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Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

As my daughter would say...bllueeerrrghh!!!!  bear_grin

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

WOW Jane... I didn't know a lot of that...

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

I love all animals......I don't consider bugs, spiders and such animals, just ugly things that I have to deal with.  bear_tongue My favorite animals are bears, all kinds..Panda bears were my favorite, now taken over by the Moon Bears. Koalas are awesome.  bear_thumb Penguins I think are my favorite at present.  bear_wub After being among them, walking in the colonies, watching them walk to and from the ocaen, listening to the noise, watching the chicks chase the parent and the Skuas trying to get their food, I have to admire Penguins. I have found the addition of penguins to my bear line-up has produced some interesting after-effects. People seem to like them, perhaps March Of The Penguins has something to do with Penguin interest.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I started to read this post before bed last night... didn't get far as Penny mentioned sp...sp... spiders  bear_cry  and I just knew I'd have nightmares!!! Can't imagine dreaming about that blob fish, though!! ACK!!! Though perhaps he'd have eaten the spiders??? Sorry, Pen!

My favorite animal? I love most all of them... the FURRY kind.... but really love chipmunks!!! They are so cute!!! And smart and they love to tease my dogs, running along the top of the kennel, just out of reach. Hee Hee!!  :twisted:

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

wow! this topic looks like very fun!

Erin, I'm with Melissa...coming to the Zoo... bear_rolleyes  bear_whistle  :twisted:
can-t wait to get to San Diego.. bear_whistle  bear_whistle ....maybe in my next life I'll be born in States... :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  (or maybe in the ZOO bear_laugh  bear_laugh  )...

I love all normal animals...but I adore IGUANAS. I WANT ONE!! but it's too cold for them over here... bear_cry

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

greatwhiteshark.jpgCome on  then....give us kiss bear_wub

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Ahhh look atthis happy face.01-28-great-white-shark-mural.jpg

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Pen said;

It's black and white and jumps a lot

Are you sure you aren't speaking of the good Sister Ruth who taught second grade when I was a wee one but horribly trying on all teachers?

Now she WAS a dear in her own right, but also a bit strange......


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Pen said;

It's black and white and jumps a lot

Are you sure you aren't speaking of the good Sister Ruth who taught second grade when I was a wee one but horribly trying on all teachers?

Now she WAS a dear in her own right, but also a bit strange......

HA HA HA HA HA - she sounds a scream Dilu  bear_angry  i bet she had you screaming anyway!

Penny  bear_wub

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Now that I'm totally freaked out by all the postings, I'm going to go think happy thoughts to erase all the wierd critters you people put in my brain.  Off to the studio.......

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Chickens have to be my favorite "weird" animal (or bird-whatever!) They do the dumbest things. I used to have a banty hen who would fly up to one of the horse's back and go for a ride.  She'd stay there for at least an hour, and the horse really didn't care either.  I also had a pet chicken named Stubby when I was little.  He was an old banty rooster that was blind in one eye and had stubs for legs (they were frozen off one winter).  I carried him around under my arm and would even sneak him into my grandma's house.  He loved pecking crumbs under the kitchen floor! bear_grin   I still have chickens, and currently the goofiest one is a young rooster that follows me everywhere and begs for something to eat.  He as almost followed me right into the house.  I have to watch him, cuz he's not pecking crumbs under MY table! bear_grin  bear_grin


BearBottoms 'Bear' Bottoms Originals
Ft. Bragg, NC
Posts: 2,465

Well, I'm going waaaay back on subject in this post, but my husband can touch his nose with his tongue, too!  Don't ask.....

Kimberly W.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

dilu can turn her tongue upside down and thouight it quite normal till she learned not every one could.....she can do it very quickly either side and it is quite gross.......thank goodness there is no one to take video and no way to show it!

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

I am laughing so hard I can hardly gals are helarious...gads what a group!...

I have so many weird animals I find interesting... like the sea horse...such a dainty thing . The kids and I  once found a sizable mass of seeaweed laying out of the water along the was just full of sea horses. all sizes...we spent a lot of time breaking it up in parts we could handle then putting it back into the the horses day.
I like those little 1/4" black jumpy spiders...they will actually play with you...on a table top.
They can jump in any direction from where they stand,,,good for many laughs...Winney

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Kim, that blob fish is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. 

My favorite animals are bears and dogs.  Erin, the San Diego zoo is great.  I went when I was 10 and made my mom stay and watch the bears for a couple of hours. 

Although not really strange, I also love buffalo.  I've seen them in Wyoming and South Dakota and just am wowed by them.  I think they're impressive animals.

