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I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

I haven't yet posted to this thread, but I think what everyone's doing is great!   :clap:   I want to get back to exercising again, but I'm too sissy to commit on this thread.  I seem to do best though when I don't think about it; instead, I just do it.  Not sure if this makes sense. 

Does anyone have any exercise videos they recommend?  I'm not looking for yoga or pilates though.  I would like some stuff to get my heart pumping; I guess I'm looking for cardio stuff.  I don't want to get bored.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
All Bear wrote:

I love the idea of a balance ball!  That looks such fun ... I think I'd spend too much time rolling around the floor in fits of giggles every time I slipped off though!  bear_tongue

My favourite exercise is just to walk - I love it.  It picks me up, dusts me down and energises me.  Trouble is, finding the time to escape ... *sighs*

So instead, I step on my little stepper thing, whilst waggling pretty pink girlie dumbells around wildly.  This is of course done in the privacy of my boudoir ... after all, I wouldn't wish the sight of me clad in just my undies, whilst huffin' and puffin' like an ol' steam engine on my poor kids!  They'd laugh their socks off!!  :lol:

Same as me Paula but having four dogs means I have to always find time.I sometimes get up feeling weary about all I have to do but after 2 hours on the beach I am just dandy!!!I also have a stepper which I go on a night and weights.Mine are quite big though as I still have the arms I had as a powerlifter.Last night I tried my daughters girlie weights while trampolining.It was such fun.She as a small rebounder and I put the music on and did above front and side punches while bouncing in a lady like manner.Great fun!!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hi all......hope everyone's still sticking to it.

Wooohoooo  the hubs has lost 7 lbs.  That means I am 7lbs closer to getting chocolate again!!!!

(I can hardly wait.....but I can't tell him that......I just want him to feel better)

I got a new medication yesterday.  I am really jazzed.  It has the same side effects as an opiate but they are less severe and less potential for abuse.

I am always worried about abuse, but my doc says the fact I am so paranoid about it and only use half the doseges she allows tells her she doesn't have to worry.  i surely am glad she is so confident....I'll still watch it closely.

But the neat thing about it is that because it relieves muscle pain so well I can use it more frequently and that means I can do more. 

I have started the stretching exercises that the doctors say are necessary.....and that feels good.....when I get a little looser I can begin the yoga again.   

I thank God for doctors, and their educated guessing.  And for medications that make us better able to function.

I am so very grateful to you guys too......this condition has made me withdraw from society- because I couldn't drive, couldn't focus, couldn't tolerate excess stimuli.

I think with some of the new medications I have been given I will be able to do things again. 

Oh...yeah, why am I grateful for you guys.....lets see......hmmmm......goood question!

Oh....I really am, because you guys are so great.  Even when I couldn't get up I could still use the lap top....and there you are.

I have been on 2x in the last 6 months where I was the only one- the rest of the time one of you is here and there are funny wonderful posts, and a wealth of wisdom being shared and so many wonderful ideas that makes a girl want to try everything!

I am grateful because you guys are so supportive of everyone, each other, all of us

I am grateful because you are so willing to share what you have tried

I am grateful because you are so willing to teach

I am gratecful because you post pictures

of your bears

your cats, dogs, ponys, horses, and any other fur friends you have

your kids

your homes

your work rooms

am grateful for Jane's whimsical parties that make us all laugh
maybe I will go to the next party?  I don't know.

for our silly songs

and support-You support each other all the time.  And even when the support isn't for me it is still heart warming to read how you support each other.

I don't think you all realize how incredable you are.

We have all been in ladies groups.  We know how groups can deteriorate into bitch sessions.

But you guys- all of you, each and every one of you, is so special and so loving and giving that sometimes you just plum take my breath away!

Oh and I am down 3 lbs......

bear_wub  :hug:  bear_wub


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Oh Dilu, we are glad for you to!

Congrats the hubs on his 7 lbs, and congrats to you as well. 3lbs is great for a week. Plus, I'm feeling like I really need some chips today, so reading your post, I know I can get past it now.


Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

I'm pouting...I've eaten salad ALL week and have been a really good girl...I've only lost about 1/2 kilo (1 pound).

My problem is my knees.  I've been showing 'Penny the Pug' each weekend and whilst it's been fun cos we're winning really big awards(Puppy in Show last week and Best of Breed and puppy in group yesterday) its killing my knees and I can't do much exercise during the week.  I can bearly climb on my eliptical thingie.

I'm judging next weekend in Toowoomba (north about 1000 miles) so will be on my feet all weekend and should hopefully lose some kilos, but will probably be stiff as @#$* for the next few days....its like a vicious circle.

Oh, woe is me....OK I've had my whinge and I feel guilty when I read about your probs and how gallantly you deal with them.  Dilu you're a gem :hug:  :hug:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Miss Wee Scone wrote

I sometimes get up feeling weary about all I have to do but after 2 hours on the beach I am just dandy

Honey... if I had access and time to spend two hours on the beach, I'd feel fine and dandy, too!  Isn't the sound of those rolling, crashing waves just the BEST for easing away all of life's stressors.  I went to school at UCLA, undergrad and graduate school, and we were mere minutes from the beach in Santa Monica and Malibu.  I spent a lot of time there as a young gal and now that I live in utterly land-locked Chico, in an agricultural valley -- with blossoms and hills and creeks and many pleasures of its own -- I have to say the one thing I miss desperately is just the sound of, and access to, the ocean.

Your visual -- one of walking dogs endlessly on miles of soft sand -- just made me smile wistfully.  Thanks for the nice midday treat!

