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Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Just thought I'd post here.  Tammy I do see your listing now... but I believe you when you said you could not find it earlier... cause now MINE is gone too!  If you do a search you can find it, but if you browse thur all 14 pages of One of a Kind Artist bears... it is not there.  Ebay's "Live Help" is swamped... so I have a feeling that yes, there is a problem.

I emailed eBay.  If everyone who is having this problem brings it to their attention, maybe they will realize that is IS a problem on their end and it is not that we did not wait long enough for the listing to show.  My listing WAS showing up in the category listings last night and is gone this morning.   I have a feeling (based on the others who had this problem) that it will pop back on later today.... just hope it doesn't disappear again in the last few hours of the auction!

Here's a copy of my email to eBay if any are interested:

This is regarding item #5657655516.  It is not showing up in the catagory when you just browse thru the catagory.  It does show up if you do a search. 

It was listed last night in: Listed in category: Dolls & Bears > Bears > Artist > Artist, One of a Kind

It WAS showing up in the category when browsing the catagory last night.  It does not show at this time.  (so only people who do a search for me can find my listing).  The listing has not been revised.

I have had many of my other bear artist friends have the same problem... their listing seems to "disappear" from the category if you just browse the category (AFTER it was already IN the category)- and then appears again.

Thank you,
Laura Matthews

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

* The Search and Browse system is temporarily unavailable.
      Please try one of the following options:
          o Return in a few minutes and try again.
          o If you know the specific item you're looking for, try searching by item number.

So, the problem is with the browsing system...  bear_sad

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

I am currently in a live chat with ebay about this issue.  I'll see what they tell me and let you know.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Thank you Tammy!!!!!

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Marion is correct, Search and Browse (or maybe just browse) have been having problems for several days now.  I don't have anything running right now (whew!), but in trying to find other people's auctions, they seem to come and go or entire pages are missing.  Just when I was thinking of putting something new on eBay, too... guess I'll wait!


Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Well, I just finished my long live chat with a very helpful lady.  Although we didn't figure out the issues she tried hard to help.  1 Bonus point for Ebay  :clap:   My screen showed 666 bears listed which was correct , but my bear was hiding from me and not the chat lady.  Just like you guys can see my bear but I can't . Strangely when I changed my display options from 100 per page to 50 per page my bear suddenly appeared !   

But, when I search for my item under the " Where is my item " feature is shows under Current listing page 3 , (update:  I actually found it on page 2).   It does show under "New listings" and "In the Gallery" on the correct pages.

Here are the steps if you are interested :
1) Click on the "Site map Link" at the top of the Ebay page
2)  In the center of the page under " Seller Activities" scroll down to "Where Is My Item ?"
3)  Type in your item # and click submit
4)  A page will appear with the exact places you can find your item.   This is where mine showed the page under Current Items- When I clicked on it I couldn't see my item still.  We never figured that out.  UPDATE:  I FOUND IT ON A DIFFERENT PAGE THAN WAS STATED.

Good luck to all of us with ebay this week.  It certain seems like it will be a challenge !

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Thank you so much Tammy!!

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Thanks dear Tammy !! :hug:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Thank you again Tammy!  Thanks to some points you brought up .... I did some research and found this:

When I'm browsing the category with "Default" Settings in "Customize your search" (IE:  50 items per page) my item does not show up when the category is "Sorted by" "Newest Listed First". 

However it DOES show up when browsing via ALL the other options (except "ending today" as it does not end today)

If I change my preferences to show 100 items per page, then yes, my item DOES show up when the category is "Sorted By" "Newest Listed First"... just not when in default mode of 50 items... which is probably what MOST people use.


So although eBay does not like multiple emails about one item, I felt it was important enough to send them a 2nd email....

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

That is really helpful information. I have had problems in the past with ebay listings, and not being able to find mine. Next time I will use that "Where is my Item" so I'll know where it is. I usually search thru the pages and that can be time consuming as heck.
I have had problems with the pictures not working on my listings, and my listings only showing up on myebay page. But they were fixed with in a day. The problems I have had have always been on the Ebay end of it too.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Hi everyone,
    I am sorry you are having trouble with your listings, but honestly, now I know I am not crazy.  I have listed two auctions since Saturday and both of them have disappeared for a few hours at a time AFTER they were already showing up.  The best I could figure out, the trouble starts when they go from one page to another.  The times at the bottom of one page and the top of the next page, had up to 4 hours of listings missing.  It seems to me that a whole page is disappearing at a time.  It took a few hours to correct itself, but that's at the beginning of the listimg, when most browsers would spot it!
     The first time I wrote to them, I got a generic not about how long it takes listings to show up and how to serch for them - I was livid.  The second time I was extremely specific about the problem and also filled out their "have we helped you" survey" with all the same details.  The problem is, that by the time a tech person at ebay answers the email, it's fixed and they aren't about to give any refunds. 
     I couldn't figure out where to go for Live Help - how to get them?  Thanks so much for your posting Tammy - I don't have any bears to list right now, as we are moving, but I think I would wait a bit, till this is corrected anyway.  Neither of my bears are doing very well - ended up extending one listing to five days and posting the second one in Feature Plus to try and make up the viewing time.  Take care and bye for now.



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