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Clione.jpgHere is a lovely fish, Clione the " Angel of drift ice ".

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Mine's not so strange (that blob sure is strange!) I've always really loved elephants.  I think it's something about their huge, dependable size and in the wild, their sheer majesty.  I like cuddly ones too of course!!

I think it all started when I was a very wee lass and my uncle was in hospital.  He had been playing on the railway lines near his home and by some miracle, wasn't quite finished off when a train hit him.  As part of his very long recovery period, the hospital staff encouraged him to stitch a little pink elephant with big pink ears.  I was only a tiddler back then and so he bestowed 'Ellie' on me.  'Ellie' got herself loved to baldness - her ears and even her felt eyes wore away eventually, but guess what, I'm 43 years old now and I still have her!!

Hey, maybe that's where my bear-making gene came from?  I never thought of that before!!!

krystolla Fuzzbutt Bears
Columbus Ohio
Posts: 87

For weirdness nothing beats the platypus -- the only venomous mammal in existence (and quite nasty venom, IIRC) and one of very few egg laying mammals. Not to mention the beak! When the first ones were brought back to Britian by explorer types (not still alive, alas) they were assumed to be sewn together from bits of other animals to fool the naturalists. I figure platypus are proof that Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

Also very cool are puffer fish, my boyfriend is a fish-fanatic and we had a spotted puffer fish for a while. They eat snails (you can hear them crunching) and are very smart. Zepplin was very aware of his surroundings in and outside the tank -- he'd zip around trying to get attention if someone was sitting next to his tank. He'd also throw tantrums (trying to jump out of the tank) if you fed him boring pellet food instead of his favorite snails or beef heart. Most of the fish with interesting behavior are really large, but the puffer was just the size of a quarter and was overflowing with personality.

Just one more: Weedy sea dragons. They are a type of seahorse that developed to look like underwater weeds. I could spend hours in front of their tank at the Columbus zoo . . . they just hang in the water and drift, even though they are shaped, well, really alot like dragons. Here's a picture:

-- Erika
Fuzzbutt Bears

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Wow..I love those weedy sea dragons. they really are colorful and  interesting...Winney

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Not strange...but mysterious.....Moles..the kind that dig your lawn up...I am fascinated and would love to find one....but they are such shy creatures you never see them....I might make one...........Hmmmmmmm

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

You can come look through my yard Jenny.  We've got a whole family of the little boogers digging up 3 acres!

Oooh, I love the weedy sea horses/dragons!  We had those at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, and I could have stayed there all day watching them. 

I love puffer fish too...they're huge blue eyes are amazing, and they've got such incredible personalities....

Sorry, I'm gonna pass on the sharks ~ deep water, replete with sharks are my one true deep seated fear!!!  bear_cry   I think it comes from the fact that I realize how incredibly slow humans are in the water.  It makes me a part of the food chain, and not a very adept one at that!  bear_laugh  So I'll stay on land, thanks..

My favorite strange animal has to be the pangolin....  They've got spines so when they curl up for protection, they look like a giant pinecone!  They don't have teeth, and use a their long sticky tongues to eat ants and termites.  I just think they're VERY cool!   bear_wub

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

For me, it has to be a Meerkat, followed closely by a Bush Baby.....



But the most strange, that's got to be the human.....

Jo-Ann G Budd Bears Boutique
BC, Canada
Posts: 241

molerat.jpgI watched a TV show on a Naked Mole-Rat, definately not my favourite but I thought it was strange.

"Naked mole-rats are 7 to 8 cm long, with a 1 cm long tail. They weigh between 25 and 40 g. They have little to no hair throughout their body. Their skin is wrinkled and pinkish or yellowish. Their eyes are very small and barely used for sight. They have very small external ears and a good sense of smell. They have very noticeable front teeth that stick out beyond flaps of skin that close off the rest of the mouth. Their nose opens directly above their front teeth, but a skin flap protects it against sand and dirt."

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I LOVE the nine-banded armadillo!  They are quite abundant in Texas, but end up as road kill very frequently.  Instead of running like crazy to get across roads, they jump straight up in the air when they see headlights!  Dummies!!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Jenny, we have lots of moles on our property and unfortunately they don't seem to have good hearing to compensate for their lack of sight.  I've seem maaaany dead ones. Our cats catch them all the time.  We have a large patch of land in the back and sometimes the cat will just be sitting and starring at the ground - I think they can actually hear them under the ground.    It's sad, but I guess they are just doing what cats are meant to do - keep the rhodent polulation under control.  I'm just grateful that one cat is too old and the other one is too stupid to catch birds.



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