PS  What does the beach in Scotland look like?  I'm imagining, very much NOT the sweltering, bikini-strewn, surf-rich beaches of my Santa Cruz friendly childhood, or my Santa Monica rich early adulthood.  Show us a picture!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,879

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

If you can't be physically at the beach, Shelli, get one of those sound machine thingies and you can at least hear those waves crashing.  Glenys, even 1 pound is something to be proud of - good on you - and all of you that are making progress - almost time to start posting!  bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_shocked

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

At least it's not 1LB gained. That's what I say.

And yes, I've also been eating salad all week.  bear_wacko

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I hadn't properly read this thread since I decided that this year I would not make a resolution that I just simply break around February (or January)...

I can't be bothered with weight-loss regimes right now and though I probably do need to lose weight I'm not someone who lives to eat, though I have, like all the women in our family, inherited the tendency for roundness rather than straight up and down!! I wish I'd inherited my dads slim physique..instead of my mothers blubber.

No, my decision ought to be to get my paperwork organised once and for all....I have a box full of receipts, cheque-stubs bank and business card statements and stuff...and, as I have to have my tax return done in three weeks and counting I am beginning to ish I hadn't just chucked it all in the box to do ' later'.

It won't take me long to sort out but I loath and detest paperwork.

So it matters not how fat or slim you are, when the tax man asks how many bears you sold last year, you gotta tell him.....on time...or else

So that's my tentative get my books in order.....but don't hold your breath.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

As I sit here looking out the window at the snow falling and wind blowing a walk on miles of beach with the dogs sounds so warm and wonderful. Though in Scotland I'm thinking it can't be a whole lot warmer right now! But in Hawaii....... ahhhhhh!!! Isn't it great that as creative people we can have a vivid imagination and mentally tansport ourselves to just about anywhere?!?!

And walking in the sand gives you twice the work out of walking in the road!  bear_thumb  Hmmmm... too bad the mental imagery isn't enough to shed those pounds!!

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
Shelli wrote:

Miss Wee Scone wrote

I sometimes get up feeling weary about all I have to do but after 2 hours on the beach I am just dandy

Honey... if I had access and time to spend two hours on the beach, I'd feel fine and dandy, too!  Isn't the sound of those rolling, crashing waves just the BEST for easing away all of life's stressors.  I went to school at UCLA, undergrad and graduate school, and we were mere minutes from the beach in Santa Monica and Malibu.  I spent a lot of time there as a young gal and now that I live in utterly land-locked Chico, in an agricultural valley -- with blossoms and hills and creeks and many pleasures of its own -- I have to say the one thing I miss desperately is just the sound of, and access to, the ocean.

Your visual -- one of walking dogs endlessly on miles of soft sand -- just made me smile wistfully.  Thanks for the nice midday treat!

PS  What does the beach in Scotland look like?  I'm imagining, very much NOT the sweltering, bikini-strewn, surf-rich beaches of my Santa Cruz friendly childhood, or my Santa Monica rich early adulthood.  Show us a picture!

I find if I don't get my two hour march I get less done.I feel a bit tight in the neck and worry about my health and my dogs health.I drop my daughter at school and stop off at the beach on the way home.I look on that time as my social life ,hobby and relaxation all in one.I get up at five in the summer and I am home by 7.30 .In the winter I just work late into the evening.
I am glad the thought of us on the beach makes you smile.It is beautiful here.I will take a picture when I get a better day.Mostly at the moment it is blowing an icy gale into my face and the ground is frosty white.We have a rough coastline and get lots of waves.It is a good place for suring.The wee scottish hobbit in Lord of The Rings surfs at one of my many beaches.
The coastline is craggy with not much soft sand.When we do come upon a nice beachy part the dogs go wild and chase eah other.There are lots of seals and cormorants around this time of year.I now I am lucky to spend my mornings this way.Even in the snow and pouring rain I love it.I have arthritis after years of long distance running and I think the sea air and walking keeps it at bay.
You sound like a very hard working lady.Make sure you find time for thngs that make you smile!!!!You deserve it.

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

this is the one me, the one who did not eat what she should have eaten , who drank fruit juice and more fruit juice, ( its was just so yummy) who did not bother with eating the right portions ( was too lazy)( too stressed)
result: weight stayed exactly the same
this is the other me, I did run/walk for 5 days, ( I had to do something) I did only weigh myself once.

I am tackling some needle felting and joining in Judi's class, so TT is getting me onto the right track, and  its the 9th of January, thank you gals and guys (are their guys????) I am enjoying myself, learning, and most of all getting so much more encouragement in my bear making.
bear_original  Lynette

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Wow...what a busy bunch of TT'ers.  I usually eat fairly healthy anyway...except for a huge bowl of potato soup I ate yesterday...okay it was two huge bowls.  HOWEVER, I have forced myself to walk on my treadmill at least once every day all week for 20 minutes...and some days I did it in twice.  I'd prefer to walk outside but I live in the driveway is 1/2 mile long and we've had twice the normal rainfall for January and its only the 10th...with more rain on the way.  I might grow webbed feet at this rate.


Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

I walked this morning 5am so I am feeling it 1/2 hour does make a difference let me tell you and for some reason I wasn't sleeping well. 
But I got up and did it and although a bit sluggish I will be fine.  Ate sensibly yesterday and resisted all the treats the girls tried to give to me. They didn't mind they got to eat them. Ha!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,879

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Keep it up all you challengees!!  You're doing great!

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