, Florida
Posts: 167

Does anyone know where I might procure a copy of the pattern for this beautiful bear ConnieB produced from the Gregory Gyllenship pattern printed in November 2005 Teddy Review magazine as shown in this post?

This is truely a magnificent bear!  At least five pieces in the body, I would guess and of course the double-jointed neck. bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Nice work, Daphne!  bear_thumb


Pat Klein Faux Paw Bears
Tallahassee, Florida
Posts: 167

The one I'm looking for was from the Teddy Bear Scene magazine and has a double jointed head...Jasper is a five jointed bear, four part body...BUT I'll take it!  Thank you! bear_flower

How did you find one so Google didn't find nuttin' bear_angry


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I did a workshop with Gregory in Vienna a few years back , making a similar standing bear. I was supplied with the bear already sew, and no pattern was supplied.
I met with Gregory, took him to lunch and was hoping that if I gave him enough wine he would part with the pattern. bear_rolleyes 
The pattern remained a secret but he did draw off the pattern for the bear that appeared in this magazine- so let me know if I can help,

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Did you ask Connie?
Maybe she still has hers.
Gorgeous bear!!

BeauT Bears BeauT Bears
Posts: 190

Hi Pat,

Guess what! I've undertaken a search through my TBS issues and found issue no. 99 of November 2005 with Walton (Gregory's bear) on the cover!
If you are still interested in having this pattern (BTW: Walton does NOT have a double neck joint) I could make you a copy and send it. Just send me a PM.

Pat Klein wrote:

Does anyone know where I might procure a copy of the pattern for this beautiful bear ConnieB produced from the Gregory Gyllenship pattern printed in November 2005 Teddy Review magazine as shown in this post?

This is truely a magnificent bear!  At least five pieces in the body, I would guess and of course the double-jointed neck.

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Thank you, thank you, thank you...I love this bear!

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

I just received the pattern in the mail...thank you so very much! Can't wait to work on him...

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

As usual I am still procrastinating!  May I see pictures of what some of you have done with this pattern that's a bit different?

BeauT Bears BeauT Bears
Posts: 190

lovenshire wrote:

As usual I am still procrastinating!  May I see pictures of what some of you have done with this pattern that's a bit different?

Hi Lenora,
I haven't made this bear but what exactly is your problem with this pattern? What do you think is 'a bit different'  about it? Perhaps - I hope - I can help you. After all I've got the pattern here and to me there doesn't seem to be anything extremely different about it. If you want you can PM me.

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Oh no, the pattern is fine I just wondered what others have done with it.  I am thinking about making the inside a light color and the outside a darker of the same color????  Inside like inside the arms and legs and the tummy...

BeauT Bears BeauT Bears
Posts: 190

Well, that all depends on what kind of bear you would like it to be. I know Gregory has made some of his bears in quite exotic colour schemes, he also made bears in black & white and brown looking as if they were wearing a tux (including a bow-tie) and others in classic browns and blondes. No matter the colour, they all looked just fab! It's up to you to decide whether you want your Walton to be a colourful creature or a decent looking bruin  bear_rolleyes
Good luck on making your choice!

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Do you think it will look OK for me to do the inside of the arms and legs and belly in a lighter color?  I was considering a traditional brown and blond or a blue and baby blue...

BeauT Bears BeauT Bears
Posts: 190
lovenshire wrote:

Do you think it will look OK for me to do the inside of the arms and legs and belly in a lighter color?  I was considering a traditional brown and blond or a blue and baby blue...

Well Lenora, for me personally that's a colour scheme I'd never apply. But if this is what you like who am I to say you shouldn't  bear_smile ? Isn't it experimenting with colours and fabrics just what attracts us to bearmaking? It's your idea, why not give it a try? But if you do, I would recommend you making the snout and inside ears of the lighter colour, in order to get a better balance. And browns or blues, they are both nice! Just pick the colours you feel best with  bear_thumb 

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

I hadn't even thought about the snout but I do like that and the ears for balance!  Thank you...

Jblock Posts: 1

Do you by any chance sell your pattern? Your bears are absolutely adorable!

JulieK Suffolk
Posts: 28

He looks gorgeous!

BeauT bears if you are still willing to send out a copy of this pattern I would love one! I haven't been able to find a copy of the magazine.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,026

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Julie, this thread is pretty old and I don't think any of the posters before you are active members anymore.  There may be someone who is active now that may know something about this pattern, however.  Good luck!

JulieK Suffolk
Posts: 28

I realised this once I hit the button. Ah well someone hopefully might have it in their stash. I don't mind covering copying and postage costs.

Got a bargain piece of lovely mohair so looking for a big project!

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